No Class "A" or "B" license shall be issued for any premises unless said licensed premises are so constructed that a clear and unobstructed view of the interior thereof may be had by those passing on the street, road or sidewalk. No screen, blind, curtain, partition, article or thing shall be permitted in the windows or upon the doors of such licensed premises nor inside such premises, which shall prevent a clear view into the interior of such licensed premises from the street, road or sidewalk at all times and no obstruction, nor any arrangements of lights or lighting, shall be permitted in or about the interior of such licensed premises which shall prevent a full view of the entire interior of such premises from the street, road or sidewalk. Any Class "A" or "B" licensee who shall permit or cause the view of, in or about the interior of the licensed premises to be obstructed or who shall not provide adequate lighting for any such licensed premises, as above provided, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this chapter, and be subject to the penalties provided for hereafter, including, but not limited to, suspension or revocation of the license.
(Ord. 1788, passed 1-12-2016)