All manufactured/mobile home parks to be developed within the County shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
All manufactured/mobile homes to be placed or relocated within a manufactured/mobile home park in Lyon County shall comply with the requirements and standards established by the Nevada Division of Manufactured Housing for the manufacture, transport, installation and alteration of manufactured and mobile homes contained in chapter 489 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
Any manufactured/mobile home placed or relocated within a manufactured/mobile home park in Lyon County, or any manufactured/mobile home within a manufactured/mobile home park that has had electric and/or fuel gas services discontinued for greater than twelve (12) months must obtain appropriate permits, inspections and approvals from the County Building Department prior to occupancy or connection of electric or fuel gas services. The building inspector will require the correction of any apparent fire and safety hazards prior to authorizing restoration of the utility services.
Any manufactured/mobile home lawfully placed on or before the effective date of this title shall be a legal non-conforming use as provided in chapter 202 of this title. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018)