(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(B) (1) Any person, firm or corporation that shall hereafter establish, maintain or operate any health club, without first procuring a license so to do, shall be fined not less than $25, nor more than $750 for each offense. A separate offense shall be regarded as committed each day on which the person, firm or corporation shall maintain or operate any health club without a license as aforesaid.
(2) Any person, firm, corporation that violates or fails to comply with any other provision of §§ 117.20 through 117.28 shall be fined not less than $5, nor more than $750 for each offense. A separate offense shall be regarded as committed each day on which the person, firm or corporation shall continue any violation or failure.
(2) A separate offense shall be regarded as committed each day on which the person, firm or corporation shall continue any violation or failure.
(Ord. 875, passed 6-26-1973; Am. Ord. 888, passed 5-7-1974)