14-9-1 Unauthorized installation and repair prohibited
Town utilities shall be connected only by authorized town employees or agents. It is unlawful for any person to connect to or repair any town utility service.
14-9-2 Turning on water without authority prohibited
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to connect to the town water utility a water service that the water department has disconnected.
Ordinance 2015.015 modified section 14-9-2 by changing “utilities department” to “water department”
14-9-3 Escaping water prohibited; applicability; exceptions
Ordinance 2012.12 comprehensively revised section 14-9-3, formerly entitled “Escaping water flow or runoff prohibited”
A.   No person shall allow water to escape from his or her premises onto public property, such as drainageways, alleys, roads or streets.
B.   No person shall allow water to escape from his or her premises onto any other person’s property without that other person’s express written permission.
C.   This section shall apply to all property located within the Marana town limits and to all property located outside the Marana town limits that is served by the Marana water utility.
D.   This section shall not apply to the following:
   1.   Stormwater runoff.
   2.   Irrigation of landscaping on public property as expressly authorized by the owner of the public property.
   3.   Reasonable, short-duration runoff from the washing of vehicles.
   4.   Broken or malfunctioning irrigation equipment, provided that the escape of water is halted promptly and in any event not more than 24 hours after the responsible party has actual notice of the break or malfunction.
   5.   Disposal of pool or spa backwash water in conformance with section 314 of the 2006 Marana pool and spa code.
   6.   Any escape of water which is, in the opinion of the investigating code compliance officer, similar in nature or scope to the exceptions set forth in this section.
Ordinance 2015.015 modified the introductory paragraph of section 14-9-4 by changing “utilities department” to “water department”
14-9-4 Interference, tampering with utility facilities
No person shall do any of the following without a permit from the water department or in violation of permit conditions, except under the fire department’s direction during a fire:
A.   Open or close any fire hydrant or valve connected to the town’s water system.
B.   Lift or remove any valve, shutoff cover, or manhole lid.
C.   Tap into the town water distribution system or wastewater collection system.
D.   Otherwise remove water from the town water utility system.
E.   Otherwise discharge into the town wastewater collection system.
14-9-5 Damaging or defacing facilities
It is unlawful for any person to destroy, deface, impair, damage, or force open any gate, door, reservoir, building, storage tank, manhole, treatment facility, pump station, fence, fixture, or other property appertaining to town utilities.