Unless judged by the City of Loveland to be exempt or granted a waiver, the following performance criteria shall be addressed for storm water management at all sites:
   (a)   All site designs shall establish storm water management practices to control the peak flow rates of storm water discharge associated with specified design storms and reduce the generation of storm water runoff. These practices should seek to utilize pervious areas for storm water treatment and to infiltrate or provide extended detention of storm water runoff from driveways, sidewalks, rooftops, parking lots, and landscaped areas to provide treatment for both water quality and quantity. Practices are to be designed for the capacity and rates as defined in the Storm Water Design Manual.
   (b)   All storm water runoff generated from new development shall not discharge untreated storm water directly into a jurisdictional wetland or local water body without adequate treatment, as defined in the Storm Water Design Manual. Where such discharges are proposed, the impact of the proposal on wetland functional values shall be assessed using a method acceptable to the City of Loveland. In no case shall the impact on functional values be any less than allowed by the Army Corp of Engineers (ACE) or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency responsible for natural resources.
   (c)   For new development, structural storm water treatment practices shall be designed to treat 0.90-inch of rainfall. It is presumed that a STP complies with this performance standard if it is:
      (1)   Sized to capture the prescribed water quality volume (WQv).
      (2)   Designed according to the specific performance criteria outlined in the local storm water design manual,
      (3)   Constructed properly, and
      (4)   Maintained regularly.
   (d)   To protect stream channels from degradation, specific channel protection criteria shall be provided as prescribed in the current Storm Water Design Manual.
   (e)   Sites with over one (1) acre of earth disturbance proposed, or part of a larger common plan of development which is over one (1) acre, are required to prepare and implement a storm water pollution prevention plan, and shall file a notice of intent (NOI) to OEPA under the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general construction permit.
   (f)   Certain industrial sites are required to prepare and implement a storm water pollution prevention plan, and shall file a notice of intent (NOI) to OEPA under the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit. The storm water pollution prevention plan requirement applies to both existing and new sites.
   (g)   Storm water discharges from land uses or activities with higher potential pollutant loadings, known as "hotspots", may require the use of specific structural STPs and pollution prevention practices.
   (h)   Prior to design, applicants are required to consult with the City of Loveland to determine if they are subject to additional or more conservative storm water design requirements.
   (i)   The calculations for determining peak flows as found in the Storm Water Design Manual shall be used for sizing all storm water management practices.
      (Ord. 2022-31. Passed 4-12-22.)