TABLE 15.335-1
Land Use
Land Use
Accessory building
Accessory dwelling unit
Accessory uses
Adult or child daycare, 7 or more adults or children
Agricultural auction house
Agricultural machine shop
Agricultural related industry, on farm
Agricultural supplies and support services
Agricultural tourism
Animal keeping - livestock, poultry, etc.
Art gallery
Artisan product manufacturing and processing
Assembly, light
Athletic fields and courts
Automobile, motorcycle, RV or boat repair shop
Automobile, motorcycle, RV or boat sales, new and used
Automobile rental
Bank, financial institution, automated teller machine (ATM), freestanding automated teller machine (ATM)
Bar or nightclub
Barn, greenhouse, as primary structure
Bed and breakfast or inn
Brew pub/craft distillery
Catering service
Community garden
Contractor or trade shops/yards and public service equipment facility - maintenance and storage
Convenience store with petroleum sales
Convenience store without petroleum sales
Copy center, mail/parcel services, etc.
Country club with golf course
Day camp, summer camp, civic group camp facility
Equestrian facilities
Equipment rental
Event or conference center
Farm market
Field crops
Gasoline/diesel sales
General retail, less than 25,000 square feet
Golf course, public or private
Government administrative and civic buildings
Government buildings, storage only
Government buildings, storage only, with outdoor storage area
Grocery store
Group living, 10 or fewer residents
Guest/dude ranch
Home based business
Home occupation, general
Hotel, motel or lodge
Kennel and veterinary clinics/hospitals
Laundromat, dry cleaning pick-up and drop-off
Machine shops, welding, plumbing, etc.
Manufacturing and fabrication, light
Massage or tanning salon
Milk processing, cheese manufacturing, etc.
Multifamily residential
Office, professional/medical/dental/clinic, 25,000 square feet or less
Outdoor display and sales
Outdoor storage
Performance hall or movie theater
Personal care
Plant nursery
Public assembly, including churches (total worship/hall seating capacity 350 or less)
Public drinking water - pumping, storage, treatment and distribution
Public safety facility
Recreational facility, indoor
Recyclable materials drop off
Repair shop, farm machinery
Repair shop, small engine
Restaurant, excluding drive-thru
Restaurant with drive-thru facility
Restaurants, mobile - food trucks, outdoor vendors and carts
Salvage yard
Sawmill, firewood processing and wood chipping operations
Scientific research and development
Scientific research and development, accessory to agriculture
Self storage/RV storage
Shoe repair
Shooting range, indoor
Social, fraternal lodges
Sports and recreation instruction or camps
Storage building sales, with display area
Swim club, tennis club, country club
Towing service, with salvage
Towing service, with towed vehicle storage yard, no salvage or part sales
Transfer station
Truck stop
Warehouse and/or distribution
Wind energy conversion systems, accessory use, on site use only
   A.   Accessory Dwelling Units And Accessory Buildings:
      1.   Accessory Dwelling Unit:
         a.   Accessory dwelling units in Agricultural, Resource, Residential, Commercial/Mixed-Use, and Employment Districts shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the square footage of the livable area of the primary structure or one thousand one hundred (1,100) square foot of gross floor area, whichever is less. Only one (1) accessory dwelling unit is permitted per individual parcel. One property owner of several parcels cannot aggregate all of the accessory dwelling units permitted for each individual parcel onto one or more parcel under the same ownership.
         b.   “Tiny houses”, as defined by the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), are “a dwelling that is 400 square feet or less in floor area excluding lofts” and as “a single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation”. Tiny Houses, as defined in this provision, are permitted in zoning districts that permit accessory dwelling units provided the units are constructed in accordance with IRC standards and are placed upon a foundation design stamped by a NV-licensed professional engineer.
         c.   In Residential Districts, the accessory dwelling unit shall be sited to the rear of the primary structure or to the side as a secondary option.
         d.   Accessory dwelling units shall meet the principal building setbacks listed in chapters 310 through 314 of this title for the zoning district.
         e.   The accessory dwelling unit height shall not exceed the height of the principal structure.
         f.   The exterior of the accessory dwelling unit must be compatible with the principal residence in terms of color, siding, roof pitch, window detailing, roofing materials, and foundation or skirting appearance as determined by the Director.
         g.   Adequate off-street parking must be provided for any vehicles owned by occupants of the accessory unit.
      2.   Accessory Building:
         a.   Accessory building on lots less than two (2) acres:
            (1)   The total square footage for all accessory building footprints on a lot shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total lot area provided all required setbacks are maintained.
            (2)   Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to an adjacent road than the principal structure. Exception - double frontage lots may place an accessory building to the rear of the principal structure so long as the principal building setback is met along the property lines adjacent to the street.
            (3)   Accessory buildings up to fifteen feet (15') in height shall meet the front setback requirements of the principal structure. The side and rear setback shall be no less than five feet (5'). Buildings greater than fifteen feet (15') in height shall meet the principal building setbacks listed in chapters 310 through 314 of this title.
            (4)   Accessory buildings shall be subject to all other dimensional, impermeable and structural coverage requirements listed in chapters 310 through 316 of this title.
         b.   Accessory buildings on lots two (2) acres or greater:
            (1)   The total square footage for all accessory building footprints on a lot shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total area.
            (2)   Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to an adjacent road than the principal structure. Exception - for lots five (5) acres or larger, accessory buildings may be located at least one hundred feet (100') from a road. Exception - double frontage lots may place an accessory building to the rear of the principal structure so long as the principal building setback is met along the property lines adjacent to the street.
            (3)   Accessory buildings up to fifteen feet (15') in height shall meet the front and side setback requirements of the principal structure. The rear setbacks shall be no less than five feet (5'). Accessory structures greater than fifteen feet (15') in height shall meet the setback requirements of the principal structure.
            (4)   Accessory buildings shall be subject to all other dimensional, impermeable and structural coverage requirements listed in chapters 310 through 316 of this title.
   B.   Accessory Uses: All accessory uses shall comply with the following general standards:
      1.   Compliance With This Title:
         a.   Dimensional Requirements And Specific Standards: All accessory uses are subject to the dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district as well as the use specific standards in chapters 335, 340 and 350 of this title. In the case of any conflict between the accessory use/structure standards of this section and any other requirement of this title, the more restrictive standards as determined by the Director shall control.
         b.   Standards Applicable To Principal Use: Accessory uses shall comply with all standards of this title applicable to the principal use with which they are associated. Parking requirements shall be met for both the principal use and any accessory use per chapter 401 of this title unless the applicant can demonstrate no additional parking is required or alternative methods will address the parking demand as outlined in chapter 401 of this title.
         c.   Barnyard Animals: No person shall keep any livestock or barnyard animals except as provided below.
            (1)   On parcels zoned Rural Residential and Suburban Residential greater than or equal to one gross acre in land area:
               (A)   Barnyard animals may be kept on lots or parcels one gross acre or greater in land area.
               (B)   On lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre in size existing as of September 1, 1995 located within the Mark Twain Estates Unit 10 Subdivision as described by map number 32781, barnyard animals may be kept. Only two (2) horses per lot or parcel are permitted under this provision.
               (C)   The number of barnyard animals including poultry kept on property shall be limited to:
                  (i)   The quantity that will cause no harm to the animal(s);
                  (ii)   The quantity that will cause no harm to the environment or ground water; and
                  (iii)   The quantity that will cause no harm to neighboring lots or parcels and/or owners.
            (2)   On parcels zoned Suburban Residential where lots or parcels are less than one gross acre in land area, a maximum of two (2) rabbits or four (4) female chickens may be kept subject to the standards listed below. Lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre existing as of September 1, 1995 located within the Mark Twain Estates Unit 10 Subdivision as described by map number 32781 are exempt from this provision as per subsection B1c(1)(B) of this section.
               (A)   Rabbits and female chickens may be kept subject to the following requirements:
                  (i)   The animals are kept in accordance with standards for good animal husbandry practices;
                  (ii)   Coops, hutches and enclosures that house the barnyard animals shall be cleaned regularly to prevent offensive odors from becoming a nuisance;
                  (iii)   Coops, hutches and enclosures shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from any property line; and
                  (iv)   The barnyard animals shall not be permitted to roam free beyond the property line.
      2.   Dimensional Standards For Accessory Buildings And Structures:
         a.   Same Lot: The accessory use shall be conducted and/or located on the same lot(s) as the principal use.
      3.   Same Ownership Required: The principal use and the accessory use shall be under the same ownership.
      4.   Same Utility Meter Required: The principal use and the accessory use shall utilize the same utility meter with the exception of an approved accessory dwelling unit.
   C.   Agricultural Auction House:
      1.   An auction house, which includes any percentage livestock sales, may not be sited within five hundred feet (500') of a residential use, measurement to begin at the outermost facility housing animals. Auction houses not featuring livestock sales will meet the standard setbacks of the zone.
      2.   Applicable in Rural Residential Zones only, an auction house must front on either arterials or collector roads (major or minor, in each case).
      3.   Signs shall be permitted in accordance with chapter 403 of this title.
      4.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Within the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   D.   Automobile Rental:
      1.   The outdoor display area may not exceed sixty thousand (60,000) square feet.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   E.   Automobile, Motorcycle, RV Or Boat Sales, Service And Rental (New And Used):
      1.   The outdoor display area may not exceed sixty thousand (60,000) square feet.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   The facility must provide a buffer yard as described in chapter 402 of this title on all sides of the parking lot abutting public rights-of-way.
   F.   Bank, Financial Institution, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Freestanding Automated Teller Machine (ATM):
      1.   The use must front on either arterial or collector roads (major or minor, in each case).
      2.   ATMs, freestanding ATMs as accessory use:
         a.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent residential properties.
         b.   Shall be located so that internal circulation for primary use is not disturbed.
         c.   Materials shall be compatible with design and building materials of the primary structure(s) on the site.
   G.   Barn, Greenhouse, As Primary Structure:
      1.   Permitted only when agriculture is the primary use of the parcel and no residential use is present.
      2.   May not be used as a dwelling unit.
      3.   Must meet setbacks of zoning district for primary structure.
      4.   Electric hookup is allowed to provide power to the structure, provide power for a well pump or other associated agricultural uses needing electric power as deemed acceptable by the Director. However, septic is not allowed until a residential use is approved on the property.
   H.   Bed And Breakfast, Lodge Or Inn, Guest/Dude Ranch:
      1.   The facility shall be operated at all times by the resident owner or the caretaker of the facility.
      2.   The facility shall meet the requirements of all other applicable local and State regulatory agencies, including the State Board of Health.
      3.   No room shall be rented for a period longer than twenty one (21) consecutive days at a time.
      4.   The decision-making body may approve the following accessory uses when these accessory uses are included as a part of the request submitted by the property owner and any potential impacts to neighboring properties have been adequately mitigated:
         a.   Weddings;
         b.   Civic, business, corporate and religious or other retreats;
         c.   Seminars;
         d.   Private catered dinners; and
         e.   Small seasonal parties.
      5.   The decision-making body may limit the total number of guests permitted at any time during the accessory events.
      6.   The hours of operation for events that occur outdoors and include amplification equipment must end no later than eight o'clock (8:00) P.M.
      7.   Any area to be used as a party, reception, garden or other guest amenity area shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from the property line of any Residentially zoned or used property.
      8.   The facility must provide at a minimum one parking space per guest bedroom and one parking space for each two (2) employees. Additional parking may be required in order to have accessory uses as listed above.
      9.   The facility must provide a buffer yard as described in chapter 402 of this title on all sides of the parking lot abutting public rights-of-way.
   I.   Catering Service:
      1.   The maximum total square footage shall not exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet for all enclosed structures.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Within the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   J.   Cemetery:
      1.   The cemetery shall be sited so as to be within the primary setbacks required for buildings in the district.
      2.   A boundary plat depicting the property to be used for interment shall be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder and a copy provided to the department.
      3.   A buffer shall be provided when the adjacent property is Residentially zoned or used. See chapter 402 of this title.
      4.   Columbaria are permitted within Suburban Residential and Commercial Districts when accessory to a religious institutional use.
   K.   Social, Fraternal Lodges:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 402 of this title.
      4.   The decision-making body may approve the following accessory uses when these accessory uses are included as a part of the request submitted by the property owner and any potential impacts to neighboring properties have been adequately mitigated:
         a.   Weddings;
         b.   Civic, business, corporate and religious or other retreats;
         c.   Seminars;
         d.   Private catered dinners; and
         e.   Small seasonal parties.
      5.   The decision-making body may limit the total number of guests permitted at any time during the accessory events.
      6.   The hours of operation for events that occur outdoors and include amplification equipment must end no later than eight o'clock (8:00) P.M.
      7.   Any area to be used as a party, reception, garden or other guest amenity area shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from the property line of any Residentially zoned or used property.
   L.   Community Garden, Accessory Use:
      1.   The primary use parking area shall serve as the parking area for the community garden.
      2.   Emergency service access to the community garden site shall be maintained if on street parking is utilized.
   M.   Convenience Store With Petroleum Sales:
      1.   The store must be located on a State highway, arterial or collector roadway.
      2.   A conditional use permit is required if a convenience store with petroleum sales is located on a parcel directly adjacent to Residentially zoned property.
      3.   The store's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      4.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   N.   Convenience Store Without Petroleum Sales:
      1.   The store must be located on a State highway, arterial or collector roadway.
      2.   A conditional use permit is required if a convenience store with petroleum sales is located on a parcel directly adjacent to Residentially zoned property.
      3.   The store's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      4.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   O.   Country Club With Golf Course:
      1.   Clubhouses shall meet the primary setbacks for the zoning district.
      2.   There shall be a one hundred foot (100') minimum setback between any accessory buildings, swimming pool, lighted tennis court or any amenity area and adjacent Residentially zoned or used property.
      3.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      4.   Lighting for amenity areas shall be designed such that it does not spill over onto adjacent properties.
      5.   Outdoor swimming pools shall be protected by a fence, a minimum of four feet (4') in height and equipped with a self- closing and positive self-latching gate provided with hardware for permanent locking.
   P.   Contractor Or Trade Shops/Yards And Public Service Equipment Facility - Maintenance And Storage:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpster areas must be:
         a.   Sited behind the rear wall of the building;
         b.   In compliance with the required setbacks of the zoning district that the use is located in, and outside any required buffer yard;
         c.   Enclosed with a fence that is at least six feet (6') high;
         d.   Screened from adjacent properties, and from public and private rights-of-way.
      2.   Such uses may not be located in any watershed protection area.
      3.   Uses shall meet all applicable landscaping standards in chapter 402 of this title. When occupying an existing structure, landscaping shall be upgraded to meet requirements of chapter 402 of this title.
   Q.   Day Camp, Summer Camp, Civic Group Camp Facility:
      1.   Play areas, sports fields and parking areas must be a minimum of five hundred feet (500') from any adjacent Residentially zoned or used property line.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
   R.   Farm Market:
      1.   Parking shall be provided so as to meet the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   If the farm market uses an existing parking lot area serving businesses or other uses, the parking required for the farmers market must not take away from the required parking for the primary/other established uses on the property. A parking analysis (as determined by the Director) may be required to verify that parking requirements will be met.
      3.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      4.   All vendors at the farmer's market, plus the farmer's market organizer must possess a valid Lyon County business license.
      5.   Farm market booths and pedestrian areas shall not interfere with the circulation or parking of vehicles in any required parking area of the site on which the farm market is established.
         a.   Garbage receptacles shall be provided in convenient areas for use by customers and emptied at a frequency so as to minimize any trash blowing onto adjacent properties.
      6.   Farm markets shall comply with the requirements of Nevada Revised Statutes 446.017 - 446.945, inclusive and NAC 446.732 - 446.759, inclusive.
      7.   Farm market areas shall be kept clean and free of trash, debris, garbage and other refuse.
      8.   Garbage receptacles shall be provided in convenient areas for use by customers and emptied at a frequency so as to minimize any trash blowing onto adjacent properties.
   S.   Gasoline Sales:
      1.   The facility must front on a State highway, arterial or collector roadway.
      2.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      3.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   T.   Golf Course, Public Or Private:
      1.   Clubhouses shall meet the primary setbacks for the zoning district.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Lighting for amenity areas shall be designed such that it does not spillover onto adjacent properties.
   U.   Government Buildings, Storage Only:
      1.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   Lighting for outdoor storage areas shall be designed such that it does not spill over onto adjacent properties.
   V.   Government Buildings, Storage Only, With Outdoor Storage Area:
      1.   Outside storage areas shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from any Residentially zoned or used property.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Lighting for outdoor storage areas shall be designed such that it does not spill over onto adjacent properties.
   W.   Home Occupation, General: The following list identifies those occupations which may be conducted from a residence in any district. The purpose of the list is to function both as a guide and also to illustrate the spirit and intent of what is a legitimate home occupation. Essentially, the home occupation is conceived of as being reasonably permitted in a residential setting because it does not compromise the residential character of the area. A reasonable home occupation would not generate conspicuous traffic, would not visually call unusual attention to the home nor would it ever generate nonresidential level noise.
      Accounting, bookkeeping.
      Computer repair/programming.
      Cottage food operations, conformant all requirement within Nevada Revised Statutes 446.866.
      Daycare with six (6) or less children or adults.
      Drafting services.
      Dressmaking, alteration services, tailoring.
      Engineering and surveying.
      Financial planning and investment services.
      Fine arts or artisan's studio (creation of individual works only, no mass production).
      Insurance sales.
      Interior decoration (no studio permitted).
      Legal services.
      Mail order business (order taking only, no stock in trade).
      Musical instruction, voice or instrument.
      Office work.
      One chair beauty or barber shop.
      Pet grooming (enclosed).
      Photo laboratory (no studio work).
      Real estate sales.
      Similar, low impact endeavors.
      1.   The use must be conducted entirely within the interior of the residence, must be clearly incidental and secondary to residential occupancy, and may not change the residential character of the dwelling.
      2.   The use of the dwelling for a home occupation may not exceed up to twenty five percent (25%) of one floor of the principal building.
      3.   Residents of the dwelling must be engaged in the home occupation with no more than one nonresident assistant employed.
      4.   No activity can take place as a home occupation which involves any outdoor storage.
      5.   All parking needs brought about by the operation of the home occupation must be met through off street parking (including any customer parking). Driveways may be used to meet this requirement, however the driveway used to provide off-street parking shall be provided on the parcel being used for the home occupation use to the satisfaction of the Director.
      6.   All uses allowed under home occupations must maintain a valid County business license and any State and/or Federal licenses (if necessary).
   X.   Home Based Business: The following lists those occupations, which may be conducted as a home based business (HBB). The home based business differs from the home occupation in that it is not required to be conducted within the residence proper, but may be conducted in another building accessory to the residence. Slightly more intense uses may occur within the HBB since it is sited within less densely settled areas.
      Building contractor's storage yard including electrical, plumbing, and mechanical.
      Cottage food operations, subject to compliance with Nevada Revised Statutes 446 and inspections/licenses from State Health Department.
      Farm equipment repair work (on RR-10 and RR-20 zoned parcels with active agricultural exemption only)
      Farm-To-Fork events, subject to compliance with Nevada Revised Statutes 446 and inspection/license from State Health Department.
      Fine arts or artisan's studio (not using equipment larger than hand tools).
         Jewelry making.
         Pottery work.
         Or similar fine art manufacture.
      Homemade clothing.
      Landscape contractor.
      Limited equine boarding.
      Sign painting.
      Similar, low impact endeavors.
      1.   The home based business may be carried out in no more than one building separate from the primary residence. Storage of materials used with the home based business in a second accessory shed is permissible.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   All outdoor stored or used equipment and materials must be fully screened either by fencing or landscaping from any abutting residential use or public rights-of-way.
      4.   The accessory building in which the HBB is conducted may not exceed the square footage of the footprint of the residence but in no event exceed the allowances contained in subsection A of this section.
      5.   Nonresident employees may work in the HBB as follows:
         a.   Up to one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor space - One nonresident employee.
         b.   One thousand (1,000) and over square feet of floor space - Two (2) nonresident employees.
      6.   Hours of any HBB associated outdoor noise shall be limited to times from dawn to dusk in any residential area.
      7.   Parcel must meet the standard minimum size requirements for the district in which it is located.
      8.   Home based businesses which allow clients or customers to visit the business may be subject to accessibility standards. Applicants should contact the Building Department for requirements prior to applying for the home based business permit.
      9.   All parking needs for employees of an HBB and any clients or customers that may come to the HBB must be met through off-street parking.
      10.   All uses allowed under home based business must maintain a valid business license and any State and/or Federal licenses (if necessary).
   Y.   Kennels - Breeder's And Commercial And Veterinary Hospital/Clinics:
      1.   Any kennel or veterinary facility which is not wholly enclosed within a building shall be enclosed by a security fence at least six feet (6') in height.
      2.   Animal odors shall not be detectable beyond the lot lines of the property wherein the kennel or veterinary facility is located.
      3.   Dust and drainage from the kennel or veterinary facility enclosure shall not create a nuisance or a hazard to adjoining property or uses.
      4.   Grooming services for the animals being boarded is allowed as an incidental use provided the grooming services are conducted indoors.
      5.   All kennels or veterinary facility shall comply with the standards set forth in title 7 of this Code, incorporated herein by reference.
      6.   The minimum distance between the outer edge of any buildings, animal enclosures or fenced areas must be at least three hundred feet (300') from the parcel boundary of any Residentially zoned or used properties. This includes adjacent parcels and parcels located across street rights-of-way.
      7.   The number of animals boarded outside or partially outside of the facility shall not exceed ten (10) animals over six (6) months of age. Animals boarded entirely inside shall not be counted as part of this limitation.
      8.   The primary use, including all outside boarding areas, shall meet the buffer standards of chapter 402 of this title.
      9.   This use shall be required to be separated from educational institutions and places of worship by a distance of one thousand feet (1,000'). This distance shall be measured from the exterior property lines of the facility to the nearest property line of the educational institution or place of worship.
      10.   All outdoor lights must be shielded to direct light and glare onto the facility's premises and may be of sufficient intensity to ensure security. Lighting and glare must be deflected, shaded and focused away from any adjoining property.
      11.   All storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone; and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   Z.   Reserved.
   AA.   Multifamily Residential:
      1.   The maximum allowed density for multifamily residential units in Rural Commercial Mixed-Use Zoning Districts shall be six (6) dwelling units per acre, and twelve (12) dwelling units per acre in Suburban Commercial Mixed-Use Districts.
      2.   A density bonus of two (2) dwelling units per acre will be allowed for projects which can successfully demonstrate the concept of a mixed-use development as defined in chapter 1200 of this title, appendix A. This can generally be accomplished through the submission of a site plan and appropriate architectural drawings.
      3.   Must meet the adequate public facility standards within chapter 110 of this title.
      4.   Must meet the multi-family residential design standards contained in chapter 348 of this title.
   BB.   Moving Van, Truck, Trailer Or Equipment Rental:
      1.   The outdoor display area may not exceed sixty thousand (60,000) square feet.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone with all primary and accessory structures, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      4.   Lighting for outdoor storage areas shall be designed such that it does not spill over onto adjacent properties.
   CC.   Adult Or Child Daycare, Seven Or More Adults Or Children:
      1.   Use is not permitted in any residential portion of a mixed-use development, unless the residential parcel is one acre or larger.
      2.   A copy of the Nevada State license issued to the facility is required to be submitted to the Director.
      3.   Evidence that all necessary encroachment permits have been issued for the facility. Applicant shall submit copies of the site plan as part of the application.
      4.   Adequate access to and from the site to accommodate traffic generated, including any required roadway improvements, shall be shown on the site plan.
      5.   Drop off and pick up areas shall be interior to the site, out of the public right-of-way, and designed so as not to interfere with internal circulation and ingress/egress to the site.
      6.   The facility must have access to a County or State maintained road.
      7.   The facility must have a valid Lyon County business license.
   DD.   Office, Professional/Medical/Dental/Clinic:
      1.   Maximum square footage shall not exceed twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet for all enclosed structures, if square footage threshold is exceeded, a conditional use permit will be required.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
   EE.   Outdoor Display And Sales:
      1.   Accessory To Commercial Use: Outdoor display and/or sale of merchandise may be allowed as an accessory use for all commercial uses. It is the intent of this title to allow the display of merchandise for sale, but not where the display of such items impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or creates an unsafe condition. The display of goods shall meet all of the following requirements.
      2.   Where Permitted:
         a.   All outdoor display of goods shall be located immediately adjacent to the storefront and not in drive aisles, loading zones, fire lanes, or parking lots.
         b.   The area used for outdoor display or sales shall not occur on the sides and rear of buildings and shall be limited to no more than one-quarter (1/4) of the length of the store front, unless increased by the Director after taking into account aesthetic and safety concerns or other relevant factors. In the case of a shopping center, the "storefront" shall include the entire frontage of the shopping center, meaning that the total amount of display for all the in-line tenants combined shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the aggregate store front of the overall shopping center.
         c.   No goods shall be attached to a building's wall surface.
         d.   The height of the outdoor display shall not exceed six feet (6'), unless an exception to this provision has been granted by the Director.
         e.   The outdoor display area shall take place on an improved surface such as the sidewalk or pavement.
         f.   No outdoor displays shall be allowed in required landscape areas.
      3.   No Pedestrian Obstruction: At least five feet (5') along the parking lot side of the display shall be maintained free of obstruction to allow for pedestrian and handicap movement, such that handicapped pedestrians and others do not have to enter the parking lot or drive aisle to walk around the display.
   FF.   Outdoor Storage: Outdoor storage may be allowed as an accessory use through the development plan review process and subject to compliance with the following requirements:
      1.   Each outdoor storage area shall be incorporated into the overall design of the primary structure on the site and shall be located at the rear of the primary structure.
      2.   Goods stored in an approved outdoor storage area shall be limited to those sold on the premises as part of an associated primary use.
      3.   Each outdoor storage area shall be screened from view from all property lines and adjacent rights-of-way by an opaque fence or wall that incorporates at least one of the predominant materials and one of the predominant colors used in the primary structure. The fence shall be of the appropriate height that all outdoor storage areas are effectively screened. Materials may not be stored higher than the height of the primary structure. A landscaped earthen berm may be used instead of or in combination with a required fence or wall.
      4.   No materials may be stored in areas intended for vehicular or pedestrian circulation.
   GG.   Performance Hall Or Movie Theater:
      1.   Facility must provide entertainment, indoors. If outdoor performances or theater is proposed, a conditional use permit will be required.
      2.   Facility must provide off-street parking in accordance with the provisions of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Outdoor performances may be subject to the requirements of title 5, chapter 7 of this Code and require an outdoor festival permit rather than a conditional use permit.
      4.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      5.   When located adjacent to Residentially used or zoned property, buffering shall be provided as referenced in section 15.402.04 of this title.
   HH.   Recreational Facility, Indoor:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
   II.   Recyclable Materials Drop Off:
      1.   Must be designed such that adequate off loading and turn space exist to allow for safe ingress and egress from site.
      2.   The drop-off area must meet the primary setbacks of the zone.
      3.   When located adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property, a buffer in conformance to the requirements of chapter 402 of this title shall be maintained.
   JJ.   Public Assembly, Including Churches:
      1.   Facilities with a seating capacity/worship hall at three hundred fifty (350) or less are permitted by right. Facilities with a seating capacity/worship hall of greater than three hundred fifty (350) require review and approval of a conditional use permit as per chapter 230 of this title.
      2.   The use must front on an arterial or collector road.
      3.   Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of chapter 401 of this title.
      4.   The use must be located within the commercial/non-residential portion of property if proposed in a Mixed Use Zone.
      5.   The decision-making body may approve the following accessory uses when these accessory uses are included as a part of the request submitted by the property owner and any potential impacts to neighboring properties have been adequately mitigated:
         Civic, business, corporate and religious or other retreats.
         Private catered dinners.
         Small seasonal parties.
      6.   The decision-making body may limit the total number of guests permitted at any time during the accessory events.
      7.   The hours of operation for events that occur outdoors and include amplification equipment must end no later than eight o'clock (8:00) P.M.
      8.   Any area to be used as a party, reception, garden or other guest amenity area shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from the property line of any Residentially zoned or used property.
   KK.   Automobile, Motorcycle, RV Or Boat Repair Shop:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   A buffer in conformance with chapter 402 of this title shall be maintained.
   LL.   Repair Shop, Farm Machinery:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   In the event the use abuts Residentially used or zoned property, storage areas must be either screened by a solid fence or wall with a minimum height of six feet (6') or must be set back from the adjacent residential property line the distance of the minimum setback distance. Buildings and storage areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the property line.
Note: If the use occurs on a large tract of land five (5) acres or more, the buildings and storage areas are screened by existing vegetation or site topography from adjacent properties and are not visible from any road right-of-ways, the buffer requirement may be waived by the Director.
   MM.   Repair Shop, Small Engine:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   In the event the use abuts Residentially used or zoned property, buildings and storage areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the property line.
      3.   A buffer in conformance with chapter 402 of this title shall be maintained.
Note: In the AG, NIA, RL, RR-20 and RR-10 Districts, if the use occurs on a tract of land five (5) acres or more, the buildings and storage areas are screened by existing vegetation or site topography from adjacent properties and are not visible from any road right-of-ways, the buffer requirement may be waived.
   NN.   Group Living, Ten Or Fewer Residents:
      1.   One group living facility may not locate within five hundred feet (500') of another group living facility. Distance shall be measured from the property line of the existing home.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Must obtain a Lyon County business license prior to establishment of use.
      4.   Must obtain and maintain all necessary permits and approvals required through State and/or Federal regulations.
      5.   Documentation of State and Federal permit approvals must be provided to Lyon County Community Development prior to establishment of use.
      6.   Annual proof of State and Federal permits and/or licensing must be provided to Lyon County Community Development Department. If permitting and licensing is not provided, Lyon County can require shutdown of operation until proof of all necessary State/Federal permitting and licensing is provided.
   OO.   Restaurant, Excluding Drive-Thru:
      1.   Use must front on an arterial or collector road.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Landscaping and buffering/screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 402 of this title.
      4.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   PP.   Restaurant With Drive-Thru Facility:
      1.   All drive-thru entrances and exits must be at least two hundred fifty feet (250') from an intersection.
      2.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Landscaping and buffering/screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 402 of this title.
      4.   Adequate stacking shall be provided in drive-thru lanes so that traffic is contained on site and does not interfere with circulation internally or on any adjacent road or street right- of-way.
      5.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      6.   In the event the restaurant with a drive through locates adjacent to any Residentially zoned parcel, the site plan must incorporate visual screening along the property perimeter to visually conceal the drive through and vehicle stacking lane from the adjacent residential property. Such screening shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director.
      7.   Menu order boards with speakers shall not be oriented toward any directly adjacent Residentially zoned parcels.
   QQ.   Restaurants, Mobile - Food Trucks, Outdoor Vendors And Carts:
      1.   May not be located on a public sidewalk.
      2.   Must not impede safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, parking lot circulation or access to any public right- of-way or sidewalk.
      3.   Hours of operation limited to the hours between six o'clock (6:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. Extended hours may be permitted by temporary use permit.
      4.   Must pick up all litter and provide a suitable container for litter and trash.
      5.   Must be attended at all times.
      6.   Must prominently display all applicable licenses and permits.
      7.   All signs must be attached to the vehicle or cart.
      8.   Provide written permission from the property owner where setting up.
      9.   Secure a business license from the Lyon County Clerk's Office prior to operating.
   RR.   General Retail, Less Than Twenty Five Thousand Square Feet: General retail is inclusive of the following uses:
      Art gallery.
      Copy center, mail/parcel services, etc.
      Grocery store.
      Laundromat, dry cleaning pick-up and drop-off.
      Massage or tanning salon.
      Personal care.
      Shoe repair.
      Uses as determined by the Director to be similar in nature.
      1.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   Landscaping and buffering/screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 402 of this title.
      3.   The store's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent residential properties.
      4.   Outside storage shall not be permitted.
   SS.   Salvage Yard:
      1.   Materials may not be vertically stacked so as to be visible to the passing motorist.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone for the primary and accessory buildings, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   In the event the use abuts Residentially used or zoned property, buildings and storage areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred fifty feet (150') from the property line.
   TT.   Sawmill, Firewood Processing And Wood Chipping Operations:
      1.   A minimum of two (2) acres is required.
      2.   Any and all mechanized sawing/splitting/chipping equipment must be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from boundary lines.
   UU.   Scientific Research And Development, Accessory To Agriculture:
      1.   Research must be related to agricultural activity occurring on site.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone for the primary and accessory structures and facilities, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   The facility shall be designed such that it absorbs or dissipates noise to the greatest extent possible. Where facilities are adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property; noise shall be reduced to within five (5) decibels of the average ambient noise level at the property line.
      4.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding wastewater treatment and air quality permitting.
   VV.   Scientific Research And Development:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   When located adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property, any outdoor research or experiment areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the property line.
      3.   The facility shall be designed such that it absorbs or dissipates noise to the greatest extent possible. Where facilities are adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property; noise shall be reduced to within five (5) decibels of the average ambient noise level at the property line.
      4.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding wastewater treatment and air quality permitting.
   WW.   Self Storage/RV Storage:
      1.   No separate individual business operation is allowed to operate within an individual storage space/unit. No space/unit shall be converted into a residential use.
      2.   All self-storage buildings shall be permanent structures built or assembled on-site.
      3.   The perimeter of the facility shall be screened by a solid masonry wall in the Community Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial, Commercial Mixed Use, Highway Corridor Mixed-Use, Employment Mixed Use, and Service Industrial zoning districts.
      4.   A minimum six foot (6') high perimeter fence is required in light and heavy industrial zoning districts. Portions of the fence, which are adjacent to residential zoning districts or which face arterial streets, residential streets, and state highways must be a solid masonry wall.
      5.   A minimum of ten-foot-wide landscape buffer shall be provided along the entire side of the facility between any street or highway and the required wall. The landscaping shall include screening trees as required by chapter 402.
      6.   All storage shall be within an enclosed building except for the storage of recreational vehicles.
      7.   The surface of the area to be used for outdoor storage shall be paved with a non-permeable material such as asphalt or concrete or, in the case of the storage of heavy equipment, covered with a material acceptable to the administrator which will control fugitive dust.
      8.   One parking space is required for every one hundred (100) storage units with a minimum of three (3) spaces required for the facility office.
      9.   One-way interior travel lanes must have a minimum width of fifteen feet (15') in addition to the ten foot (10') wide parking lane. All two-way interior travel lanes serving storage units must have two (2) 12-foot wide travel lanes and be provided with a ten foot (10') wide parking/loading lane.
      10.   The height of the storage buildings shall be governed by the maximum height permitted for the zoning district. See chapter 300 of this title, zoning districts and standards for dimensional requirements.
      11.   All outdoor lights must be shielded to direct light and glare only onto the facility's premises and may be of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft. Lighting and glare must be deflected, shaded and focused away from any adjoining residential property.
      12.   Minimum and maximum lot sizes.
         a.   Community Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial:
            (1)   Minimum lot size: One acre.
            (2)   Maximum lot size: Three (3) acres.
         b.   Regional Commercial, Commercial Mixed Use, Highway Corridor Mixed-Use, Employment Mixed Use, and Service Industrial:
            (1)   Minimum lot size: One acre.
            (2)   Maximum lot size: Ten (10) acres.
         c.   Light Industrial:
            (1)   Minimum lot size: One acre.
            (2)   Maximum lot size: None.
      13.   All self service storage facilities are subject to the buffering and landscaping set forth in chapter 402 of this title.
      14.   A minimum six foot (6') high perimeter fence is required. Portions of the fence, which face arterial or residential streets, must be solid or semisolid and decorative.
      15.   No outside storage, other than the storage of RVs, boats, and other items specifically approved via a Conditional Use Permit, is permitted in the Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, Commercial Mixed-Use, Highway Mixed-Use, Service Industrial or Employment Mixed-Use Districts.
      16.   All outdoor storage areas must be screened through the installation of fencing or vegetative screening. When located adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property or street right- of-ways, additional screening and/or landscape measures may be required by the Director.
      17.   A single watchman's quarters is permitted either incorporated into one of the buildings or as a stand-alone structure as an accessory use to the self storage/Rv storage facility.
   XX.   Shooting Range, Indoor:
      1.   Facility design shall be such that it absorbs or dissipates noise from the firing of weapons and/or any mechanical equipment.
      2.   The facility shall be located a minimum of one hundred fifty feet (150') from the property line of any residentially used or Residentially zoned property.
      3.   All applicable local, State and Federal permits must be obtained prior to zoning permitting.
   YY.   Sports And Recreation Instruction Or Camps:
      1.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   Where adjacent to Residentially zoned or used property, a buffer yard in conformance to chapter 402 of this title shall be installed.
      3.   All activity must end by ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. when adjacent to residential property.
      4.   Lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent residential properties.
   ZZ.   Storage Building Sales, With Display Area:
      1.   Display area shall not exceed forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
      2.   Buildings shall be arranged so that sight triangles are unobstructed.
   AAA.   Equestrian Facilities:
      1.   The proposed site must be at least five (5) acres.
      2.   The following setbacks are required in addition to those of the zoning district:
         a.   No activity area, including pastures or runs, shall be located closer than twenty feet (20') to any property line.
         b.   Any building housing animals shall be located a minimum of three hundred feet (300') from any Residentially zoned property.
         c.   A vegetative strip at least one hundred feet (100') wide shall be maintained between any corrals, manure piles or manure application areas and any surface water or well in order to minimize runoff, prevent erosion and promote nitrogen absorption.
         d.   Manure piles must be kept a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from any adjacent property line.
         e.   Manure must either be transported off-site for disposal or may be composted using Best Management Practices and techniques for composting.
      3.   Retail sales of small-scale accessory equestrian merchandise (such as grooming, bits, halters, bridle and tack, feed, clothing, etc.) and souvenirs is permitted on-site.
      4.   Boarding, classes, training, lessons are permitted uses associated with an equestrian facility.
      5.   Special events associated with the equestrian nature of the facility are permitted subject to compliance with this chapter. If food service is proposed, then documentation of compliance with the State health regulations is required prior to the approval of the special event.
      6.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   BBB.   Swim Club, Tennis Club, Country Club:
      1.   In any Residential District, the minimum area shall be one acre.
      2.   Clubhouses shall meet the primary setbacks for the zoning district.
      3.   There shall be a twenty foot (20') minimum setback between any accessory buildings, swimming pool, lighted tennis court or any amenity area and adjacent Residentially zoned or used property.
      4.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
      5.   Lighting for amenity areas shall be designed such that it does not spill over onto adjacent properties.
      6.   Outdoor swimming pools shall be protected by a fence, a minimum of four feet (4') in height and equipped with a self- closing and positive self-latching gate provided with hardware for permanent locking.
   CCC.   Towing Service, With Salvage:
      1.   Materials may not be vertically stacked so as to be visible to a passing motorist.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Within the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   In the event the use abuts Residentially used or zoned property, buildings and storage areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the property line.
   DDD.   Towing Service, With Towed Vehicle Storage Yard, No Salvage Or Part Sales:
      1.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      2.   The vehicle storage area may not exceed sixty thousand (60,000) square feet.
      3.   In the event the use abuts Residentially used or zoned property, buildings and storage areas shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from the property line.
   EEE.   Warehouse And/Or Distribution:
      1.   Provide adequate traffic flow (including but not limited to road entrances and exits, queuing areas, holding areas for inspections, location of the scale house, and traffic routes) that demonstrate adequate parking and queuing space for trucks and customers as well as enough space for safe equipment movement in light of truck and customer traffic through the site.
      2.   Outside stacking of materials should not be visible to the passing motorist traveling any adjacent external road.
      3.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   FFF.   Wind Energy Conversion System, Accessory Use, On Site Use Only: All private WECS are subject to and must comply with the following:
      1.   Setbacks: Minimum setbacks for private use wind machines shall be:
         a.   A minimum of one times the total extended height from the property lines.
         b.   Wind machines shall not be located within the front yard setback nor within the street side setback of any parcel of land in Nonrural Residential Zoning Districts.
         c.   Guywires may not extend closer than ten feet (10') from any property line and shall be clearly visible to a minimum height of six feet (6').
         d.   No part of a private WECS shall be located within or over drainage, utility or other established easements.
      2.   Height: The maximum total extended height of private WECS is eighty feet (80') on parcels of five (5) acres net or less and one hundred feet (100') on parcels greater than five (5) acres net, provided all required setbacks and other standards of this section are met. "Total extended height" shall mean the height above adjacent grade to a blade tip at its highest point of travel and including any other portion of the WECS.
      3.   Lighting: Wind machine towers shall not be artificially lighted above ten feet (10') above grade unless required, in writing, by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other applicable authority that regulates air safety.
      4.   Access: To hinder unauthorized access, all wind machine towers/structures must comply with the following provisions:
         a.   Any tower shall be designed and installed so that there shall be no exterior step bolts or a ladder on the tower readily accessible to the public for a minimum height of twelve feet (12') above the ground. For lattice or guyed towers a barrier shall be provided such that it cannot be readily climbed.
         b.   All ground mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled or secured to prevent unauthorized access.
      5.   Rotor Safety: Each wind machine shall be equipped with both manual and automatic controls to limit the rotational speed of the blade within the design limits of the rotor. An external, manual shutoff switch shall be included with the installation. The minimum distance between the ground and any protruding blades utilized on a private wind machine shall be ten feet (10') as measured at the lowest point of the arc of the blades.
      6.   Noise: All wind machines shall comply with the noise requirements in this section. These levels, however, may be exceeded during short term events such as utility outages and severe windstorms. A manufacturer's sound report shall be required with a building permit application.
         a.   No wind machine or combination of wind machines on a single parcel shall create noise that exceeds a maximum of fifty five (55) decibels (dBA) at any property line.
         b.   Any wind machine(s) exceeding these levels shall immediately cease operation upon notification by Lyon County and may not resume operation until the noise levels have been reduced in compliance with the required standards and verified by an independent third party inspector, approved by Lyon County, at the property owner's expense. Upon review and acceptance of the third party noise level report, Lyon County will allow operation of the affected wind machine(s).
      7.   Installation: Private WECS should be installed by qualified persons possessing the appropriate Nevada State contractor's license and Lyon County business license.
         a.   The design of the structure and foundation of the private WECS must be reviewed and approved (sealed) by an engineer licensed in Nevada. This includes attachment of the wind machine to any building or structure.
         b.   Wind machines shall be sited in such a manner to minimize shadow flicker on a roadway and on buildings located off the property on which the wind machine is constructed. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to modify operations to restrict shadow flicker on existing occupied buildings.
         c.   Roof mounted wind machines shall be located so that in the event of failure, no part of the machine will cross any parcel line onto adjacent property.
         d.   All electric wires not within or on a building leading from the wind machine to electrical control facilities shall be located underground per the currently adopted National Electric Code (NEC).
      8.   Maintenance And Repair: Wind machines shall be maintained in good repair, as recommended by the manufacturer.
         a.   Any wind energy conversion system determined to be unsafe by the building official shall immediately cease operation upon notification and shall be repaired by the owner to meet all Federal, State and local safety standards or be removed.
         b.   When a private WECS is removed from a site, all associated equipment, batteries, devices, structures or support(s) excluding foundations for that system shall also be removed.
      9.   FAA Compliance: Private WECS must comply with applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations including any approvals required for installations.
      10.   Variances: Variances to the standards established by this chapter must be pursued in accordance with chapter 203 of this title.
      11.   Comstock Historic District: In addition to all other requirements, all proposed private WECS located within the Comstock Historic District, as established by the Comstock Historical Commission pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 384, shall receive a review, approval and a certificate of appropriateness from the Comstock Historic District Commission prior to submitting an application for a building permit.
      12.   Produced Energy: Energy produced must be used on the same parcel.
      13.   Decommissioning Plan: A decommissioning plan shall be provided that describes the anticipated life of the facility, estimated decommissioning costs and responsible party for decommissioning the facility.
      14.   Maintenance Plan: A maintenance plan shall be provided describing the maintenance schedule for the structure including the name, address and phone number of responsible party for maintenance.
   GGG.   Animal Keeping - Livestock, Poultry, Etc.:
      1.   Number: The number of barnyard animals or poultry kept on a property shall be limited to: a) a quantity that will cause no harm to the animals, b) a quantity that will cause no harm to the environment or ground water, and c) a quantity that will cause no harm to neighboring lots, parcels and/or owners.
      2.   Barnyard Animals: No person shall keep any livestock or barnyard animals except as provided below.
         a.   On parcels zoned Rural Residential and Suburban Residential greater than or equal to one gross acre in land area:
            (1)   Barnyard animals may be kept on lots or parcels one gross acre or greater in land area.
            (2)   On lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre in size existing as of September 1, 1995 located within the Mark Twain Estates Unit 10 Subdivision as described by map number 32781, barnyard animals may be kept. Only two (2) horses per lot or parcel are permitted under this provision.
            (3)   The number of barnyard animals including poultry kept on property shall be limited to:
               (A)   The quantity that will cause no harm to the animal(s);
               (B)   The quantity that will cause no harm to the environment or ground water; and
               (C)   The quantity that will cause no harm to neighboring lots or parcels and/or owners.
   The barnyard animals shall not be permitted to roam free beyond the property line.
         b.   On parcels zoned Suburban Residential where lots or parcels are less than one gross acre in land area, a maximum of two (2) rabbits or four (4) female chickens may be kept subject to the standards listed below. Lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre existing as of September 1, 1995 located within the Mark Twain Estates Unit 10 Subdivision as described by map number 32781 are exempt from this provision as per subsection GGG2a(2) of this section.
            (1)   Rabbits and female chickens may be kept subject to the following requirements:
               (A)   he animals are kept in accordance with standards for good animal husbandry practices;
               (B)   Coops, hutches and enclosures that house the barnyard animals shall be cleaned regularly to prevent offensive odors from becoming a nuisance;
               (C)   Coops, hutches and enclosures shall not be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from any property line.
   HHH.   Truck Stop:
      1.   If permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit, the standards listed below shall be required of the facility.
         a.   The facility must front on a State highway, arterial or collector roadway.
         b.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
         c.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
            (1)   Sited to the rear of the building,
            (2)   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
            (3)   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
         d.   Accessory uses such as truck scales, truck tire sales, transient lodging, showers, lockers, washer/dryers, restaurants and accessory retail sales may be allowed if any potentially negative impacts have been addressed through the site layout and design of the structures.
         e.   The facility must not be adjacent to any Residentially zoned property unless the Director has determined there is sufficient buffering and screening to be installed that would address noise, light and odor impacts.
   III.   Government Administrative And Civic Buildings, Public Safety Facilities, Museums:
      1.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 401 of this title.
   JJJ.   Athletic Fields And Courts, Parks, Playgrounds:
      1.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      2.   Facility shall provide adequate safety lighting during nighttime non-activity hours to the acceptance of the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.
      3.   Garbage receptacles must be provided, located conveniently for ease of use and emptied as regularly as required by the use level of the facility.
      4.   If facility is a community or regional park facility, parking shall be provided conformant with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
   KKK.   Field Crops, Vineyards:
      1.   During active planting, harvesting or other intensive work efforts in the crop or vineyard, portable restroom facilities must be provided for use by the laborers.
   LLL.   Plant Nursery:
      1.   Storage of planting materials such as soil amendments, compost, fertilizers, bark, etc., shall meet storm drainage run- off and control requirements to protect against pollutants entering the stormwater collection system.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters, pallet and used plant container storage areas must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance within the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Made unnoticeable from both adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing or vegetative screening, designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.
      3.   The facility shall provide off-street parking to meet the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
   MMM.   Agricultural Related Industry (On-Farm), Agricultural Supplies And Support Services, Agricultural Tourism, Winery:
      1.   Storage of planting materials such as soil amendments, compost, fertilizers, bark, etc., shall meet storm drainage run- off and control requirements to protect against pollutants entering the stormwater collection system.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters, pallet and used plant container storage areas must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   Compliant within the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Made unnoticeable from both adjacent residential properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either solid fencing or vegetative screening.
      3.   The facility shall provide off-street parking to meet the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      4.   Restrooms shall be provided that are available to customers.
      5.   Garbage receptacles shall be provided in convenient areas for use by customers and emptied at a frequency so as to minimize any trash blowing onto adjacent properties.
      6.   The facility's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover onto adjacent properties.
      7.   The facility shall provide off-street parking to meet the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      8.   A winery must conform to State regulations contained in Nevada Revised Statutes 369 and 597.
   NNN.   Event Or Conference Center:
      1.   The event or conference center must contain all events, entertainment or other activities, indoors. If any outdoor events, entertainment or other activities are proposed or provided, a temporary use permit will be required.
      2.   Outdoor performances may be subject to the requirements of title 5, chapter 7 of this Code and require an outdoor festival permit in addition to a temporary use permit.
      3.   All equipment loading area/truck docks or similar and garbage dumpster areas must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In compliance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      4.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      5.   Landscaping, buffering and screening must be provided in conformance with chapter 402 of this title.
   OOO.   Bar Or Nightclub, Brew Pub/Craft Distillery:
      1.   Liquor Control: Bars, nightclubs, brewpub/craft distillery uses are subject to the requirements of title 5, chapter 2 of this Code.
      2.   Parking: Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   Outside Storage: All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      4.   Temporary Outdoor Events:
         a.   If any temporary (less than 24 hours in duration) outdoor activities including but not limited to drinking, cooking, music or other outdoor use is anticipated or planned, the owner/operator must provide an operational plan to the Community Development Department for acceptance. The plan shall incorporate any necessary improvements/restrictions to address potential impacts to surrounding properties (noise, light, odor, parking, domestic water service, sewage disposal, duration of event, hours of operation).
         b.   The temporary event shall provide documentation showing conformance with the State requirements contained in Nevada Revised Statutes 369, 446 and 597, as applicable.
      5.   Brew Pubs And Craft Distilleries: For brew pubs and craft distilleries, the owner/operator must comply with State regulations in Nevada Revised Statutes 369, and 597.
   PPP.   Hotel, Motel Or Lodge:
      1.   Guest rooms or suites shall be occupied on a transient basis with no provisions for cooking in the individual units.
      2.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      4.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding public accommodation as contained in Nevada Revised Statutes 447 and 651.
   QQQ.   Transfer Station:
      1.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   All outside storage areas including fuel storage and dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides and rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding sanitation as contained in Nevada Revised Statutes 444 and NAC 444, as applicable.
      4.   Provide adequate traffic flow (including but not limited to road entrances and exits, queuing areas, holding areas for inspections, location of the scale house, and traffic routes) that demonstrate adequate parking and queuing space for trucks and customers as well as enough space for safe equipment movement in light of truck and customer traffic through the site.
      5.   Provide buffer areas (open space, landscaping, berms, and/or walls) that reduce the transfer station's impacts to surrounding properties and separation distance from adjacent watercourses (ditches, sloughs, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes).
      6.   Transfer stations shall not be located within a designated floodway or floodplain.
   RRR.   Hospitals:
      1.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      2.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters and biohazard disposal areas must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides or rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   Site design must consider the 24-hour operation of the hospital and orient the facilities (including but not limited to emergency room location, helipads, exterior site and building lighting, location of utilities/central plant area and outdoor storage) with consideration of the existing surrounding land uses.
   SSS.   Milk Processing, Cheese Manufacturing, Etc.:
      1.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding wastewater treatment and air quality permitting.
      2.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides or rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   TTT.   Artisan Product Manufacturing And Processing, Machine Shops, Welding, Plumbing, Etc., Agricultural Machine Shop:
      1.   In residential developments, no public display of stock in trade shall be allowed within the dwelling or accessory buildings nor shall the residential character of the residential dwelling or residential neighborhood be allowed.
      2.   In commercial or commercial mixed use developments, the use shall not change the retail nature of the store or shop. There shall be no public display of stock in trade allowed within a dwelling unit and the use shall not change the nature of the character of the neighborhood.
      3.   The use shall not create a noticeable and objectionable amount of noise, dust, odor, smoke, glare, vibration or electrical interference at the property line.
      4.   All outdoor storage, including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides or rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance to the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through the installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      5.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
   UUU.   Assembly (Light), Manufacturing And Fabrication (Light):
      1.   The owner/operator must comply with State regulations regarding wastewater treatment and air quality permitting.
      2.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title.
      3.   All outside storage areas including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides or rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance with the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and,
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
   VVV.   Public Drinking Water - Pumping, Storage, Treatment And Distribution:
      1.   Parking must be provided in conformance with the requirements set forth in chapter 401 of this title when employees are located on-site for more than maintenance or inspection purposes.
      2.   All outdoor storage, including dumpsters must be:
         a.   Sited to the sides or rear of the building,
         b.   In conformance to the setbacks required of the building's underlying zone, and
         c.   Designed such that they are concealed from all adjacent properties and public rights-of-way through the installation of either fencing and/or vegetative screening.
      3.   Exterior building elevations shall reflect the surrounding existing development insofar as building materials, colors and architectural elements. This standard is not applicable to water storage tanks.
      4.   Security fencing shall be required when the public drinking water facility involves a building. (Ord. 603, 11-1-2018; amd. Ord. 607, 9-19-2019; Ord. 613, 12-3-2020; Ord. 628, 7-7-2022; Ord. 635, 1-4-2024)