17-4-17 Zone A - small lot zone
A.   Permitted uses. Within zone A, residential, commercial, industrial, and quasi-public land uses shall be permitted so long as each such land use is conducted on a lot no larger than 2.5 acres. Agricultural uses, as listed in section 17-4-2, table 2 (Use matrix), shall be permitted in zone A in the same circumstances as they are permitted in the AG zone per section 17-4-2, table 2, and subject to the same conditions per use as in the AG zone per section 17-4-3, table 3 (Conditions per use). Rezoning is not required to establish a use permitted in the neighborhood commercial (NC) zone, within an existing building or suite in a designated commercial area if the use can be accommodated within the existing building or suite without requiring a new retail commercial building permit. This is not, however, to be construed to permit any land use that may be specifically prohibited within the town by this or any other ordinance of the town or by state or federal law.
B.   Density requirements. There shall be no maximum density of land use per se, except that density of land use on any parcel of land within zone A shall be determined in part by prior density of land use and by setback requirements defined in this and other titles of this code or as may be determined by other applicable federal, state and local regulations.
C.   Setbacks.
   1.   The required front yard (setback) shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
   2.   The required side yard (setback) shall be a minimum of five feet, with a street side yard (setback) having a minimum of ten feet.
   3.   The required rear yard (setback) shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
D.   Building heights. Buildings and structures erected in this zone shall have a height not greater than 30 feet.
E.   Manufactured home. A manufactured home may be placed on any lot within zone A provided the following conditions are met:
   1.   There is an existing manufactured home on the lots adjacent to the lots in which the new manufactured home is to be placed. Adjacent, for the purposes of this section, means on either side, and means directly across the street, if one exists, and to the rear across an alley, if one exists.
   2.   Where the provisions of subparagraph 1 above do not exist, then a manufactured home may be placed on a lot with the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 17-3-2 (conditional use permits).
Ordinance 2022.006 amended Section 17-4-17 A.