In a Business District, the following uses shall be classified as conditionally permitted uses and may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals, subject to the requirements of §§ 154.270 et seq. and the following conditions:
   (A)   Service stations.
      (1)   General conditions for gasoline service stations.
         (a)   Site - minimum of one acre.
         (b)   Yard requirements as follows:
            1.   Frontage. Minimum frontage on the primary street of 125 feet.
            2.   Building setback.
               a.   Required minimum setback of 100 feet from all street right-of-way lines.
               b.   A 15 feet deep unobstructed buffer strip shall be provided next to the right-of- way and parking in this strip shall be prohibited.
            3.   Rear yard. A required minimum of 75 feet where the use abuts a residential area or 40 feet abutting a nonresidential area.
            4.   Side yard. A required minimum of 75 feet where the use abuts a residential area or 40 feet where abutting a nonresidential area.
            5.   Lot coverage. A maximum of 20% shall be permitted.
      (2)   Driveways.
         (a)   Maximum width of curb openings for stations should not be more than 35 feet or less than 20 feet.
         (b)   No driveway or curb cut for a driveway shall be located within ten feet of any adjoining property line or within 20 feet of an exterior (corner) lot line as extended.
         (c)   Any two driveways giving access to a single street shall be separated by a buffer strip with a minimum distance of 20 feet between the edge of the two driveways.
         (d)   The angle of intersection of the center line of the driveway with the center line of the street shall be not less than 60 degrees.
      (3)   Landscaping.
         (a)   Any unpaved areas of the site shall be landscaped or maintained in a dust free condition and separated from the paved areas by a curb or other barrier.
         (b)   There shall be a parking space for each employee (with a minimum of two employee spaces) plus one space for each service bay, plus one space for each restroom provided.
         (c)   Exterior lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties to prevent possible glare.
      (4)   Signs. The provisions of §§ 154.210 et seq. shall apply in this district.
      (5)   Service equipment.
         (a)   Gasoline pump islands, compressed air connections and other equipment shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from the right-of-way line.
         (b)   Hydraulic hoists, pits and all lubrication, washing and repair equipment shall be enclosed within a building.
      (6)   Repair work. No major repair work shall be conducted in a gas station.
      (7)   Outdoor storage of vehicles. Under any and all conditions shall be limited to 72 hours.
   (B)   Motor vehicle/boat/recreational vehicle repair shop. General conditions for motor vehicle/boat/recreational repair garages.
      (1)   Buildings used for such purposes shall not be nearer than 75 feet from any residential area.
      (2)   Repairs shall be conducted completely within an enclosed building.
      (3)   One off-street parking space for each employee shall be provided in addition to one space for each 250 square feet of floor space to accommodate loading and unloading of materials, customer parking and storage of vehicles repaired and to be repaired.
      (4)   All signs shall conform to the requirements set forth in §§ 154.210 et seq.
   (C)   Automobile automatic wash station and self-served coin operated facility. General conditions for automobile automatic wash and polish station and self-served coin operated facility.
      (1)   An automobile washing and polishing establishment shall provide reserve space off street for not less than ten automobiles per washing bay in an automatic wash facility and five automobiles per washing bay in a coin operated facility.
      (2)   One off-street parking space shall be provided for each two employees plus one space for the owner or manager.
      (3)   All outside lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties.
      (4)   Each lot for an automatic car wash and polishing establishment shall contain a minimum frontage of 125 feet and a depth of 200 feet.
      (5)   (a)   The wastewater shall be handled according to accepted County Health Board practices.
         (b)   The use shall be located at least 100 feet from any lot used residentially.
      (6)   Retail sales of related commercial products shall be permitted.
      (7)   Vehicles serviced and repair work shall not be permitted.
      (8)   Automobile washing and polishing services shall be performed wholly within a totally enclosed building, with the exception that finishing of vehicles may be conducted outside the building.
      (9)   Washing and polishing facilities when located adjacent to a residential area shall be used only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
      (10)   The building shall be a minimum of 40 feet from the side lot line.
   (D)   Funeral home.
      (1)   Minimum site size shall be one acre with a minimum width of 150 feet.
      (2)   (a)   The proposed site shall front upon a major thoroughfare.
         (b)   The ingress and egress to the site shall be directly from the thoroughfare.
      (3)   No more than 30% of the gross site area shall be covered by buildings, including accessory buildings.
      (4)   All signs shall conform to the requirements set forth in §§ 154.210 et seq.
      (5)   Off-street parking shall be provided in conformance with the schedule outlined in §§ 154.185 et seq.
   (E)   Travel trailer park. Conditions for travel trailer park.
      (1)   Camp size. Minimum of ten acres.
      (2)   Yard.  
         (a)   Minimum front yard of 70 feet, minimum side yards of 45 feet each side, minimum rear yard of 60 feet.
         (b)   If either side abuts a public or private right-of-way, the minimum yard shall be 55 feet.
         (c)   The first 20 feet of each yard setback shall be composed of a green planting strip (buffer zone).
      (3)   Access.
         (a)   Shall be provided into the camp with a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet.
         (b)   Marginal access roads may be required if deemed necessary by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (4)   Streets.
         (a)   Shall have a minimum right-of-way of 20 feet and be all-weather roads.
         (b)   Streets may be placed within the yard setback but not within the buffer zone.
      (5)   Recreation and open space. Twenty five percent of the gross camp areas shall be reserved for such uses excluding yards, camp sites, buffer zones, submerged lands and streets.
      (6)    Requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code. All requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code shall be met.
      (7)   Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings and uses which are appropriate to the parks operation may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (F)   Cabins/cottages. Conditions for cabins/cottages.
      (1)   The maximum number of cabins and cottages per acre shall not exceed five.
      (2)   Each cabin and cottage used for residential occupancy shall be provided with two off-street parking spaces.
      (3)   (a)   Cabins and cottages shall be separated from each other by a minimum distance of 15 feet.
         (b)   This measurement shall be from the nearest point of one building to the nearest point of the adjacent building.
      (4)   One principal dwelling shall be permitted, provided that the setback requirements of the Business District shall be met.
      (5)   Cabins/cottages shall be not less than 500 square feet and not more than 900 square feet.
      (6)   All other requirements of the Business District shall be met.
   (G)   [Reserved]
   (H)   Multi-family dwelling. The provisions of §§ 154.076 et seq. shall apply in this district.
   (I)   Golf course. See § 154.051.
   (J)   Child day-care center/Type A family day-care home. See § 154.051.
   (K)   [Reserved].
   (L)   Home occupation. See § 154.051.
(Ord. passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3, 2009, passed 2-12-2009; Am. Ord. 7, 2011, passed 6-23-2011; Ord. 15-2022, passed 10-12-2022) Penalty, see § 154.999