The following definitions shall apply only to the provisions of this chapter:
   (a)   "Alter" or "alteration" means any material change in external architectural feature(s) of any property, including a change or rearrangement in the structural parts of building service equipment or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasing height. For the purposes of this chapter, "alteration" shall include a change in design, color, texture, material or exterior architectural feature. Ordinary maintenance to correct any deterioration or damage to a structure and to restore the structure to its condition prior to such deterioration or damage is excluded from the definition of "alteration", provided such work does not involve a change in design, color, texture, material or exterior architectural feature.
   (b)   "Applicant" means any owner, owners' association, partnership or corporation who applies for a certificate of approval.
   (c)   "Commission" means the Historic Preservation Commission of the City.
   (d)   "Demolish" or "demolition" means the razing or removal, in whole or in part, of any structure.
   (e)   "Exterior architectural feature" means the architectural style, general design and general arrangement of the exterior of a building or structure including but not limited to windows, doors, porches, storefronts, signage, cornices, siding materials, decorative trim and other fixtures appurtenant to the exterior of the building.
   (f)   "Historic District" means any area established by Council and designated by this chapter for the purpose of maintaining and fostering a distinctive historical, architectural, cultural or environmental character.
   (g)   "Listed property" means any property which has special character; historical, aesthetic or architectural value as part of the heritage, development or cultural characteristics of the City or the United States and which has been designated as a listed property pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   (h)   "Member" means any member of the Historical Preservation Commission of the City.
   (i)   "Owner" means the owner of record and shall include the plural as well as the singular.
   (j)   "Reconstruction" means the reproducing, by new construction of the exact form and detail of a vanished structure, or a part thereof, as it appeared at a specific period of time.
   (k)   "Structure" means any building and shall be construed as if followed by "or part thereof."
   (l)   "Substantial hardship" means a condition unique to the property under consideration and a condition under which an action by the Commission would force the applicant to suffer practical difficulty and denial of the reasonable use of the property.
      (Ord. 86-260. Passed 12-16-86.)