(a)    Upon determination of the Bureau of Building, Inspections, Licenses, and Permits that a donation box has been placed or is being maintained in violation of this Chapter, an order to correct the offending condition shall be served on the donation box owner or primary contact person designated by the permit holder by certified mail. If no permit application for the donation box has been filed with the City, as required by Section 767.03 , the order shall be served on the party in control of the property in person or by certified mail. The order shall describe the offending condition and actions necessary to correct the condition. The order shall provide that the offending condition shall be corrected within five (5) business days after receipt of the order, or an appeal from the order be filed with the Planning Commission. If a violation is neither remedied nor appealed within the time period set forth in the order, the penalty Section of this Chapter may be enforced.
   (b)    Appeals of a person adversely affected by any order, requirement, decision or determination by the Bureau of Building, Inspections, Licenses, and Permits under this Chapter, including a denial of a permit, shall be decided by the Planning Commission. The Commission may affirm, disaffirm, or grant exception from the order, requirement, decision or determination from which the appeal has been taken. If the Commission affirms an order of the Bureau of Building, Inspections, Licenses, and Permits issued pursuant to division (a) of this Section, the owner shall have three (3) working days to correct the violation or remove the donation box in question; if the owner fails to correct the violation within that time, a penalty in accordance with this Chapter may result. (Ord. 16-031. Passed 2-2-16.)