(A)   No person, firm, corporation, or governmental body not exempted by law shall commence any development in the floodplain without first obtaining a floodplain development permit from the village. The Village Administrator and/or Village Building Inspector shall not issue a floodplain development permit if the proposed development does not meet the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   (1)   Application for a floodplain development permit shall be required for any of the following:
         (a)   Any development located on land identified as floodplain on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map; or
         (b)   Any development located on land shown to be below the base flood elevation and hydraulically connected to a flood source, but not identified as floodplain on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map; or
         (c)   Any development located on land within 500 feet of a river, stream, creek, or channel with a watershed area of one square mile or more for which a floodplain has not been identified on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map.
      (2)   Application for a floodplain development permit shall be made on a form provided by the village and each application for floodplain development permit shall be accompanied by:
         (a)   Drawings of the site, drawn to scale, showing property line dimensions;
         (b)   Drawings of the site, drawn to scale, showing existing ground elevations and all proposed changes in the ground elevations resulting from excavation or filling;
         (c)   Drawings of the site, to scale, showing the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings and additions to buildings; and
         (d)   The elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all proposed buildings subject to the requirements of § 151.26 of this code.
         (e)   The application fee, as determined from time to time by a resolution of the Board of Trustees.
         (f)   The base flood elevation for the development site, determined in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
         (g)   In the case of floodproofed structures, certification by a licensed professional engineer or licensed architect that the floodproofing methods are adequate to withstand the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact and uplift forces, and other factors associated with the base flood.
         (h)   Cost of the development as estimated by a licensed professional engineer or licensed architect. A signed estimate by a contractor may also meet this requirement.
         (i)   Drawings indicating the proposed wall and footing construction in cross section in sufficient detail to prove compliance with this chapter and including both the existing and the proposed ground elevations and the base flood elevation.
         (j)   The existing or proposed elevation of any other part of the development that is subject to the requirements of §§ 151.26 and 151.28 of this code and drawings of that part of the development in sufficient detail to prove compliance with this chapter or other submittals that may be necessary to prove compliance with this chapter.
         (k)   Any other information or certification as may be reasonable required by the Village Administrator in order to determine eligibility for permits or to enforce the terms of this chapter.
         (l)   An application fee as determined by the Board of Trustees of the village.
      (3)   Upon receipt of a fully complete application for a floodplain development permit, the Village Administrator shall compare the elevation of the site to the base flood elevation to determine which of the following determinations is applicable:
         (a)   Any development located on land that is shown by survey elevation to be below the current base flood elevation shall also be subject to the provisions of §§ 151.06 through 151.13, 151.25 through 151.31 and 151.99 of this code.
         (b)   Any development located on land shown to be below the base flood elevation and hydraulically connected to a flood source, but not identified as floodplain on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map, shall also be subject to the provisions of §§ 151.25 through 151.31 and 151.99 of this code.
         (c)   Any development located on land that can be shown by survey data to be higher than the current base flood elevation and which has not been filled after the date of the site’s first Flood Insurance Rate Map is not in the floodplain and therefore not
subject to the provisions of §§ 151.06 through 151.13, 151.25 through 151.31 and 151.99 of this code.
         (d)   Any development on land located within 500 feet of a river, stream, creek or channel with a watershed of one square mile or more and any portion of which is determined to be within a riverine floodplain shall also be subject to the provisions of §§ 151.06 through 151.13, 151.25 through 151.31 and 151.99 of this code.
      (4)   The Village Administrator shall maintain documentation of the existing ground elevations at the development site and certification that these ground elevations existed prior to the date of the site’s first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification.
      (5)   The Village Administrator shall inform the applicant of any other local, state and federal permits that may be required for the proposed development activity.
      (6)   The Village Administrator shall be responsible for obtaining from the applicant copies of all other federal, state and local permits, approvals or permit-not-required letters that may be required for this type of activity. The Village Administrator shall not issue a floodplain development permit unless all other federal, state, and local permits have been obtained.
(Ord. 13-09-1, passed 9-10-2013) Penalty, see § 151.99