(A)   The Office of the Chief of Police shall be a nonelected office.
   (B)   This position, and that person holding this position, shall receive as a salary that amount prescribed by the City Council and shall be, from time to time, set by ordinance, along with the other members of the Police Department.
(Ord. 1054, passed 5-12-1949)
   (C)   (1)   The Chief of Police shall be second in command to the Mayor of the Police Department.
      (2)   He or she shall attend all sessions of the City Council, execute its orders and preserve order at its sessions.
      (3)   The Chief of Police or any member of the Police Department shall cause proceedings to be instituted against any person carrying on business or doing any act without a license for which a license is required.
(`96 Code, § 36.01)