(A) Membership. The City Planning Commission shall consist of 5 members appointed by the City Council.
(B) Term, vacancies, oath. The members shall serve a 1-year term. Members shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term.
(1985 Code, § 204.02)
(A) Officers.
(1) The members of the Commission shall appoint a Chairperson from among the appointed members for a term of 1 year.
(2) The members may create and fill other offices as it may determine.
(3) The City Deputy Clerk shall act as Zoning Administrator and as Secretary of the Planning Commission, but he or she shall not be a member of the Commission.
(4) The City Deputy Clerk shall act as the Secretary of the Planning Commission in the absence of the City Deputy Clerk.
(B) Meetings, records, reports.
(1) The Commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions and findings, which record shall be a public record.
(2) Expenditures of the Commission shall be within amounts appropriated for the purpose by the City Council.
(1985 Code, § 204.03)
(A) Any subdivision plat submitted to the Council for approval shall, prior to final approval, be referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation.
(B) Any plat so referred shall be returned to the Council by the Commission with its recommendations within 30 days, and failure of the Commission to report within that period is deemed have satisfied the requirements of this section.
(1985 Code, § 204.06)