Any development that falls into any of the following categories requires approval of a Land Development Plan by the City Engineer prior to commencement of any earth-disturbing activity. The content of a Land Development Plan and the procedure for its submission and approval are set forth in Sections 1153.03 through 1153.07 of this Title.
   (a)   Development Located in a Zone of Medium or High Landslip/Soil Slippage Potential. Whenever any development is proposed for a parcel of land, regardless of size, that is located within a zone of medium or high landslip/soil slippage potential (see Section 1152.02(ff) “Definitions” and Section 1155.01, Appendix A), the developer shall submit a Land Development Plan that evaluates that potential and describes how the applicant will minimize the negative impact of development of slope stability.
      This requirement for prior approval of a development plan shall not apply to the following:
      (1)   Additions of no more than one hundred percent (100%) to the floor area of an existing single-family dwelling or an accessory structure;
      (2)   Individual cemetery graves;
      (3)   Excavations for wells;
      (4)   Borings and other exploratory excavations under the direction of a geologist or soil engineer;
      (5)   New accessory structures for a single-family dwelling not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the floor area of the existing dwelling.
      (6)   Repair of existing utility lines and/or facilities.
   (b)   Development to Affect Stream Channel. Whenever a development is proposed that will affect one or more stream channels, the developer shall submit a Land Development Plan that describes the proposed effect on the channel and the flow of water in the channel and demonstrates how such effect will be compensated for.
   (c)    Development Area Disturbing One Acre or More or Within A Common Plan of Development. Whenever a proposed development area consists of one acre or more, and earth disturbing activities are proposed for the whole area or any part thereof, the developer shall submit a plan prepared and certified by a Professional Civil Engineer for slope stability maintenance, for water quality, management, and for erosion and sediment pollution control.
      (Ord. 279(22-23). Passed 6-15-23.)