17-4-19 Zone C - large lot zone
A.   Permitted uses. Within zone C, any residential, commercial, industrial, or quasi-public land use shall be permitted, so long as each separate activity is conducted on a lot no smaller than 25 acres. Agricultural uses, as listed in section 17-4-2, table 2 (Use matrix), shall be permitted in zone C in the same circumstances as they are permitted in the AG zone per section 17-4-2, table 2, and subject to the same conditions per use as in the AG zone per section 17-4-3. table 3 (Conditions per use). This is not to be construed, however, to permit any land use that may be expressly prohibited within the town by other sections of this code, other ordinances of the town, or state or federal law.
B.   Density requirements. The maximum density allowed shall be one dwelling unit or one commercial, industrial, or quasi-public establishment per 25 acres.
C.   Setbacks. No building or structure, except a fence or wall that is not part of a building and not over six feet in height shall be constructed closer than ten feet to any side property line or closer than 40 feet plus one foot for each foot of building height in excess of ten feet above ground level to any front or rear property line. Where a lot is situated on the corner of two dedicated streets, each of the property lines along the right-of-way line of a dedicated street shall be considered to be a front property line, and each other property line shall be considered to be a side property line in determining allowable setbacks.
D.   Manufactured home. A manufactured home may be placed on any lot within zone C provided the following conditions are met:
   1.   There is an existing manufactured home on the lots adjacent to the lots in which the new manufactured home is to be placed. Adjacent, for the purposes of this section, means on either side, and means directly across the street, if one exists, and to the rear across an alley, if one exists.
   2.   Where the provisions of subparagraph 1 above do not exist, then a manufactured home may be placed on a lot with the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 17-3-2 (conditional use permits).
E.   Energy storage facilities. Energy storage facilities may be permitted in zone C subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 17-3-2 (conditional use permits), and in compliance with all development standards for energy storage facilities set forth in section 17-6-11.
Ordinance 2022.006 amended Section 17-4-19 A. Ordinance 2022.026 added Section 17-4-19 E.