1321.07 PLANS.
   (a)    Requirements. Application for permits shall be accompanied by two sets of plans of the proposed work, drawn to scale and showing when necessary, floor plans, sections, elevations, structural details, computations and stress diagrams, as may be required by the Bureau.
   (b)    Plot Plan. There shall be submitted a plot plan in a form and size designated by the Bureau for filing permanently with the permit record, drawn to scale, with all dimensions figured, showing accurately the size and exact location of all proposed new construction and the relation to other existing or proposed buildings or structures on the same lot and other buildings or structures on adjoining property within fifteen feet of the property lines; it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey. In the case of demolition, the plot plan shall show the buildings or structures to be demolished and the buildings or structures on the same lot that are to remain.
   (c)    Approved Plans. One set of plans, after approval, shall be retained by the Bureau and one set shall be returned to the applicant to be maintained by him upon the site specified in the plans. Such plans shall be made available to all personnel of the Bureau at such site, upon request, during regular working hours and shall be so maintained until the work has been completed. Duplicate sets of plans may be approved by the Bureau upon payment of a fee of one dollar ($1.00) per page thereof. The approved plans retained by the Bureau shall in all cases be deemed the official plans for the work and shall be controlling in the event of any discrepancies between sets of plans.
   (d)    Partial Plans. Nothing in the Dwelling House Code shall be construed to prevent the Bureau from issuing a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and detailed statements of such building or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been submitted for the same and have been found to comply with this Code.
(Ord. 78-319. Passed 7-18-78.)