(A) Extreme care shall be taken in opening concrete pavements to prevent damage to the adjoining pavement. Unless specific approval is obtained from the Village Engineer, pavement shall be opened with the use of paving breakers or by pneumatic drilling outlining the cut, followed by the use of paving breakers.
(B) Opening in concrete pavement shall be restored in compliance with City of Cincinnati Standard Drawing No. 734 attached hereto and the following specifications in division (C) below.
(C) The thickness of the new concrete pavement shall be two inches greater than the original pavement where the opening was made, but in any case the thickness shall be not less than eight inches. The edge of the pavement under the old concrete pavement shall be undermined in a manner similar to that prescribed for concrete base in § 153.11. The opening shall be squared by straight lines, enclosing the opening placed not less than two inches at any point from the original edges. This squaring shall be done by sawing, use of pneumatic chisels, or manually. Squaring shall not be vertical, but the edges shall be flared in toward the center of the opening, while the bottom of the existing concrete pavement shall be slightly undercut to aid in keying the restored pavement. The old reinforcement shall be straightened out into the new pavement and the deficiency supplied by a strip of new 42 pound 1004 mesh lapping back on the old reinforcement. The concrete shall be l:5 mix air entrained concrete as specified in the construction and material specifications of § 153.08.
(D) Prior to the placing of any concrete, the sides of the existing pavement shall be thoroughly washed with clean water. The subgrade shall be dampened. Longitudinal openings exceeding 20 feet in length shall be restored with concrete having a slump of three inches or less.
(E) This concrete shall be vibrated with an internal type vibrator giving particular attention to the pavement edges. Restoration of and small longitudinal openings in concrete pavements shall be made with concrete having a maximum slump of one inch. This concrete shall be thoroughly tamped in place. The finish shall match the surrounding pavement. Curing shall be done in accordance with the construction and material specifications of § 153.08.
(F) The area shall be blocked against traffic for the period of time the Village Engineer deems necessary to prevent damage to the restored pavement. Sufficient warning lights will be displayed to prevent accidents to pedestrians or traffic. If, in the opinion of the Mayor, it is inadvisable to block the street area against traffic for the time required for the setting of ordinary concrete, the permittee shall be required to use an approved brand of quick setting cement, or a lower water cement ratio, or an approved accelerator. Similar steps may be required by the Village Engineer if the base is poured when the temperature is below 40°F.
(2000 Code, § 153.13) (Ord. O-23-81, passed 10-26-1981)