(A) The Office of the Chief of Police shall be a nonelected office.
(B) This position, and that person holding this position, shall receive as a salary that amount prescribed by the City Council and shall be, from time to time, set by ordinance, along with the other members of the Police Department.
(Ord. 1054, passed 5-12-1949)
(C) (1) The Chief of Police shall be second in command to the Mayor of the Police Department.
(2) He or she shall attend all sessions of the City Council, execute its orders and preserve order at its sessions.
(3) The Chief of Police or any member of the Police Department shall cause proceedings to be instituted against any person carrying on business or doing any act without a license for which a license is required.
(`96 Code, § 36.01)
(A) The Assistant Chief of Police shall act under the direction of the Chief of Police and the authority granted under state statutes to the Mayor in fourth class cities and shall perform any other duties as may be required of him or her from time to time by the Chief of Police.
(B) In the absence of the Chief of Police, he or she shall assume and perform all of those duties devolved upon the Chief. Absence under this section shall not mean when the Chief of Police is simply off duty; but it is understood to mean when the Chief of Police is on vacation, sick leave or otherwise out of service of the city.
(C) He or she shall file those reports that may be necessary to the Mayor, City Council or Chief of Police that may come within his or her jurisdiction during his or her working period.
(D) Appointment to the position of Assistant Chief of Police shall be made by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.
(E) To qualify for the position of Assistant Chief of Police a police officer must have been in the service of the Police Department for a period of at least five years at the time of his or her appointment; he or she must further be in good physical condition and if requested by the Council, present a medical certificate from any competent physician showing his or her physical condition prior to the appointment.
(F) The Assistant Chief of Police shall not participate in the rotating program of the Police Department.
(G) The Assistant Chief of Police shall work the hours as assigned by the Chief of Police.
(H) The person holding this position shall receive as a salary that amount as prescribed by the City Council as set out in the budget of the city or by the Mayor, if not set out in the budget with all other members of the Police Department.
(`96 Code, § 36.02) (Ord. 1960-3-2, passed 4-14-1960; Am. Ord. 1988-16, passed 6-22-1988; Am. Ord. 1989-9, passed 5-24-1989; Am. Ord. 2003-1, passed 1-23-2003)
No police officer shall be allowed to enter any bars or taverns where intoxicating liquors are sold while on a regular tour of duty, except in the discharge of his or her duty, nor be drunk while on duty. Any police officer violating this section shall be fined, suspended or discharged, as set forth herein.
(`96 Code, § 36.03) (Ord. 266, passed 10-15-1891) Penalty, see § 10.99