505.12 BIRDS.
   (a)    No person shall kill or injure any wild bird, or throw, fire or shot a bullet, stone, arrow or other missile at such bird, or break, tear down or destroy any birds' nests containing eggs or birds or other eggs or other contents of such nests; or catch or capture any wild bird, or set traps or spread nets or snares with intent to catch or capture the same, or follow or pursue the same with intent to catch or injure such bird. This provision shall not apply to a property owner or other responsible person issued a license by Council following a determination by an officer or representative with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, and an official from the Department of Health if conditions injurious to the public health and safety exist, that:
      (1)    A certain bird or birds are causing substantial property damage and/or are creating conditions injurious to the public health and safety;
      (2)    There is no other effective method of eliminating further damage or health hazard; and
      (3)    The bird or birds are not otherwise protected by State or federal laws.
   (b)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 88-301. Passed 10-4-88.)