The Historic Preservation and Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those otherwise specified in this chapter:
(a) The Commission shall have the power to permit, by approval of the application of any property owner, the appropriateness of the demolition, construction, preservation, restoration, rehabilitation of arty home, commercial establishment or other structure, or new construction within the designated historic district.
(b) The Commission shall conduct a continuing survey of all areas, places, buildings, structures, works of art of similar objects in the City which the Commission, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe are, or will be eligible for designation as a historic structure. All surveys shall be in conformance with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) standards.
(c) Make recommendations for designation and historic districts to the appropriate local governing body.
(d) Establish and use written guidelines for the conservation of designated local landmarks and historic districts in decisions on requests for permits for alterations, demolition or additions to listed landmarks, buildings and sites within historic districts.
(e) Act in an advisory role to other officials and departments of local government regarding the protection of local cultural resources.
(f) Act as a liaison on behalf of the local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
(g) The Commission shall work for, the continuing education of the citizens of the City with respect to the historic and architectural heritage of the City and the Historic Preservations designated under the provisions of this chapter.
(h) Seek expertise when a commission considers a National Register nomination and other actions (e.g., an archaeological site) which are normally evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline (e.g., archaeologist), and that discipline is not represented on the commission, before rendering its decision.
(i) Conduct or encourage members to attend training/ educational sessions at least once a year, or in-depth consultation with the SHPO, pertaining to work and functions of the commission or on specific historic preservation issues.
(j) Additional responsibilities may be undertaken by the commission upon mutual written agreement between the SHPO and the City government.
(k) The Commission shall have authority to establish rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this chapter and the spirit of its purpose to assist the Commission in evaluating applications for Historic Preservation designations submitted to it, the manner in which such applications are processed and the proper and orderly conduct of its business.
(l) The Historic Preservation and Planning Commission shall seek and maintain certified local government status with the Ohio Historic Preservation Offices of Columbus and assume responsibility and duties of that certification, provided they do not exceed the parameters of this ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-72. Passed 7-11-23.)