Section 9.02 Terms of Elected Officials.
   (A) All elected officials holding office in the City under the general statutory plan of government on December 31, 1982 are hereby designated to serve as such officials under this Charter with all the powers, duties and functions as provided under the general statutory plan.
   (B) The terms of all officials first elected in 2013 and 2015 under the provisions of this Charter shall commence on December 1 of the year of their election and shall terminate on December 31 of the final year of their term; thereafter all terms of officials shall commence on the first day of January following election and terminate on December 31 of the final year of the term.
   (C) The term of office of City Treasurer under the general statutory plan of government shall end and terminate, and such office is hereby abolished, at midnight, 31 December, 1983.
(Amended 11-6-12)