1131.01 Compliance required.
1131.02 Residence A Districts.
1131.03 Residence B Districts.
1131.04 Residence C Districts.
1131.05 Commercial Districts.
1131.06 Industrial Districts.
1131.07 Exceptions and requirements.
Height of buildings defined - see P. & Z. 1121.01(a)(7)
Lot defined - see P. & Z. 1121.01(a)(8)
Yard definitions - see P. & Z. 1121.01(a)(10) et seq.
Exceptions and variances - see P. & Z. 1125.02(b)
Except as hereinafter provided, no building structure or premises shall be used or constructed so as to produce greater heights, smaller square footage requirements, smaller yards or less unoccupied area and no building shall be occupied by more families than hereinafter allowed for such building for the district in which it is located. No lot which is now or may be hereafter improved as herein required shall be so reduced in area, that the yards and open spaced provided about any building as shown on the plat thereof, accompanying the application for a building permit for the purpose of complying with the provisions hereof, shall again be used as a yard, court or other open space for another building. (Ord. 2819. Passed 11-29-95.)
In any Residence A District, the following limitations and requirements shall apply:
(a) Height. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet or two and one-half stories in height. Churches, hospitals, schools or any other public buildings permitted to be constructed in a Residence A District, may be built to a height of seventy feet or six stories, providing any such building is set back from every street and lot line in addition to other yard and setback requirements herein specified, one foot for each two feet of height of the building in excess of thirty-five feet.
(b) Rear Yards. There shall be a rear yard on every lot, which shall have a minimum depth of twenty-four feet, which shall be increased to twenty-eight feet for a two and one-half story building.
(c) Side Yards. There shall be a side yard on each side of every building, other than an accessory building. The minimum width of any side yard shall be five feet. Except on corner lots at least one side yard shall be seven feet wide, provided, however, that on lots platted and recorded before the effective date of this section which are forty-five feet or less in width, the minimum width of any side yard shall be ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot.
(d) Setback. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered so as to project in any manner beyond the line which is distant from the street line, the average distance therefrom of the buildings fronting on the same side of the street within the block, at the time of the passage of this section. Where there are existing buildings at the time of the passage of this section on only one side of the street within the block, then the setback line on the vacant side shall be the same as the improved side of the street within the block. Where there is no building fronting on either side of the street within the block, no new building shall be erected with its street wall or walls nearer than thirty feet to the street line; however, this provision does not include steps, uncovered porches and covered but unenclosed porches on the first story which do not extend more than ten feet beyond the front wall of the building. On a corner lot, the street frontages which are not opposite to the rear lot line, shall be exempt from the above provisions.
(e) Lot Area Per Family. The minimum requirements as to lot area per family, shall be as follows:
Type Dwelling | Area (Square Feet) | Frontage (Feet) |
One-Family | 7,500 | 50 |
Two-Family | 7,500 | 100 |
(f) Minimum Square Footage. There shall be a minimum floor area of 1,500 square feet per family in each two story dwelling. There shall be a minimum floor area of 1,300 square feet per family in each one story dwelling. The minimum floor area shall be the net livable area exclusive of storage rooms, unfinished basements, garages, porches, or other common areas. The minimum square footage area for a garage shall be four hundred and forty square feet, per family in each dwelling, and said garage shall be attached to the dwelling.
(g) Non-Conforming Uses. Non-conforming uses shall be controlled by the provisions of Chapter 1129. (Ord. 2806. Passed 11-8-95.)
(h) Building Entrances. All building entrances shall be constructed in such a manner so that said entrance faces a street bordering said building.
(Ord. 3024. Passed 10-27-99.)