Unless specifically modified, revoked, amended or altered by ordinance, the City Administrator shall have the following specific powers and duties: (1) supervision over all departments and employees;
(2) he shall appoint, suspend, remove, promote, demote and transfer all employees of the City to accomplish efficiency and economy, but all in accordance with laws pertaining thereto; (3) attend Council meetings; (4) prepare and submit the annual budget; (5) keep minutes of all Council meetings, or designate another person to perform this function; (6) act in the capacity of City Clerk as to all matters relating to statutes and other laws; (7) negotiate and make such purchases as can be accomplished without competitive bidding and obtain estimate, quotations, sealed bids, or contracts in excess of such amount; (8) keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the City and recommend from time to time the adoption of such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety and welfare of the community; (9) recommend salaries to be paid City officers and employees; and, (10) perform other duties specified by this Charter or necessary to carry out the duties of Chief Administrative Officer.
The City Administrator shall be chosen solely on the basis of training, experience and administrative qualifications and he need not be a resident of the City at the time of appointment. The City Administrator shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed by the Council at any time by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Council upon specified grounds which shall be reduced to writing and served upon him at the time of said dismissal or removal. After receipt of said written notice, the Administrator may demand a public hearing which shall be held prior to the time his removal or dismissal shall become effective.
(Source: City Code; Effective Date: 10-1-87)