(a) Permitted accessory uses are as follows:
1. Satellite dish; see Section 1165.07 regarding regulations.
2. Any use or structure customarily accessory and incidental to any of the B-C Business-Corridor permitted uses.
(b) When abutting R-LD, R-MD, R-MF, O-R, or residential subdistricts of SPDs, accessory use structures shall be located in the rear yard only and shall meet the following conditions:
(i) For all lots less than one acre, accessory structures shall have an average height of no greater than fifteen (15) feet and shall be limited to six hundred (600) square feet, or 35% of the required rear yard, whichever is less.
(ii) For all lots one acre or greater, accessory structures shall have an average height of no greater than fifteen (15) feet and shall be limited to six hundred and one (601) to twelve hundred (1,200) square feet, or 35% of the required rear yard, whichever is less. For any accessory use structure greater than six hundred (600) square feet, the applicant must receive a conditional use approval pursuant to the procedures in Chapter 1111 of this Zoning Code.
(iii) All accessory use structures greater than two hundred (200) square feet shall not be constructed with a metal facade and shall be complementary to the principal structure on the property.
(iv) Accessory use structures two hundred (200) square feet or less in size shall be located no closer than six (6) feet from any lot line. Accessory use structures over two hundred (200) square feet shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from any lot line.
(v) Accessory use structures located on property with access to two or more streets shall be adequately screened to reduce the visual impacted to the surrounding homes.