(a)   Purpose. The purpose of the L-I Limited Industrial District is to provide for limited manufacturing, storage, distribution and wholesaling facilities. While not compatible with residential or business district uses, uses permitted can conform to high development and performance standards by having all activities and storage, with the exception of off-street parking, carried out in a wholly enclosed building. When activities comply with such standards this district can be satisfactorily located in those suitable industrial areas nearest residential and business zoning districts.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Manufacturing and industrial services which are not detrimental to uses in the residential districts and are not noxious, dangerous or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise, flame or vibration;
      (2)   Distribution facilities;
      (3)   Storage and warehousing;
      (4)   Wholesaling outlets;
      (5)   Repair finishing, and refinishing services;
      (6)   Intermediate processing such as fabrication, bottling, canning;
      (7)   Private recreation facilities, including both indoor and outdoor;
      (8)   Adult uses subject to the regulations pursuant to Section 1169.05.
         (Ord. 38-1997. Passed 6-26-97.)
   All activities, operations and storage for permitted uses shall be completely carried out in wholly enclosed buildings, except for accessory off-street parking and loading, and trucks or other motor vehicles used in the operation of the business. Any such vehicles parked outside shall be in good working order and repair, be located in compliance with the building setback requirements, and be visually screened from adjacent streets and adjacent residentially zoned land in accordance with subsection (h) hereof.
   (c)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   Retail businesses which:
         A.   Generally sell a single product line requiring a large floor area for the product or service sold;
         B.   Are businesses occupying or intending to occupy an existing industrial building;
         C.   Do not generally need to associate, for marketing purposes, with other retail businesses in a shopping center type environment; and
         D.   Are determined by the Planning Commission to be compatible with the other uses permitted in this district.
      (2)   Outdoor displays which are:
         A.   Located behind the required building setback lines;
         B.   Of such size and scale to be clearly incidental to the primary operations on the site; and
         C.   Determined by the Planning Commission to be placed outside for display purposes and not for storage.
      (3)   Communication facilities.
      (4)   Public utility rights of way and appurtenant structures.
      (5)   Post offices, police and fire stations and similar governmental services.
   (d)   Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Administrative offices.
      (2)   Retail sales area.
      (3)   Cafeteria, restaurants and other types of food services.
      (4)   Recreational facilities.
      (5)   Off-street parking for visitors and employees.
      (6)   Signs.
      (Ord. 51-1983. Passed 8-11-83.)
   (e)    Minimum Lot Size and Frontage. The minimum lot size for new development shall be one acre with a minimum lot frontage, measured at the right-of-way line, of 150 feet; except that the minimum lot frontage on a cul-de-sac shall be 150 feet measured at the building setback line.
(Ord. 2-1989. Passed 3-23-89.)
   (f)    Building Setback Requirements.
      (1)    The front setback line for any building or structure shall be a minimum of thirty feet, provided that the minimum front setback shall be seventy feet when:
         A.    The site is across the street from residentially zoned land; and
         B.    When the lot is adjacent to, and the industrial building is within 200 feet of, a residentially zoned parcel.
      (2)    The side and rear setback line for any building or structure shall be a minimum of fifteen feet provided that:
         A.    A setback is not required when such side or rear property line is adjacent to a railroad right of way; and
         B.    The minimum side or rear setback shall be fifty feet when the corresponding lot line is contiguous to residentially zoned land; provided further, that such setback shall be increased by one foot for every foot of building length along such property line greater than fifty feet but in no event is the setback required to be more than 150 feet.
      (3)    The Planning Commission may approve a lesser building setback when the applicant has demonstrated, through unique and sensitive design of the building and site, such as imaginative facade design, abundant landscaping, extensive berming screens, that the purposes of the setback have been achieved and that a reduced setback will, therefore, have no material adverse impact on surrounding properties.
   (g)    Height of Building. A building shall not be erected to a height greater than thirty-five feet. This limitation shall not apply to roof tanks and other mechanical equipment, water towers, elevator bulk heads, chimneys, antennas, and other appurtenances when necessary for the primary business activity and erected as an integral part of such building.
   (h)    Additional Requirements, Including Landscaping and Screening. 
      (1)    Motor vehicles used in the operation of the business, to make deliveries, or provide service off the premises, shall only be parked on the site in locations which fully comply with the setback requirements for the principal buildings and shall be situated so as not to be visible from the street or any adjacent residentially zoned land. Any such vehicles which are visible from the adjacent street or residentially zoned land shall be appropriately screened from view by:
         A.    An opaque fence, which has a maximum open area of fifty percent (50%) in conjunction with appropriate landscape plants adjacent thereto; or
         B.    Dense all-season landscape planting when the Planning Commission determines that the landscaping plan achieves the same screening objective as a fence.
      (2)    Loading bays shall only be located on the side of a building facing a public street or adjacent residentially zoned land when they are screened from view, to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission in accordance with the screening requirements in subsection (h)(1) hereof.
      (3)    All portions of the site, including the required yards, which are not otherwise used for buildings, off-street parking, or access drives shall be smoothly graded and landscaped with grass or other ground cover and shall have other plantings and landscape features as appropriate and approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1137.05.
   (i)    Parking Requirements. The number of accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 1171.11(c) and such parking shall be located and constructed in accordance with Section 1171.11(e).
   (j)    Planning Commission Review Procedures. All construction for permitted or conditional uses in the L-I District, whether new construction, expansion of existing buildings or renovations to site conditions or characteristics shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1137.05.
(Ord. 51-1983. Passed 8-11-83.)