(a)   Any person convicted of violating any ordinance of the City who fails to pay the fine as imposed by the Magistrate of the City of Loveland Mayor’s Court shall be confined to a suitable place of imprisonment until such time as such person has remained in confinement a sufficient length of time; receiving credit at the rate set forth in Codified Ordinance Chapter 111 Schedule of Fees, Fines and Other Charges, unless such fine is suspended.
(Ord. 2012-104. Passed 12-18-12.)
   (b)   Notwithstanding the provisions of division (a) above, the Mayor, in his discretion and with the consent of the convicted person, may allow the convicted person to perform labor in the service of the City and within the City limits, with credit being given against such fine and costs at the rate of $3.12 per hour.
   (c)   No such convicted person so employed under the provisions of division (b) above, shall be required to work more than eight hours per day, nor does such work need to be performed on consecutive days.
   (d)   The Mayor, at his discretion, may give any person who is sentenced to three days or more, and who performs labor in lieu of incarceration, the option to substitute a payment of $25.00 per day for up to one-third of the sentence, provided the first two-thirds of the sentence is served with good behavior, and provided the time off does not reduce any sentence requiring a minimum number of days to less than the minimum.
(Ord. 1984-45. Passed 8-14-84.)