The following described property shall be used for park purposes as provided in this chapter:
   (a)    Being located in the northeast quarter section eight and the northwest quarter section nine in Morrow County and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of Bowers Road (T.R. 43) at its intersection with the south shore line of the Clearfork Reservoir; thence, southerly along the centerline of Bowers Road to its intersection with Lexington-Marion Road (S.R. 97); thence, easterly along the centerline of Lexington-Marion Road to its intersection with Ross Road (T.R. 4); thence, northerly along the centerline of Ross Road to its intersection with the south shore line of the Clearfork Reservoir; thence, in a generally westerly direction along the south shore line of the Clearfork Reservoir to the point of beginning containing approximately forty-two acres more or less and such other land in the vicinity of the Clearfork Reservoir as Council may wish to devote to concession purposes.
   (b)    Authorized game protectors or their deputies shall have the power to enter the premises at any time and make arrests for violators of the fish and game laws of Ohio and orders of the Wildlife Council.
   (c)    This chapter and all the rules, regulations and laws of the State of Ohio, County of Morrow, County of Richland, Township of Troy in Richland and Morrow Counties and ordinances of the City of Mansfield insofar as the same relate and pertain to the operation, use, enjoyment and maintenance of public parks and concessions therein shall be incorporated by reference in any lease, franchise, concession license or privilege granted by Council and the grantee thereof shall adhere thereto and enforce the same. Disregard or breach by a grantee of such laws, rules, regulations or ordinances shall be cause for revocation of any grant made by Council.
   (d)    Permanent buildings, structures, latrines, wells, pumps, field house docks, driveways, parking areas and all other permanent and capital improvements constructed, erected and established by a grantee shall be subject to the approval of the Service Director, and unless the grant provides otherwise shall remain on the premises and become City property upon termination of any grant for whatever reason.
   (e)    Grants of licenses, privileges, leases, franchises, easements, etc., shall not be sold, sub-let, assigned, transferred, given or conveyed without the written consent of Council, unless otherwise provided in the grant.
   (f)    No riding or amusement devices or machines, shows or any other form of entertainment for profit, gain or payment shall be permitted on the premises without Council or the Service Director's approval.
   (g)    Swings, slides, sandboxes and other playground equipment must be in areas designated by the Service Director.
   (h)    Maintenance or height of water level in the Reservoir is not guaranteed and the City shall in no manner be liable in damages for lowering of the water depth at any time.
   (i)    All mineral rights are reserved by the City and shall be guaranteed only by separate grant of Council.
   (j)    No charge shall be made for entering or leaving the park area, for auto parking or for shore fishing, unless authorized by Council.
   (k)   No grantee, shall seek financial or other aid to meet his obligations under a grant from any governmental agency or subdivision without the consent of Council. (Ord. 64-127. Passed 4-21-64.)
   (1)    The Safety Director is hereby authorized to appoint the caretaker and maintenance man, the manager or some suitable person having charge of or employed at any of the properties or land owned and used by the City beyond its corporate limits, as special police officers not in the classified list, who may charge violations of City ordinances and police and sanitary regulations and who shall give bond as provided in Chapter 171 of the Administrative Code conditioned upon the faithful performance of duty. (1954 Code Sec. 48.6)
   (m)   Under authority of, and pursuant to Ohio R.C. 715.50, 735.02 and 4511.08, the Director of Public Service shall promulgate traffic and parking regulations and establish hours of operation, all as may be necessary for the safe, efficient and reasonable operation and control of the Clearfork Reservoir Area.
      (1954 Code Sec. 48.16)