All repairs or replacement of sections of sidewalks installed prior to the effective date of this section (Ordinance 1972-64, passed April 19, 1972) shall be replaced or repaired according to the following specifications:
   (a)   If the sidewalk to be replaced is a sandstone slab, it shall be replaced as follows:
      (1)   If the sandstone slab to be replaced is less than twenty percent of the total lot front, it may be replaced by a like slab, and such replacement slab shall be placed upon a sand, gravel or slag base not less than four inches in depth.
      (2)   If the sandstone slabs to be replaced are more than twenty percent of the total lot front, then the entire front lot sidewalk shall be replaced with concrete pursuant to the specifications set forth in Section 1024.02.
   (b)   All replacements or repairs shall match the setback of each abutting lot sidewalk, or as directed by the Service Director.
   (c)   There shall be no offsets or jogs in the replacements, but a continuous straight line. Any variance must be by written consent of the Director.
   (d)   All replacements or repairs shall match the slope of the original sidewalk in order to ensure uniformity of surface.
(Ord. 1972-64. Passed 4-19-72.)