The City may own and operate any gas, water, heat, power, light, telephone or other public utility for supplying its own needs for utility service or for supplying utility service to private consumers or both. It may construct all facilities reasonably needed for that purpose and may acquire any existing utility properties so needed; but no proceedings to acquire any such public utility shall be consummated unless the City has the money in the treasury to pay for acquisition or has made provision for paying for the property proposed to be acquired. The operation of all public utilities owned by the City shall be under the supervision of the Council.
Upon recommendations made by the City Administrator or upon its own motion, the Council may fix rates, fares and prices, for municipal utilities but such rates, fares and prices shall be just and reasonable. In like manner the Council may prescribe the time and manner in which payments for all such service shall be made, and may make such other regulations as may be necessary, and prescribed penalties for violation of such regulations.