All general laws and statutes of the State applicable to all cities operating under home rule charters, or applicable to cities of the same class as the City operating under home rule charters, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, shall apply to the City, and shall be construed as supplementary to the provisions of this Charter.
Any condemnation or assessment proceedings in progress when this Charter takes effect shall be continued and completed under the laws under which such proceedings were begun. All assessments made by the City prior to the time when this Charter takes effect shall be collected and the lien thereof enforced in the same manner as if this Charter had not been adopted.
All written contracts entered into on behalf of the City shall be approved by the Council and executed by the Mayor and the City Administrator in the name of the City. All purchases and contracts shall be made or let in accordance with applicable State law and requirements thereof for bidding, quotations, or direct negotiated purchases.
(Source: City Charter; Effective Date: 10-1-87)
As to all documents, certified copies of which are appropriate, it shall be the duty of the City Administrator, or his designee, to make certifications.
(Source: Ordinance No. 124, Third Series; Effective Date: 4-29-92; Ordinance No. 12, Fourth Series; Effective Date: 4-22-2020)