114.01 Definitions
114.02 License required
114.03 Application for license
114.04 Promotion of sale without license prohibited
114.05 Restricting location of advertisements
114.06 Period of time sale permitted
114.07 Display of license
114.08 Obstruction of sidewalks prohibited
114.09 Provisions shall not apply to holder of occupational license
114.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARAGE SALES, LAWN SALES, ATTIC SALES, RUMMAGE SALE, FLEA MARKET SALE or YARD SALE. Any sale of tangible personal property not otherwise regulated in the city ordinances, advertised by any means whereby the public at large is or can be made aware of such sale.
GOODS. Any goods, warehouse merchandise or other property capable of being the object of a sale regulated hereunder.
(`96 Code, § 114.01) (Ord. 1979-5-1, passed 5-23-1980)
A license issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer shall be obtained by any person, firm, group, corporation or organization before selling or offering to, or advertising to sell any goods at a sale to be advertised or held out by any means to be one of the types of sales enumerated in § 114.01
(`96 Code, § 114.02) (Ord. 1979-5-1, passed 5-23-1980) Penalty, see § 114.99
(A) An application for a license for any of the sales regulated hereunder shall be made at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer on a form to be provided therefore, which application shall contain the following information:
(1) Name of person, firm, group, corporation, association or organization conducting the sale;
(2) Location at which the sale is to be conducted and the date and nature of any prior sales conducted at the same location;
(3) The dates during which the sale is to be conducted within the time limits hereinafter prescribed;
(4) Date, nature and location of any past sale conducted by applicant; and
(5) The relationship or connection an applicant may have had with any other person, firm, group, organization, association or corporation conducting any sale and the date of that sale.
(B) A license fee of $3 shall be paid to the city each time an application for a license is made. No more than two licenses may be issued to any single residence or business address within the city during a 12-month period. The 12-month period shall begin on the date of issuance of the initial license.
(`96 Code, § 114.03) (Ord. 1979-5-1, passed 5-23-1980)
No person, firm, group, corporation or organization shall conduct, advertise or promote any sale regulated by this chapter without a license issued pursuant thereto.
(`96 Code, § 114.04) (Ord. 1979-5-1, passed 5-23-1980) Penalty, see § 114.99