A qualified resident may file as a candidate for office by filing a declaration of his intention to be a candidate, specifying for which office he intends to be a candidate, along with a certificate of announcement, and paying a fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars with the City Clerk anytime in the period beginning with the second Tuesday in March and ending on the fourth Tuesday of March preceding the said election. A candidate who has filed a certificate of announcement and wishes to withdraw and decline to stand as a candidate for the office shall file a signed and notarized statement of withdrawal with the City Clerk. If such statement is received not later than the first Friday following th close of candidate filing, the name of a candidate who files that statement of withdrawal may not be printed on the ballot. No candidate who files a statement of withdraw after that time may have his or her name removed from the ballot. Except for office divisions in which no more than one person has filed a certificate of announcement, the arrangement of names for all offices shall be determined by lot according to the following provisions:
      (1)   On the first Monday following the close of the candidate filing, beginning at nine o’clock a.m., a drawing by lot shall be conducted in the office of the City Clerk. Notice of the drawing shall be given on the form for the certificate of announcement, and no further notice shall be required. The City Clerk shall superintend and conduct the drawing, and the method of conducting the drawing shall be prescribed by the secretary of state.
      (2)   A candidate or the candidate’s representative may attend the drawings.
         (Ord. 288. Passed 3-1-93.)