   Subject to the State Constitution, and except as forbidden by it or by State law, the Council shall have full power to provide by ordinance for a system of local taxation. This authority includes the power by ordinance to assess, levy, and collect taxes on all subjects or objects of taxation except as limited or prohibited by the State Constitution, by this Charter or by laws imposing restrictions upon the City irrespective of Charter provisions.
(Source: City Charter; Effective Date: 10-1-87)
   Annually the City Administrator shall submit to the Council his recommended budget as directed by a budget calendar to be established by the Council which meets the requirements of State law or, in the absence thereof, by September 1. The budget shall provide a complete financial plan for all City funds and activities for the ensuing fiscal year and, except as required by law or Charter, shall contain such information and be in such form as the City Administrator deems desirable or the Council may require. It shall include a summary and show in detail all estimated income and all proposed expenditures, including debt service and comparative figures for the current fiscal year, actual and estimated, and the preceding fiscal year. In addition to showing proposed expenditures for current operations, it shall show proposed capital expenditures to be made during ensuing years and the proposed method of financing each such capital expenditure. For each utility operated by the City, the budget shall show anticipated net surplus or deficit and the proposed method of it's disposition. The total proposed operating budget to be provided from the property tax shall not exceed the amounts authorized by law and this Charter.
(Source: Ordinance No. 92, Third Series; Effective Date: 9-26-90)
    Prior to submitting the annual budget, the City Administrator shall prepare and submit to the Council a recommended five-year capital improvement program. The capital improvement program shall include a list of all capital improvements proposed to be undertaken during the next five fiscal years, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements; cost estimate, method of financing and recommended time schedules for each such improvement; and for major improvements the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired. This information shall be revised and extended each year for capital improvements still pending or in process. The Council shall hold a public hearing on the capital improvement program and adopt it with or without amendment prior to the adoption of the annual budget.
(Source: City Charter; Effective Date: 10-1-87)
   The budget shall be considered by the Council in accordance with its budget calendar but not later than at the first regular monthly meeting of the Council in September and at subsequent meetings until a budget is adopted for the ensuing year. The meetings shall be so conducted as to give interested citizens a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The Council may revise the proposed budget but no amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the estimated fund balances. The Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget and proposed tax levy prior to adoption by resolution. The budget resolution shall set forth the total for each budgeted fund and each department with such segregation as to objects and purposes of expenditures as the Council deems necessary for purposes of budget control. The Council shall also adopt a resolution levying the amount of taxes provided in the budget and the City Administrator shall certify the tax resolution to the County Auditor in accordance with law. Adoption of the budget resolution shall constitute appropriations at the beginning of the fiscal year of the sums fixed in the resolution for the several purposes named. Appropriations for capital projects may be continuing appropriations extending into the next fiscal year. The budget resolution may be supported by further background information detailing the particulars of each line item budget appropriations and shall serve only as a guide for the internal financial budget control of the City.
   The City Administrator shall enforce strictly the provisions of the budget resolution. He shall not authorize any payment or the incurring of any obligation by the City unless an appropriation has been made for the same and there is a sufficient unexpended balance left after deducting the total past expenditures and encumbrances against the appropriation. No officer or employee of the City shall place any order or make any purchase for a purpose not authorized in the budget resolution. Any obligation incurred by any person for any purpose not authorized in the budget resolution or for any amount exceeding an appropriation shall be a personal obligation upon the person incurring the obligation. No check shall be issued or transfer made to any account other than one owned by the City until the claim
to which it relates has been supported by an itemized bill, payroll, or time-sheet or other document approved and signed by the responsible City officer who vouches for its correctness and reasonableness.
(Source: Ordinance No. 92, Third Series; Effective Date: 9-26-90)
   After the budget resolution has been adopted, the Council shall not increase the appropriations beyond the estimated revenue sources except to the extent that such sources exceed the estimate. At any time the Council may, be resolution approved by a majority of its members, reduce the sums appropriated for any purpose by the budget resolution, or authorize the transfer of sums from unencumbered balances of appropriations in the budget resolution to other purposes.
SEC. 7.09. FUNDS.
   There shall be maintained in the City Treasury a general fund and such other funds as may be required by statute, ordinance or resolution. The Council may, by ordinance or resolution, make inter-fund loans, except from trust and agency funds, as it may deem necessary and appropriate.
   Except as provided in Sections 7.11 and 7.12, no obligations shall be issued to pay current expenses, but the Council may issue and sell obligations for any other municipal purpose in accordance with law and within the limitations prescribed by law. Except in the case of obligations for which an election is not required by this Charter or by law, no such obligations shall be issued and sold without the approval of the majority of the voters voting on the questions at a general or special election.
(Source: City Charter; Effective Date: 10-1-87)