The first election of officers under this Charter, being the Mayor and Councilmen, shall be conducted at the same time as the election on the question of the approval or rejection of this Charter and shall be conducted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Mannington in the manner provided b the laws of the State of West Virginia and in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
   All officers elected at such first Charter election shall be elected for a term which shall expire on the thirtieth of June of the second year following such election.
   The ballots shall contain both the question pertaining to the adoption of this Charter and also, under separate heading, the names of the candidates for the offices of Mayor, Councilman-at- large and Councilman from the respective ward, with a box being provided for to the left of each name and instructions provided that a voter may only cast one vote for a Mayor, one vote for a Councilman-at-large and one vote for a Councilman from the respective ward.
   There shall also be included an instruction that a voter who shall vote “No” on the question may nevertheless vote for such candidates.
   A qualified resident may file as a candidate, as provided in Section 7 of this Charter.