TITLE SIX - Zoning Code
Chap. 1260. General Provisions.
Chap. 1261. Definitions.
Chap. 1262. Administration and Enforcement.
Chap. 1266. Districts Established and Map.
Chap. 1268. District Changes and Amendments.
Chap. 1270. RSF-L Residential Single Family-Low Density District.
Chap. 1272. RSF-M Residential Single Family-Medium Density District.
Chap. 1274. RTF Residential Two-Family District.
Chap. 1276. RMF Residential Multi-Family District.
Chap. 1278. NC Neighborhood Commercial District.
Chap. 1280. GC General Commercial District.
Chap. 1282. Central Business District.
Chap. 1284. O-I Office/Industrial District.
Chap. 1286. I-O Institutional/Office District.
Chap. 1290. Off-Street Parking and Loading.
Chap. 1292. Nonconforming Uses.
Chap. 1294. Bufferyard and Landscaping.
Chap. 1296. Signs.
Chap. 1298. Supplementary Regulations.
Chap. 1299. Violations, Fees and Penalties.