The City Planning Commission shall reject applications for permits and the Director of Service or his or her selected representative shall refuse to issue any permit for the construction or placing of a building or dwelling upon any lot, parcel or tract of land fronting or abutting upon any road, street, highway, lane, boulevard or other public way in the City which has been dedicated but which lacks any or all of the necessary improvements. On temporary streets which are substantially improved with buildings fronting thereon, the permanent pavement requirements of Chapter 1020 may be dispensed with for the street area in front of the lot but not for an abutting side street. The lack of any or all improvements shall be certified to the Commission by the Director or his or her selected representative at the time of the application for a permit. Permits shall be issued to the applicants upon the installation and construction of improvements that were certified to be lacking. If surface improvements are assured under bond, permits may be issued upon completion of underground improvements satisfactory to the City Engineer.
(Ord. 1981-108. Passed 3-18-82.)