(a) Full-time employees of all City departments shall be eligible to participate in the City's hospitalization, dental and vision care group insurance programs, or such other equivalent or improved hospitalization insurance as shall be determined by Council from time to time.
It is the employee's responsibility to notify the Human Resources Department of any changes to be made to his or her contract coverage within 30 days of such occurrence. No current employee may be excluded from such coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
(b) Employees may choose to "opt" out of the employer provided medical, dental, and vision plans. Employees choosing to "opt out" of the medical, dental, and vision plans shall receive a monthly payment of two hundred dollars ($200.00) a month for each month said medical, dental, and vision plans are waived.
(Ord. 2000-72. Passed 7-19-00; Ord. 2003-105. Passed 12-17-03; Ord. 2005-086. Passed 7-6-05; Ord. 2008-108. Passed 10-15-08; Ord. 2012-03. Passed 1-18-12; Ord. 2014-21. Passed 3-27-14; Ord. 2020-13, passed 2-5-20.)
(a) Police Division.
(1) Sworn police personnel shall receive twenty dollars ($20.00) for each off-duty appearance in the Garfield Heights Municipal Court. This sum shall be considered full payment for up to and including the first two hours of time actually spent at each off-duty appearance. All time spent in excess of two hours at each such off-duty appearance shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's normal hourly rate.
(2) Sworn police personnel who are required to appear on their off-duty time in any other court for a City duty-related case shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times their normal hourly rate for each such appearance. In order for an employee to receive payment under this section he or she must turn over to the City any appearance fee received.
(Ord. 1980-220. Passed 12-17-80.)
(3) Effective January 1, 1997, the Police Division Information Division Supervisor and the Senior Civilian Dispatcher shall each receive five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) per year as a uniform maintenance allowance. Such allowance shall be paid in installments in the months of January and July of each year. Employees who do not work the full calendar year shall receive a pro-rated uniform maintenance allowance for that year. Effective January 1, 1999, the annual uniform maintenance allowance shall be increased to six hundred dollars ($600.00).
(Ord. 1997-41. Passed 5-7-97.)
(4) All auxiliary police serving on hazardous duty, as determined by the Police Chief, will, at the discretion of the Police Chief, receive an additional amount, not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per hour above their regular hourly rate.
(Ord. 1984-30. Passed 3-27-84; Ord. 2020-49. Passed 5-20-20.)
(5) Correction Officers shall receive three hundred dollars ($300.00) annually as a clothing allowance.
(Ord. 1992-37. Passed 3-18-82.)
(6) Effective January 1, 1997, the Jail Administrator shall receive five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year as a uniform maintenance allowance. Such allowance shall be paid in installments in the months of January and July of each year. Employees who do not work the full calendar year shall receive a pro-rated uniform maintenance allowance for that year. Effective January 1, 1999, the annual uniform maintenance allowance shall be increased to five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00).
(Ord. 1997-41. Passed 5-7-97.)
(7) Data Entry Clerks shall receive three hundred dollars ($300.00) annually as a clothing allowance.
(8) School Guards shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) annually as a clothing allowance.
(Ord. 1992-37. Passed 3-18-92.)
(b) Service Department. At the discretion of the Service Director, certain hazardous duty personnel and leadmen may be compensated an additional ten cents ($.10) per hour above their regular hourly rates.
(Ord. 1984-157. Passed 12-19-84.)
(c) Transit Department. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Department of Transit was abolished by the voters on November 7, 2006, by the repeal of Article VIII, Section 8 of the City Charter.)
(d) Military Service. Service in the Armed Forces of the United States through draft or enlistment will in no way cause an employee to lose the benefits to which he or she is entitled. Such service will count as active service with the City with regard to pay increases and other benefits, provided such service is immediately preceded by, and immediately succeeded by, active service with the City.
(Ord. 1980-220. Passed 12-17-80.)
(e) Cooks. Effective January 1, 1997, full-time cooks shall receive two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per year as a uniform and maintenance allowance. Such allowance shall be paid in cash in installments in the months of January and July of each year. Employees who do not work the full calendar year shall receive a pro-rated allowance for that year.
(Ord. 1997-18. Passed 2-19-97.)
(a) Labor negotiations with the exclusive representatives of public employees within the City shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Ohio R.C. Chapter 4117.
(b) Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4117.04, the following persons are hereby designated as a committee that shall have full authority to represent the City in labor negotiations: the Mayor, or his or her designee, as Chairperson; the Finance Director/Auditor; the Director of Human Resources; the Council President; and the respective department director.
(Ord. 1984-78. Passed 6-6-84.)