   The charge of two dollars ($2.00) for each service trip per location for purposes of meter readouts, for disconnection, or connection shall be made.
('74 Code, § 27-25) (Ord. passed 3-4-74)
§ 51.06 BILLING.
   In all cases of premises where the city furnishes more than one utility service, the charge for all services shall be rendered on the same bill form.
('74 Code, § 27-26) (Ord. passed 3-4-74)
   Bills for electrical service according to the rates and charges set forth in this chapter shall be due and payable at the office of the Madisonville Light and Water Department within fifteen (15) days from the date such bill is rendered, except that if the fifteenth day is on a Sunday, legal holiday, or other occasion for which the office is not opened for business, payment shall be made not later than the next business day thereafter.
('74 Code, § 27-27) (Ord. passed 3-4-74)
   (A)   The due date for payment on all bills will not be less than fifteen (15) days after the date of the bill. Bill paid on or before the due date will be payable at the net amount. Payments made after the due date will be subject to a late payment charge. The late payment charge for all customers will be ten percent (10%) of the balance of the unpaid portion of all monthly charges, excluding facilities rental, arrears and taxes. If the due date falls on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday which the utility observes, the next business day following will become the due date. If remittance is by mail, the date received by the utility becomes the date of payment. Customers who prove a single source of income as a once-monthly Social Security or disability check will be exempted from late payment charges.
   (B)   Any senior citizen sixty-five (65) years of age or over, and other persons totally disabled, whose social security or disability benefits are his principal source of income, after application to the Madisonville Light and Water Department, on a form to be furnished by that Department, shall be temporarily excused from the ten percent (10%) penalty mentioned above, until the fifth day of the month following the penalty date listed on their utility bill, and as set forth above in § 51.07.
('74 Code, § 27-28) (Ord. passed 3-4-74; Am. Ord. passed 7-7-75; Am. Ord. 2003-02, passed 1-21-03; Am. Ord. 2003-10, passed 4-21-03)
   (A)   If any monthly bill for utility service shall remain unpaid on fifteen (15) days after the bill date, notice shall be given to the delinquent customer, either orally or in writing, that service to the premises will be discontinued unless all unpaid delinquent bills shall be paid immediately and if such payment is not made within seven (7) days after such notice, the service of all utilities by the city to the premises shall be discontinued. Utility service to the premises shall not be restored until all delinquent bills have been paid in full, together with the charge made for the service calls, if any. In the event utility service is provided to a tenant, lessee, sub-lessee or other person or entity occupying the property who is not the entity who contracted with the city for services, the city has the right to collect the delinquent charges, interest and late fees from the person or entity that actually contacted the city for the services. Payment by that person or entity shall be due within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of the delinquent billing. If it shall appear that the delinquent occupant has moved from the premises, service may be restored to any new occupant of the premises, provided such new occupant is not delinquent in the payment of any bill for utility services furnished by the city.
   (B)   Before service to the premises is discontinued, the customer shall be entitled to a hearing before the Mayor or before whomever the Mayor shall appoint if a request for a hearing is made in writing and such written request is received by the Mayor prior to the disconnection of service.
('74 Code, § 27-29) (Ord. passed 3-4-74; Am. Ord. passed 10-19-81; Am. Ord. passed 8-1-83; Am. Ord. 2011-05, passed 4-18-11)
   (A)   Applicable. To single-phase service or three-phase service, present facilities permitting, supplied to residences, individual apartments, and private rooming houses not exceeding twelve (12) rooms; for one individual family unit located on existing secondary lines of the city; for all ordinary residential use of electric service, such as lighting, cooking, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, and household appliances, including single-phase motors of not over five horsepower individual rating, unless otherwise specifically permitted.
   (B)   Rate.
Customer Charge
$6.00 per month
Energy Charge
All kWh
$0.09968 per kWh
(‘74 Code, § 27-32; Am. Ord. passed 10-19-82; Am. Ord. 8-1-83; Am. Ord. passed 3-30-84; Am. Ord. 2003-19, passed 6-25-03; Am. Ord. 08-17, passed 11-17-08; Am. Ord. O-2022-11, passed 6-6-22)