17-18-6 Development standards
A.   Preferred siting. All applicants should, to the extent feasible, propose new facilities and substantial changes to existing facilities with designs according to the following preferences, ordered from most preferred to least preferred:
   1.   Collocations on existing base stations outside the right-of-way
   2.   Collocations on towers outside the right-of-way
   3.   Collocations on eligible support structures and utility poles in the right-of-way that are not exempt from zoning (see paragraph 17-18-4 B above)
   4.   New building-mounted facilities outside the right-of-way
   5.   New towers outside the right-of-way
   6.   New eligible support structures and utility poles in the right-of-way that are not exempt from zoning (see paragraph 17-18-4 B above).
B.   Preferred locations. All applicants should, to the extent feasible, propose new facilities and substantial changes to existing facilities in non-residential zones.
   1.   Non-residential preferences. Non-residential preferences are as follows, ordered from most preferred to least preferred:
      a.   Town-owned or -controlled parcels, not including right-of-way
      b.   Parcels in industrial zones
      c.   Parcels in commercial zones
      d.   Right-of-way in non-residential areas
   2.   Residential preferences. If an applicant seeks to site wireless facilities in a residential zone, the applicant should, to the extent feasible, propose new facilities and substantial changes to existing facilities in residential zones according to the following preferences, ordered from most preferred to least preferred:
      a.   In the right-of-way abutting a residential zone
      b.   Town-owned or -controlled parcels
      c.   Parcels that contain approved non-residential conditional uses and do not contain approved residential uses
      d.   Parcels that contain approved non-residential conditional uses and do contain approved residential uses
      e.   Parcels that do not contain single-family residences
      f.   All other parcels.
   3.   Additional alternative sites analysis. If an applicant proposes to locate a new facility or substantial change to an existing facility on a parcel that contains a single-family residence, the applicant shall provide an additional alternative sites analysis that at a minimum shall include a meaningful comparative analysis of all the alternative sites in the more preferred locations that the applicant considered, and states the underlying factual basis for concluding why each alternative in a more preferred location was:
      a.   Technically infeasible;
      b.   Not available; and/or
      c.   More intrusive.