15.353.01: PURPOSE:
This use is intended to provide commercial rental parking spaces and sites for recreational vehicles (RVs), including motor homes, travel trailers, pick-up campers and tent trailers; to provide goods and services customarily needed by occupants of the park; and to assure reasonable standards for the development of facilities for the occupancy of recreational vehicles on a temporary basis, ranging from short overnight stops to longer destination-type stays of several days to weeks. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018)
All recreational vehicle parks to be developed within the County shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Recreational vehicle parks shall be located only as permitted in chapter 320 of this title, table of land uses. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018)
   A.   Minimum Park Area: The minimum size of an RV park shall be three (3) acres.
   B.   Rental Space Size: Minimum rental space size for those spaces having utility hookups shall be one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet. Minimum rental space size for those spaces not having hookups shall be nine hundred (900) square feet. Minimum rental space size shall not include any area required for access roads, off-street parking, service buildings, recreation areas, office and similar RV park needs.
   C.   Rental Pads: A minimum of eighty percent (80%) of all spaces shall be equipped with a surfaced area of not less than ten feet (10') by forty feet (40'), containing hookups for water, sewer and electricity. Surfacing shall consist of gravel, asphalt or concrete. Where gravel surfacing is used, the design of the gravel pad shall be approved by the County Engineer to maintain proper drainage and minimize dust. Where provided, each RV unit shall be parked entirely on the surfaced area so that no part thereof obstructs any roadway or walkway within the RV park. Those spaces not equipped with such a surfaced area, intended for occupancy by recreational vehicles not having self-contained toilet, lavatory or bathing facilities, shall be equipped with a gravel pad, the design of which shall be approved by the County Engineer, of not less than ten feet (10') by twenty five feet (25') for RV unit parking and a hookup for water. Spaces equipped with such a gravel pad shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of spaces in the RV park.
   D.   Setback Requirements: Each rental space shall meet the following setback requirements:
      1.   Fifty feet (50') when abutting a State or Federal highway or designated major arterial;
      2.   Twenty five feet (25') when abutting a public right-of-way other than subsection D1 of this section;
      3.   Fifteen feet (15') when abutting any property line other than subsection D1 or D2 of this section;
      4.   There shall be a minimum distance of ten feet (10') provided between RV units parked side by side;
      5.   There shall be a minimum distance of ten feet (10') between RV units parked end to end;
      6.   There shall be a minimum distance of twenty feet (20') between any RV space and any building.
   E.   Streets: Streets or roadways and parking areas within the RV park shall be designed to provide safe and convenient access to all spaces and to facilities for common use by park occupants. Streets or roadways and parking areas shall be constructed and maintained to allow free movement of emergency and service vehicles at all times, and shall be graded to drain and surfaced with gravel, asphalt or concrete, the design of which shall be approved by the County Engineer, to maintain proper drainage and minimize dust. All interior roadways shall be at least thirty two feet (32') in width for two-way traffic, and at least eighteen feet (18') in width for one-way traffic. A forty five foot (45') turning radius shall be required on all curves, to allow access by emergency vehicles. Any bridges within the development shall have a capacity of at least sixteen (16) tons, to allow access by emergency vehicles. Road grades shall not exceed six percent (6%). Access into the park from a public street shall meet the same design standards as those of the public street, for a distance of forty feet (40') from the property line into the development. All roadways and walkways within the park shall be adequately lighted at night to the satisfaction of the Director in order to provide safe access.
   F.   Frontage: All spaces shall have a minimum frontage of twenty feet (20') along an interior roadway.
   G.   Sanitary Facilities: Every RV park shall be provided with one or more service buildings equipped with flush toilets, lavatories, showers and laundry facilities meeting minimum State Health Department standards. Such facilities shall be conveniently located at a distance of not more than three hundred feet (300') from any RV which requires to be served. Such facilities shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and plumbing fixtures shall be maintained in good working order. All such facilities shall be adequately lighted at all times of the day and night and shall be well ventilated. Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the local Fire Protection District shall be kept in the service buildings and at all locations as designated by the Fire District and shall be maintained in operating condition.
   H.   Sanitary Disposal Stations: Every RV park shall contain at least one sanitary disposal station for the sole purpose of removing and disposing of wastes from holding tanks in a clean, efficient and convenient manner.
      1.   Each sanitary station shall consist of a drainage basin constructed of impervious material, containing a disposal hatch and self-closing cover, and related washing facilities.
      2.   The disposal hatch of sanitary station units shall be connected to the sewage disposal system. Related facilities required to wash holding tanks and the general area of the sanitary station shall be connected to the RV park water supply system.
      3.   Each sanitary station shall have a sign posted stating "Danger - Not to be used for drinking or domestic purposes".
      4.   Sanitary disposal station designs shall be approved by the State Department of Health.
   I.   Utilities: All utilities shall be placed underground.
      1.   Water Supply: An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water under pressure shall be provided in every RV park. The water supply system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the State Health Department standards and applicable County standards. All plans and specifications shall be submitted with the conditional use permit application. Each rental space equipped with sewer and electrical hookups shall also be equipped with two (2) water outlets, to provide connection for the RV and a garden hose. All other rental spaces shall be equipped with one water outlet.
      2.   Sanitary Sewer: An adequate and safe sewage system shall be provided. Where a public sewage system is available connection must be made subject to the requirements of the sewer utility. Sanitary sewage systems shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with all applicable State Health Department and County codes, requirements and standards. All plumbing in the RV park shall comply with State and County plumbing laws, codes and regulations.
      3.   Electricity: An adequate and safe electrical system shall be provided and installed in accordance with applicable State and County electrical laws, codes and regulations.
   J.   Refuse Disposal: The storage, collection and disposal of refuse shall be performed so as to minimize accidents, fire hazards, air pollution, odors, insects, rodents or other nuisance conditions. All refuse shall be stored in durable, washable and nonabsorbent metal or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Such containers shall be provided at the rate of at least one (1) 30-gallon container, secured in a rack or holder, for each rental space, or an equivalent storage capacity in centralized storage facilities. Adequate refuse collection and removal shall be the responsibility of the park owner.
   K.   Landscaping: A landscape plan, to be approved by the Director, shall be required for all RV parks. Landscaping in conformance with the requirements of chapter 402 of this title shall be designed to perform the following functions:
      1.   Screen the RV park visually and audibly from adjacent properties as completely as possible;
      2.   Provide an attractive entrance and street frontage;
      3.   Provide dust and erosion control;
      4.   Provide a neat, attractive and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Landscaping shall be required in all RV parks, together with adequate water outlets to maintain all landscaping. The RV park shall be screened from adjacent properties by means of fences or walls, six feet (6') in height, or by means of hedges or other landscaping.
   L.   Open Space: Open space for common areas, playgrounds and other recreational uses shall be provided at the rate of at least ten percent (10%) of the gross area of the RV park, and shall be of sufficient size and distribution as to be a functional part of the entire development plan. Open space shall not include any area designated as a roadway, RV rental space, storage area, swimming pool, yard area surrounding the caretaker's or manager's residence, or any area required for setbacks as set forth in these regulations.
   M.   Fire Protection: Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout all RV parks in accordance with the specifications of the local Fire Protection District. At a minimum, there shall be one hydrant at the entrance to the development, and additional hydrants at a distance not to exceed three hundred feet (300') between hydrants unless this requirement is altered by recommendation of the local Fire Protection District. All buildings within the RV park shall be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in good working order of such type, size and number as prescribed by the local Fire Protection District.
   N.   Structural Additions: Temporary structures such as canvas awnings, screened enclosures, or platforms, which are normal camping equipment, may be erected but must be removed when the rental space is vacated. No permanent structural additions shall be built onto or become a part of any RV within an RV park.
   O.   Storage Sheds: No storage sheds shall be allowed within an RV rental space.
   P.   Fires: Fires shall be made only in stoves and other equipment intended for such purposes and placed in safe and convenient locations, where they will not constitute fire hazards to vegetation, undergrowth, trees and RVs. No open fires/bonfires/open fire pits are allowed.
   Q.   Tents: Tents shall be permitted, and their number shall be limited to one tent per rental space. Areas for group tent camping may be established, with the following provisions:
      1.   The area set aside for such group use is not a part of any designated open space;
      2.   An adequate number of parking spaces is provided;
      3.   The area is served by one or more water outlets; and
      4.   The area is located no further than three hundred feet (300') from a service building and/or restroom facilities.
   R.   Registration Of Occupants: It shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager of the RV park to keep a current record of the names and addresses of the owners and/or occupants of each RV space, the make, model, year and license number of each RV and motor vehicle by which it is towed, the state, territory or country issuing such licenses, and the arrival and departure dates of each occupant. This record must be made available for inspection to all appropriate Federal, State and local agencies whose duties necessitate acquisition.
   S.   Duration: It is the responsibility of the owner and manager of the RV park to ensure that the rental of RV spaces remains temporary in nature.
      1.   It is unlawful for any person or corporation operating a recreational vehicle park to allow or permit a recreational vehicle to occupy any recreational vehicle space within the recreational vehicle park for a period of more than twenty five (25) consecutive days.
      2.   It is unlawful for any person or corporation operating a recreational vehicle park to allow or permit a recreational vehicle to occupy any recreational vehicle space at the same recreational vehicle park for more than fifty (50) days during any three (3) consecutive calendar months.
The manager of the RV park shall maintain on-site documentation of compliance with these two (2) requirements to be available upon request by the Director or their designee.
   T.   Swimming Pools: Swimming pools and natural swimming areas shall be operated, maintained and used in compliance with recommendations and requirements of the State Board of Health's Regulations and Standards Governing Swimming Pools and Swimming Areas. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018)
The proponent of a recreational vehicle park, or an expansion thereof, shall make written application for review for a recreational vehicle (RV) park, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 230, "Conditional Use Permits", of this title, and the following shall also be submitted with such application:
   A.   A complete and comprehensive development plan, including the following:
      1.   Detailed land use plan, drawn to a scale of 1"=100', unless larger scale is necessary, including the dimensions and location of each RV rental space, service buildings, common and recreation areas, surrounding land uses and zoning districts;
      2.   Typical street cross sections;
      3.   Location and widths of roadways, sidewalks and pedestrian ways;
      4.   Topography of site, at two foot (2') contours;
      5.   Grading and drainage plans;
      6.   Utility plans;
      7.   Legal description of property, including acreage;
      8.   Copy of title commitment;
      9.   Landscaping, screening and fencing plans;
      10.   Fire protection plan;
      11.   Location and description of all permanent structures and common facilities;
      12.   Acreage and percentage of land to be set aside as open space;
      13.   Density of RV rental spaces per acre;
      14.   Vicinity map drawn to a scale of 1"=1,000' or 1"=5,000';
      15.   Location of all areas subject to inundation or stormwater overflow and the location, area and direction of flow of all water courses, including the 100-year floodplain boundaries;
      16.   Location and principal dimensions of all existing or proposed easements, water course boundaries, public utilities, monuments, pins, benchmarks and other significant features;
      17.   Proposed surface treatment and design of all interior roadways and rental pads.
   B.   A time schedule for development;
   C.   Information regarding abutting properties and land uses;
   D.   A completed application form (including the signature of the property owner witnessed by a notary public) and an application fee for conditional use permit, as set by the Board. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018)