Ord. No.   Date   Description
1976-22    3-30-76    Contract with Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc. for fire protection.
1977-26    5-10-77    Authorizing contract with the District Advisory Council of the Hamilton County, General Health District for public health services for the year 1978.
1977-28    5-24-77    Authorizing contract with Loveland Community Fire Department for fire protection.
1977-35    8-9-77    Authorizing cooperative agreement with the Ohio Director of Transportation for improvement of Loveland Avenue.
1977-37    9-13-77    Authorizing contract for computer equipment with National Cash Register.
1977-43    10-11-77    Authorizing contract of cooperation with the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County to develop viable urban communities pursuant to the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
1977-46    10- 11-77    Authorizing contract with Mangham's Waste Collection, Inc. for the collection of waste materials.
1977-55    12-27-77    Authorizing contract with the City of Cincinnati for housing prisoners in the City of Cincinnati's correction facilities.
1978-24    4-25-78    Authorizing contract with the Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc. for fire protection.
1979-13    3-27-79    Authorizing contract with the District Advisory Council of the Hamilton County General Health District for public health services for the year 1980.
1979-21    7-10-79    Authorizing contract with the Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc. for fire protection.
1979-25    8-28-79    Authorizing amendment to contract of cooperation with the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County regarding the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
1979-31    9-11-79    Authorizing mutual assistance agreement for police protection with various neighboring political subdivisions.
1980-48    9-23-80    Authorizing membership agreement in the Regional Council of Governments to assist in the administration of the cable television franchise.
1980-61    11-25-80    Authorizing contract with the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County with respect to water service.
1981-38    10-27-81    Authorizing agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
Res.1982-14    4-27-82    Authorizing agreement between the State of Ohio, Department of Education, the United States General Services Administration, and the transferee to acquire federal surplus property from the state agency.
1982-33    8-17-82    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for emergency medical services for the City.
1982-40    9-14-82    Amending Ordinance 1982-33 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for emergency medical services for the City.
1983-14    3-22-83    Authorizing mutual assistance agreement for police protection with various neighboring political subdivisions.
1983-17    3-22-83    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Community Fire Department for the provision of paramedic and emergency medical service to the City.
1983-49    11-22-83    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Hamilton County Board of Health for the provision of public health services to the City.
1984-42    7-24-84    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County, pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
1984-50    9-25-84    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Hamilton County Board of Health for public health services.
1984-70    11-13-84    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Community Fire Department for the provision of fire protection to the City.
1985-5    1-22-85    Authorizing an agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County for the maintenance, repair, and operation of the City sewer systems.
1985-19    4-23-85    Approving a continuation of the contract with the Community Fire Department for the provision of paramedic and emergency medical services to the City.
1985-23   5-14-85    Authorizing an agreement between the City and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners for the improvement of Loveland -Madeira Road.
Res.1985-39    8-13-85    Authorizing an agreement between the City and Hamilton County regarding the use of the Hamilton County Communications Center.
1986-27    4-8-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Hamilton County Board of Health for public health services to the City for fiscal year 1987.
1986-28    4-7-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with L.S.R. Consultants for the purpose of providing consulting services to the City in the area of economic development.
1986-40    6-24-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc., for fire protection service for the City.
1986-41    7-8-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 112, representing the employees at the rank of lieutenant in the City Police Department.
1986-44    7-8-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 112, representing employees of the Police Department in the position of patrol officer and Safety Division secretary.
1986-54    7-29-86    Amending Ord. 1986-28 and providing for an extension of the agreement with L.S.R. Consultants for providing consulting service to the City in the area of economic development.
1986-56    8-26-86    Extending the municipal trash collection contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc., and providing for an addendum to that contract to include the use of waste wheelers in the City as a part of the contract.
1986-61    9-9-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City with Clermont Senior Services, Inc.
1986-72    11-11-86    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a railroad crossing agreement with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for the purpose of installing and maintaining a water main crossing on Riverside Drive.
1987-12    4-14-87    Authorizing agreement with Jones and Henry, Engineers, for the purpose of conducting a water system study.
1987-13    4-14-87    Authorizing agreement with various contractors for remodeling work at the Loveland V.F.W./Senior Citizens Center.
1987-15    4-14-87    Authorizing agreement with the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners in connection with the improvement of Loveland- Madeira Road.
1987-18    4-28-87    Approving a contract with the Hamilton County General Health District for the calendar year 1988.
1987-21    4-28-87    Authorizing the City's participation in the Clermont County mutual aid program for police service.
1987-25    5-26-87    Authorizing an agreement with the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners for the purpose of housing prisoners in the Hamilton County Detention Center.
1987-46    8-13-87    Awarding a contract to Barrett Paving Company for the reconstruction of Loveland-Madeira Road and the resurfacing of Wall Street.
1987-59    10-13-87    Authorizing cooperative agreement for participation in the Hamilton County Community Development Program.
1987-68    11-24-87    Authorizing contract with the Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc., to furnish emergency medical services for the City.
1987-69    11-24-87    Authorizing contract with Domtar Industries, Inc. for the purchase of salt for the 1987-1988 winter season.
1988-2    1-26-88    Authorizing an engineering agreement with the engineering firm of Jones and Henry to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a new well and overhead water storage.
1988-3    1-26-88    Authorizing an agreement with Jones and Henry to prepare a water system impact/investment fee study and an analysis of the wellfield.
1988-4    2-9-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for engineering services related to the construction of Kealhoffer Run Sanitary Sewer.
1988-16    4-12-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the purchase of a four-foot self contained mowing machine.
1988-22    5-10-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the construction of a new well, pump, pump motor, and all necessary appurtenances.
1988-24    5-24-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for municipal trash collection.
1988-26    6-14-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the purchase of a 1988 vehicle for the Police Department.
Res.1988-28    5-24-88    Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Mutual Aid Assistance Agreement on behalf of the City, covering all police agencies in Warren County.
1988-30    6-14-88    Approving a labor agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Valley Lodge No. 112, to cover the rank of command officers.
1988-32    6-14-88    Authorizing the City Manager to accept the engineering proposal of Savage-Walker and Associates, Inc. for engineering services in connection with the 1988 street improvement program.
1988-34    6-28-88    Authorizing a contract between the City and the Hamilton County Board of Health for the purpose of providing Health Department services to the City for 1989.
Res.1988-39    6-28-88    Instructing the City Planning and Zoning Commission to utilize the services of the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation Service.
1988-42    7-12-88    Authorizing a contract extension with Rumpke Waste, Inc., for municipal trash collection service.
1988-44    7-12-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for engineering services to prepare plans and specifications for the Kealhoffer Run Sanitary Sewer.
1988-45    7-12-88    Authorizing a contract with Tiger Machinery Company, Inc. for the purchase of a tractor, backhoe, and loader.
1988-50    8-9-88    Authorizing a county water area contract.
Res.1988-55    9-13-88    Approving the City's participation in the Drug Abuse Reduction Task Force.
1988-59    9-27-88    Authorizing a contract with PEI Associates, Inc. for technical services.
1988-60    10-11-88    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the purchase of road salt during the 1988-1989 winter season.
1988-69    11-22-88    Authorizing a contract with the office of the Hamilton County Public Defender for the purpose of providing defense counsel for indigent defendants.
1988-72    12-13-88    Authorizing an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the purpose of providing the rearrangement of and the extension of waterlines in connection with the construction of the Route 48 Bridge.
1988-78    12-27-88    Authorizing an addendum to the 1986 Fire Protection Agreement.
1989-1    12-27-88    Authorizing a contract with Government Resource Consultants, Inc. for the purpose of providing professional assistance to the City in the development of the fixed asset accounting system and conversion to an accrual accounting system.
1989-6    1-24-89    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the purchase of a 1989 vehicle for the Police Department.
1989-7    1-24-89    Authorizing the City Manager to execute an addendum to the 1986 Fire Protection Agreement with the Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc.
Res.1989-15    3-14-89    Authorizing the City Manager to engage the professional consulting services of Stanley McCoy, Sr. for the purpose of evaluating the City's recreation program.
1989-19    3-14-89    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an amendment to the engineering firm of Jones & Henry Engineers, Inc.
1989-24    3-28-89    Approving an agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 112, representing employees of the Police Department in the position of patrol officers and Safety Division Secretary.
1989-29    4-25-89    Authorizing an agreement with the O.W. Taylor Company to install gutters and downspouts on the Loveland City Hall.
1989-30    4-25-89    Authorizing an agreement with Jenkins Painting for the interior and exterior painting of the Loveland Municipal Building and the exterior painting of the Maintenance Building.
1989-32    4-25-89    Approving an addendum to the 1988 Labor agreement between the City and Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Valley Lodge No. 112 (Command Officers).
1989-33    5-9-89    Authorizing a change order to the contract with the John R. Jurgensen Company dated August 17, 1988.
1989-34    5-9-89    Authorizing a contract for the application of slurry seal to various streets in the City.
1989-35    5-9-89    Authorizing a County/City agreement for the acquisition for and construction of the McKinney Road Sight District Improvement Project.
1989-37    5-23-89    Authorizing a contract for the installation of new windows in the Loveland City Hall.
1989-43    5-23-89    Authorizing a contract for the construction of an overhead storage tank.
1989-52    7-11-89    Authorizing a contract on behalf of the City of Loveland with the Hamilton County Board of Health for the purpose of providing Health Department Services to the City for 1990.
1989-53    7-25-89    Extending the municipal trash collection contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc.
1989-55    7-25-89    Amending Ord. 1989-30 and providing for payment to Jenkins Painting for additional costs associated with the interior and exterior painting of the Loveland Municipal Building and the exterior painting of the maintenance building at 120 West Loveland Avenue.
1989-59    8-8-89    Confirming approval of an agreement between the City of Loveland and Hamilton County to provide for shared costs of the improvements at Loveland-Madeira Road and Cottonwood Drive.
1989-60    8-8-89    Authorizing a county-wide agreement for Hamilton County Office of Emergency Management and Civil Defense.
1989-65    8-22-89    Authority a county-wide agreement for Clermont County Office of Emergency Management and Civil Defense.
1989-66    8-22-89    Authorizing an agreement between the City of Loveland and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners relative to the improvement of a bridge (Bridge #0004) located on McKinney Road.
1989-73    9-26-89    Authorizing the City Manager to contract with the Loveland Community Fire Department, Inc. to bill nonresidents for emergency medical services.
1989-74    9-26-89    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 1989-1990 winter season.
Res.1989-90    11-28-89    Authorizing the City Manager to sign a settlement agreement in the appeal brought by David G. Miller against the State Environmental Protection Agency, the City of Loveland, and Aeromex, Inc.
1990- 6    1-23-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the Water Department Telemetry System.
1990-28    4-24-90    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with the engineering firm of Jones & Henry, Inc.
1990-34    5-8-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the replacement of the McKinney Road Bridge water line.
1990-35    5-22-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the construction of the Kealhoffer Run Sanitary Trunk Sewer.
1990-36    5-22-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the purchase of vehicles in the Public Works Department.
1990-45    7-10-90    Authorizing the City Manager to execute an addendum to the existing collective bargaining agreement for police officers with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 112.
1990-46    7-10-90    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
1990-47    7-10-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the 1990 street repair program.
1990-49    7-24-90    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for public health services with the Hamilton County Health Department for the year 1991.
1990-50    7-24-90    Approving an agreement between the City and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 112 representing the employees at the rank of Lieutenant in the Loveland Police Department.
1990-55    8-28-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for road salt for the 1990-91 winter season.
1990-57    8-28-90    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the painting of the water storage tank at the East Booster Station.
1990-61    9-25-90    Extending the municipal trash collection contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc.
1990-66    10-16-90    Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the provision of fire protection and emergency medical services with the Loveland Symmes Fire Department, Inc.
1990-68    11-13-90    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Creative Microsystems, Inc. for the provision of computer software, hardware and system maintenance.
1991-10    3-12-91    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a change order with Slurry Seal of Southern Ohio for the purpose of adding additional street to the existing contract.
1991-27    6-11-91    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the Riverside Drive Street Improvement.
Res.1991-44    8-13-91    Authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement with the District Advisory Council of the Hamilton County, General Health District for public health services for the year 1992.
1991-45    8-13-91    Providing for the submission to the electors of the City the question of amending and revising the City Charter.
1991-49    8-27-91    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc. for basic trash collection and disposal service.
1991-52    9-10-91    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the purpose of road salt during the 1991-92 winter season.
1991-54    10-8-91    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the Hanna Avenue water line improvement.
1991-56    10-8-91    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department for fire protection and emergency medical services.
1991-57    10-8-91    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the engineering firm of Brandstetter/Carroll, Inc. to prepare plan specifications and an estimate of cost for the construction of Riverside Drive, Phase 2.
1991-64    11-26-91    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for the demolition of the two structures on City-owned property located at Riverside Drive and West Loveland Avenue.
1992-9    2-11-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Jones & Henry Engineers to design the Park Avenue waterline.
1992-11    2-25-92    Authorizing an agreement relative to the improvement of West Loveland Avenue Slide between the City and the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners.
1992-12    2-25-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Jones & Henry Engineers to undertake an engineering study and design for the upgrade of the west booster station located at Phillips Park.
1992-13    2-25-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with the engineering firm of Lockwood, Jones, & Beals for the purpose of preparing engineering plans for the construction of a waterline on Route 48.
1992-14    3-10-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract amendment with Rumpke Waste, Inc. to provide for voluntary curbside recycling in addition to basic trash collection and disposal service.
1992-16    3-10-92    Authorizing Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to install additional street lighting units on North Second Street (State Route 48) on pole number 0010.
1992-18    3-10-92    Approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 112, representing the rank of police officers and the rank of command officers.
1992-19    3-24-92    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the 1992 street repair program.
1992-21    3-24-92    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the reconstruction of Riverside Drive, Phase II.
1992-23    4-14-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the consulting firm of Pflum, Klausmeier, & Gehrum for the purpose of updating the 1974 Comprehensive Plan.
1992-30    4-28-92    Providing an additional street lighting unit to be located at the intersection of Harrison and Third Street.
1992-31    4-28-92    Approving construction plans for the West Loveland Avenue hill and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for construction work.
1992-36    5-26-92    Approving construction plans for the construction of a waterline on Route 48 and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the construction work.
1992-41    6-9-92    Approving construction plans for the Park Avenue waterline and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the construction work.
Res.1992-42    6-9-92    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a memorandum of understanding between the City and the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District.
1992-44    6-23-92    Approving plans for the waterline extension to the new Loveland High School and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the construction work.
Res.1992-45    6-23-92    Authorizing the City Manager to sign the Hamilton County local government mutual aid agreement for law enforcement.
1992-46    7-14-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Clayt Werden Electric Company for the purchase and installation of a 60KW generator.
1992-47    7-14-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Brandstetter/Carroll, Inc. for design and construction plans for Riverside Drive, Phase III.
1992-50    7-28-92    Approving the contract for public health services for the City covering the period of January 1 through December 31, 1993.
1992-55    8-11-92    Authorizing the City Manager to retain the Services of David Camele, designer, and Wayne Dunn, architect, for professional services relating to the Veterans' Memorial Park.
1992-59    9-8-92    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the construction of a portion of the sanitary sewer line to serve the new high school.
Res.1992-62    9-8-92    Authorizing the City Manager to make application for fiscal 1994 Issue 2 Funds, and if funds are awarded, to execute grant agreements on behalf of the City.
1992-64    9-22-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with the consulting firm of Savage, Walker, & Associates, Inc. for the preparation of engineering plans and specifications for the improvement of Loveland-Madeira Road between the south corporation line and Krogers.
1992-65    10-13-92    Authorizing the City Manager to take bids and award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 1992-93 winter season.
1992-67    10-27-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Woolpert Consultants to prepare a detailed landfill closure plan as outlined in their scope of services, dated September 10, 1992.
1992-71    11-24-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Lockwood, Jones, & Beals Engineers for the purpose of preparing plans and specifications for the improvement of State Route 48.
1992-73    12-8-92    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with the consulting firm of Jones & Henry Engineers for the preparation of engineering plans and specifications for the East Loveland Avenue waterline.
Res.1992-78    12-8-92    Authorizing the City Manager to make application for State Issue 2 Funds and to execute grant agreements on behalf of the City.
1993-3    1-12-93    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the construction of Riverside Drive, Phase III.
1993-7    1-26-93    Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
1993-9    1-26-93    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the installation of field lights at baseball fields and 3 in Phillips Park.
1993-11    2-2-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Seasongood & Mayer and declaring an emergency.
1993-12    2-9-93    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the purchase of an ambulance for use by the Loveland- Symmes Fire Department.
1993-17   3-9-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with the engineering consulting firm of Pflum, Klausmeier, and Gehrum for the preparation of engineering plans and construction documents to improve the intersection of West Loveland Avenue and Lebanon Road, including the street improvements on both Lebanon Road and Loveland Avenue.
1993-18    3-9-93    Authorizing the City Manger to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the 1993 street maintenance program.
1993-19    3-9-93    Authorizing the City Manger to advertise for bids and to award a contract for improvements to the stage at Nisbet Park.
1993-22    4-13-93    Approving plans for the construction of the East Loveland Avenue waterline and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the construction of the waterline.
1993-23    4-13-93    Approving an amendment to the Hamilton County Water Contract Service Area.
1993-26    4-27-93    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the improvement of the intersection of Rich Road and West Loveland Avenue.
1993-29    4-27-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County, Ohio pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
1993-31    5-11-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the consulting firm of Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum for the purpose of updating the Zoning Code and Zoning map of the City of Loveland.
1993-34    5-25-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the construction firm of Langenheim and Thomson for the purpose of constructing a pier wall on Second Street and declaring an emergency.
1993-35    5-25-93    Approving the addition of street lights in the Woodridge at Glen Lakes Subdivision.
1993-45    7-27-93    Approving the contract for public health services for the City covering the period of January 1 through December 31, 1994.
1993-47    7-27-93    Approving plans for the reconstruction of State Route 48 and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the improvement of State Route 48.
1993-48    8-10-93    Approving plans for the Rich Road/West Loveland Avenue traffic signal and authorizing the City Manger to advertise for bids and to award a contract for construction.
1993-51    8-24-93    Accepting a proposal from the consulting firm of Fitzpatrick & Associates to conduct a study of the fire department operations in the City.
1993-52    8-24-93    Authorizing the City Manager to solicit and contract for the rehabilitation of the City owned 1982 Sutphen Pumper for use by the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department.
1993-53    8-24-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a mutual aid contract with the Southwestern Ohio Building Officials Association.
Res.1993-57    9-14-93    Authorizing the City Manger to make application for fiscal l995 State Issue 2 funds and if funds are awarded to execute grant agreements on behalf of the City.
1993-59    9-28-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering service agreement with Jones and Henry Engineers for the purpose of preparing engineering plans and specifications to enlarge the West Booster Pumping Station.
1993-60    9-28-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum for the purpose of conducting a feasibility analysis of the adoption of development impact fees.
1993-62    9-28-93    Authorizing the City Manger to advertise for bids and award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 1993-94 winter season.
1993-70    10-26-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Reading Rock Inc. to supply pavers and Allan stone and Evans Landscaping, Inc. to install the pavers and Allan stone in the seating and dance floor area of Nisbet Park.
1993-73    11-23-93    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the expansion of the West Booster Pumping Station at Phillips Park.
1993-75    11-23-93    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a mutual assistance contract with other members of the Center for Local Government.
1993-81    12-14-93    Authorizing the City Manager to accept a quit claim deed from Mark A. Rippe, trustee for Second Street right-of-way.
1994-3    1-11-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Lockwood Jones & Beal Engineers for the purpose of preparing engineering plans and specifications for the improvement of Lebanon Road between Durango Drive and Kerr Cemetery Road.
1994-5    1-11-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Jones & Henry Engineers, Inc. for the purpose of preparing engineering plans and specifications for the construction of the Lever Park elevated water storage tank.
1994-19    3-8-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering service agreement with Jones and Henry Engineers, Inc. for the purpose of providing engineering supervision and inspection for the expansion of the West Booster Pumping Station.
1994-22    4-12-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Jones & Henry Engineers, Inc. for the purpose of initiating a wellhead protection program as outlined in the proposal for Phase I, dated Feb. 10, 1994.
1994-24    4-12-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Emergency Vehicle Corporation of Ohio for the purpose of purchasing a 1994 Evco Sentinel modular ambulance.
1994-25    4-12-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Wagner Smith Electrical Contractors for the purpose of installing school warning lights at St. Columban School, Lloyd Mann School, Loveland Intermediate School and Loveland Hurst Middle School as outlined in their letter dated Feb. 4, 1994.
1994-26    4-26-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with John Tumlin and Sons Contractors for the purpose of constructing a restroom at Lever Park.
1994-27    4-26-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with John Tumlin and Sons Contractors for the purpose of constructing a restroom as McCoy Park.
1994-29    4-26-94    Approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 112, representing the rank of police officers and the rank of command officers.
1994-35    5-24-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Argo Construction Company for the purpose of constructing the Veterans Memorial Park.
1994-39    5-24-94    Authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into a contract on the City's behalf with Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum Consultants for activities for the implementation of a plan for Historic Loveland.
1994-44    7-12-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Savage Walker and Associates, Inc. for the purpose of providing engineering services for the improvement of Lebanon Road, Phase III.
1994-48    7-26-94    Approving the contract for public health service for the year of 1995 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
1994-55    8-23-94    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the purchase of a leaf vacuum machine.
1994-61    9-27-94    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 1994-95 winter season.
1994-62    9-27-94    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the purchase of a 2.5 ton dump truck including chassis, dump bed and salting and snow plowing equipment and accessories.
1994-69    1-25-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum for the preparation of construction plans to construct the bike path on West Loveland Avenue.
1994-76    12-3-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Roberts Engineering, Inc. for the purpose of designing the Rich Road sanitary sewer extension.
1994-78    12-3-94    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum for the purpose of designing a Loveland-Madeira Road corridor streetscape plan.
1994-80    12-13-94    Awarding contract payments for labor and material for approved public improvements.
Res.1995-4    1-10-95    Entering into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of acquiring funds through the Division of Forestry's Urban Forestry Assistance Program.
1995-16    3-28-95    Entering into a contract with the John R. Jurgensen Company for the purpose of constructing the Railroad Avenue parking improvements.
1995-17    3-28-95    Entering into a contract with Woolpert Consulting Engineers to provide engineering service to the City in the closure of the Harper Avenue landfill.
1995-19    3-28-95    Entering into a contract with Pageant Landscape Construction Company for the purpose of tree planting, as part of the Small Business Administration tree planting grant received by the City.
Res.1995-25    5-23-95    Entering into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of acquiring funds through the Division of Forestry's Urban Forestry Assistance Program.
1995-41    8-8-95    Entering into an engineering agreement with Brandstetter/Carroll, Inc. for the purpose of providing engineering services for the West Loveland Avenue improvement.
1995-46    8-22-95    Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 1996.
Res.1995-50    8-22-95    Entering into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of acquiring funds through the Recycling and Litter Prevention Program pursuant to the Ohio Litter Control Act of 1980.
1995-74    11-14-95    Authorizing the execution of the risk allocation agreement, an addendum to the Hamilton County Local Government Mutual Aid Agreement.
1995-76    11-14-95    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract for construction of the sanitary sewer and the force main to Trend Construction.
Res.1995-83    11-28-95    Approving the City Manager's execution of a developer's contract with Gateway Joint Venture for the completion of work at Gateway Ridge.
Res.1996-2    1-9-96    Authorizing the City Manager to execute with the county any contract, cooperative agreement, acceptance instrument or other document necessary to assume the ownership and/or maintenance and improvement responsibilities for Rich Road and/or Fallis Road from the present corporation limits to the area of the proposed annexation of 97 acres, more or less, to the City.
1996-3    1-13-96    Authorizing and directing the acting City Manager to enter into a contract for the purchase of 90 acres from White Pillars, Inc.
Res.1996-21    4-23-96    Authorizing the acting City Manager to execute an agreement with Hamilton County to improve the Rich Road and Fallis Road intersection and to pledge cooperation on future Rich Road improvements.
1996-22    5-14-96    Authorizing the Mayor to execute an employment agreement regarding compensation and fringe benefits for the City Manager.
1996-27    5-28-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, representing the ranks of police officers and police lieutenants.
Res.1996-36    6-11-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
1996-41    7-20-96    Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 1997 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
1996-42    7-20-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Clermont County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. for the conveyance and development of surplus City-owned real property at 135 Maple Avenue.
1996-48    7-23-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the sale of surplus real property, being a portion of the Simpson Property, to the Drees Company.
1996-58    8-27-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract service agreement between the City and Clermont Senior Services, Inc.
1996-61    9-10-96    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc. for basic solid waste collection and disposal service and recycling.
1996-71    10-22-96    Authorizing the City Manger to enter into a contract for fire protection and emergency medical services with the Loveland Symmes Fire Department.
1996-80    12-10-96    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Cincinnati United Contractors, Inc. for construction.
Res.1997-25    5-13-97    Authorizing the City Manager to exercise a five year renewal option with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the operation of the Loveland Bike Trail.
1997-30    6-10-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement for using the Lever Park Water Tower for communications purposes.
1997-47    8-12-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for public health services.
1997-51    8-26-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a supplemental contract with Cincinnati United Contractors not to exceed $150,000 for the Safety Center construction.
1997-52    8-26-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Delta Innovations, Ltd. for a digital telecommunications system for the Safety Center.
1997-53    8-26-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Office Interior Services, Inc. for office furniture for the Safety Center.
1997-59    9-9-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Jones & Henry not to exceed $130,000 for water engineering services.
1997-60    9-9-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Cincinnati Paving & Sealing Co. for road and parking lot construction at the Kiwanis Park/Harper Avenue.
1997-73    11-25-97    Authorizing the Mayor to execute an updated employment agreement with the City Manager.
1997-77    12-9-97    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with the Intercommunity Cable Regulatory Commission.
Res.1998-16    4-14-98    Approving a proposal by Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. to exclusively advertise, promote and supply soft drink beverages to the Loveland parks and directing the City Manager to contract with Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.
1998-32    6-9-98    Executing an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for improvement of the at-grade crossing of St. Rt. 48 - 6.58 and the tracks of the CSX Transportation, Inc.
1998-35    6-23-98    Authorizing an agreement relative to the improvement of W. Loveland Ave. between the City and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners.
1998-42    7-28-98    Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 1999.
1998-52    9-22-98    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, representing the ranks of police officers, sergeants, and lieutenant.
1999-4    1-26-99    Approving a mutual aid assistance contract and authorizing the City Manager to execute same on behalf of the City and declaring an emergency.
1999-9    2-23-99    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the 1999 Street Maintenance Program and declaring an emergency.
1999-14    3-23-99    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for fire protection and emergency medical services with the Loveland Symmes Fire Department.
Res.1999-17    4-13-99    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for an indoor velodrome cycling athletic facility and to advertise for proposals and award a contract for the performance of said feasibility study.
1999-20    5-11-99    Approving the contract for public health services for the year 2000 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
Res.1999-24    5-25-99    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County, Ohio, pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
1999-34    8-10-99    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with Jones and Henry Engineers, Inc. for the purpose of continuing a wellhead protection program.
      (Ordinance repealed by Ord. 2000-52, passed 10-10-00.)
1999-38    8-24-99    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a standby emergency water service agreement with the City of Cincinnati.
Res.1999-39    9-2-99    Consenting to the execution of an agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio and SST Industries, Inc., providing for the adoption of a project which will purchase tangible personal property in the City and create employment opportunities within the enterprise zone of Hamilton County.
1999-40    9-14-99    Expressing the intent of the City to issue industrial development bonds and authorizing execution of agreement with SST Industries, Inc. and declaring an emergency.
Res.1999-41    9-14-99    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a settlement agreement on behalf of the City.
1999-42    9-28-99    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 1999-2000 winter season.
Res.1999-43    9-28-9[9]    Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for an indoor velodrome cycling athletic facility and to advertise for proposals and award a contract for the performance of said feasibility study and superceding Res. 1999 17.
1999-53    11-9-99    Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for non- emergency communications and dispatching services with Northeast Communications, Inc.
Res.2000-1    1-11-00    Authorizing the Mayor to execute an extension to the amended employment agreement dated January 6, 1998, with the City Manager until April 30, 2000.
Res.2000-6    1-25-00   Consenting to the execution of an agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and SST Industries, Inc., providing for the adoption of a project which will purchase tangible personal property in the City and create employment opportunities within an enterprise zone of Hamilton County.
2000-8    2-22-00    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a service agreement with Brandstetter Carroll Inc. and to advertise for bids and award a contract for municipal building roof repair.
2000-16    4-11-00    Authorizing the lease of certain property no longer needed for public use to the YMCA, authorizing execution of a lease and a development agreement with the YMCA, and providing for the construction of a YMCA Family Branch facility.
Res.2000-20    4-18-00    Authorizing the hiring of legal counsel to represent the City Council and the City in connection with the employment of City Manager Mark Fitzgerald.
Res.2000-27    6-19-00    Authorizing the hiring of legal counsel to represent the City Council and the City in connection with the employment and/or conclusion of employment of City Manager Mark Fitzgerald.
Res.2000-39    7-25-00    Approving, adopting and ratifying the resolution of cooperation for the reestablishment of the Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission and establishment of the Planning Partnership and authorizing the City to participate as a member.
Res.2000-42    8-8-00    Authorizing the City Manager to exercise the option extending the waste collection contract with Rumpke Waste for an additional year to expire October 31, 2001.
Res.2000-43    8-8-00    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the consulting firm of McBride Dale Clarion for the purpose of updating the City's Comprehensive Plan.
2000-46    9-12-00    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a nonexclusive lease with Nextel West Corporation for a telecommunications facility at the White Pillars Water Tower site.
Res.2000-49    9-26-00    Authorizing the acting City Manager to enter into an agreement with JMA Consultants, Inc. for design of a water line to be constructed on West Loveland Avenue between Lebanon Road and Cherokee Drive.
Res.2000-51    9-26-00    Authorizing the Acting City Manager to enter into an engineering agreement with LJB Engineers for the purpose of continuing a wellhead protection program for the City.
2000-52    10-10-00    Repealing Ordinance 1999-34 (authorizing an engineering agreement).
2000-53    10-10-00    Authorizing the award of a contract for the engineering and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Lebanon Road and Pheasant Hills Drive.
Res.2000-55    10-24-00    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Dixon Engineering and Inspection Services for the purpose of providing technical engineering and inspection for the repainting of the 500,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir.
Res.2000-59    11-14-00    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Clermont County for acquisition of public safety radio equipment.
2000-63    11-28-00    Authorizing the Mayor to execute an employment agreement regarding compensation and fringe benefits for the City Manager.
2001-3   1-9-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a nonexclusive lease with Nextel West Corporation for a telecommunications facility at the White Pillars water tower site and repealing Ordinance 2000- 46, passed 9-12-00.
2001-6    1-23-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a nonexclusive lease with Sprint PCS Communications for a telecommunications facility at the Commerce Park water tower site.
Res.2001-7    1-23-01    Authorizing the City to enter into the International City Manager Associations' Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust.
2001-10    2-13-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the 2001 street improvement program.
2001-12    2-13-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Motorola, Inc. for 800 megahertz digital radio public safety communication system.
2001- 15    2-27-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease with Gary Biggs to farm 27 acres located at 7079 State Route 48.
2001- 18    3-27-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a joint agreement between Hamilton County and the City for the replacement and architectural and aesthetic enhancement of the Wall Street Bridge and conveying easements to the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County.
2001-19    3-27-01    Authorizing the City Manager to execute change order with Langenheim and Thomson Company for installation of night envelope window.
Res.2001-22    4-10-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the operations of concessions at Betty Ray Park with Chester Walton.
2001-26    4-10-01    Approving construction of Loveland Miamiville Road/State Route 48 intersection improvements and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award and execute a contract with the lowest and best bidder for the construction work and to negotiate and secure permanent and temporary easements and required right of way for such construction.
2001-27    4-10-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Metropolitan Sewer District of greater Cincinnati, Hamilton County.
Res.2001-29    4-24-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a license agreement with Mark J. Michaelson permitting the erection of a sculpture in honor of his brother, Richard Paul Michaelson, at Nisbet Park.
2001-35    6-12-01    Permitting the City to award a single aggregate contract to the lowest and best bidder and permitting the City to hold retainage throughout the completion of contracts.
2001-36    6-12-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police Ohio Valley Lodge # 112 (FOP) representing the sworn police officers and police officers the rank of sergeant and above.
2001-37    6-12-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a construction agreement with LTD Improvements for renovation of the City Hall kitchen and restrooms.
2001-38    6-12-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a nonexclusive lease with Clermont County Board of Commissioners for a public safety telecommunications facility at the Lever Park water tower site.
2001-40    6-26-01    Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract to L.C. United Painting Company, Inc. for the renovation of the Phillips Park ground storage tank.
Res.2001-44    7-10-01    Authorizing the City Manager to entering to a license agreement with Patty Burton permitting the encroachment of a shed in the right of way of Harrison Street.
Res.2001-45    7-10-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Loveland City Schools for the administration of a school resource officer program.
2001-48    7-24-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a joint agreement between Hamilton County and the City for the design of improvements to Rich Road.
2001-51    8-14-01    Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 2002 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
2001-52    8-14-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award and execute a contract with the lowest and best bidder for the provision of basic solid waste collection, disposal service and recycling within the City.
2001-53    8-14-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the development of the Village Anniversary Park.
2001-54    8-14-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a nonexclusive lease with Nextel West Corporation for a telecommunications facility at Lever Park water tower site.
2001-57    8-28-01    Authorizing an agreement relative to the improvement of Rich Road between the City and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners.
2001-59    8-28-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a joint agreement between Hamilton County and the City for the design of improvements to Montgomery Road/Weller Road to Hamilton/Warren County line.
2001-64    9-25-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and award a contract for the purchase of road salt for the 2001-2002 winter season.
2001-66    10-9-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the lease/purchase of an ambulance for use by the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department.
2001-70    10-23-01    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract service agreement between the City and Clermont Senior Services, Inc.
2001-82    12-8-01    Authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids and to award a contract for the construction of the West Loveland Avenue waterline replacement.
Res.2002-4    1-8-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with 32 Ford to lease/purchase two Ford dump trucks through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Department.
2002-9    2-12-02    Authorizing the execution of a linked deposit loan program agreement.
Res.2002-22    5-14-02    Authorizing the City Manager to extend the contract with Terry Construction, Inc. for the 2002 street improvement program.
2002-24    6-3-02    Authorizing the City Manager to execute mutual release and settlement agreement with Mark Fitzgerald and Linda Fitzgerald.
Res.2002-25    6-3-02    Designating Hines/Griffin with Parrott & Strawser as the preferred developer for the development of the White Pillars Property.
Res.2002-31    6-25-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County.
Res.2002-33    6-25-02    Authorizing an agreement relative to the improvement of Rich Road between the City and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners.
Res.2002-39    7-23-02    Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 2003.
Res.2002-40    7-23-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Apex Construction Services for the general contractor work on the Second Street Fire Station.
Res.2002-41    7-23-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Arrow Contracting, Inc. for HVAC work on the Second Street Fire Station.
Res.2002-42    7-23-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Trebor Electrical Contractors, Inc. for electrical work on the Second Street Fire Station.
Res.2002-43    7-23-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with John E. Carrigan Plumbing Company, Inc. for plumbing work on the Second Street Fire Station.
Res.2002-44    7-23-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Arrow Contracting, Inc. for fire protection services work on the Second Street Fire Station.
Res.2002-48    8-13-02    Execution of project agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission.
Res.2002-56    9-10-02    Authorizing an agreement relative to the improvement of Rich Road between the City and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners.
Res.2002-60    10-8-02    Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Morton Salt for the 2002-2003 season.
Res.2003-5   1-14-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Best Equipment Company, Inc. to lease/purchase a vac-all street sweeper.
Res.2003-16   3-11-03   Authorizing the City Manger to enter into an agreement with Chester Walton for the operation of concessions at Phillips Park.
Res.2003-20   3-25-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Hinson Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc., for the reroof of the old Water Works Building.
Res.2003-27   4-8-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Fred A. Nemann Company for improvements to Rich Road.
Res.2003-31   4-22-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a master equipment lease agreement with 1st Source Bank to lease/purchase a vac-all street sweeper.
Res.2003-33   5-13-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Terry Industries for the 2003 street improvement program.
Res.2003-36   5-13-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Trend Construction for the West Loveland Avenue street improvement program.
Res.2003-41   5-27-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Sutphen Corporation for the replacement of the fire ladder truck.
Res.2003-42   5-27-03   Authorizing the City Manager to execute supplemental agreements with CSX Transportation, Inc. as to license rights relating to City utilities located under CSX Transportation tracks.
Res.2003-61   7-22-03   Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 2004.
Res.2003-62   7-22-03   Authorizing the Acting City Manager to enter into a contract with the Charles H. Hamilton Company for the White Pillars Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project.
Res.2003-66   8-12-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lake Business Products for document remediation.
Res.2003-73   9-23-03   Authorizing the Acting City Manager to enter into an agreement with Loveland Youth Football, Inc. for the construction, operation and maintenance of a press box at Boike Park.
Res.2003-77   10-14-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Morton Salt for the 2003-2004 season.
Res.2003-83   10-28-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Camp Dresser McKee (CDM) for a storm water modeling in Loveland Heights.
Res.2003-84   10-28-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with RPC Mechanical, Inc. for upgrade of the City Hall HVAC system.
2003-90   12-9-03   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Tree Holiness Covenant of Peace for the purchase of 129 S. Second Street and 102 E. Broadway.
Res.2004-16   2-10-04   Authorizing the City Manager to extend the contract with Terry Construction, Inc. for the 2004 street improvement program.
Res.2004-17   2-10-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Trend Construction for storm water improvements on Sunrise Drive.
Res.2004-18   2-24-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase three pickup trucks.
Res.2004-31   4-27-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Loveland Youth Football, Inc. for the construction, operation and maintenance of a press box at Boike Park.
Res.2004-38   5-11-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Trend Construction for the installation of waterlines and fire hydrants on Elysian, Lowell, Venice, Oriole and Hanna.
Res.2004-44   6-8-04   Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 2005.
Res.2004-45   6-8-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (RFC) for wastewater service analysis.
Res.2004-49   7-13-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Benefits Cooperative, through the Center for Local Government to provide insurance benefits to eligible City employees.
Res.2004-50   7-27-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with ATC Associates, Inc. for additional testing, evaluation and documentation of the Veterans’ Memorial Park site.
Res.2004-51   7-27-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a participation agreement for the Ohio Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Plan.
Res.2004-52   7-27-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Eagles Windows and Doors of Cincinnati, LLC for replacement of certain City Hall windows.
Res.2004-62   9-14-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the Metropolitan Sewer District for sanitary sewer improvement projects.
Res.2004-67   10-12-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Morton Salt for the 2004-2005 season.
Res.2004-81   12-7-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the firm of Brandstetter Carroll for the purpose of developing the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Res.2004-82   12-7-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Trend Construction for the installation of waterlines and fire hydrants on Walker, Williams and Wakefield Streets.
Res.2004-85   12-14-04   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Trend Construction for improvements to Oak, Cedar, Ruth and Robin.
Res.2005-1   1-11-05   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into collective bargaining agreement with Fraternal Order of Police Ohio Valley Lodge #112 (FOP) (sworn police officer of rank of Sergeant and above).
Res.2005-2   1-11-05   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into collective bargaining agreement with Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) (sworn police officers of City).
Res.2005-8   1-25-05   Amends Res. 2005-1.
Res.2005-9   1-25-05   Amends Res. 2005-2.
Res.2005-11   2-22-05   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into agreement with McGill Smith Punshon, Inc. for design of White Pillards Homestead Restoration Plan.
Res.2005-20   3-22-05   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into agreement with Cincinnati United Contractors for work on Safety Service Building.
Res.2005-23   4-12-05   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into contract to purchase public works vehicles through Ohio Dept. of Administrative Services purchasing plan.
Res.2005-27   4-26-05   Authorizes license agreement for ZNXYZ, LLC, dba Paxton’s Grill outdoor seating area.
Res.2005-30   5-10-05   Consents to agreement between Bd. of Hamilton County Commissioners and Amano Cincinnati, Inc. within an Enterprise Zone of Hamilton County.
Res.2005-31   5-10-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter an agreement with Trend Construction for improvements to Maple Ave.
Res.2005-32   5-10-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter into contract with Terry Industries for City’s 2005 Street Improvement Program.
Res.2005-33   5-24-05   Authorizes City Manager to award contract to Langenheim and Thomson for construction of Gateway on Loveland Madeira Rd. at entryway into City near Public Works Building.
Res.2005-35   5-24-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter agreement of cooperation with Hamilton County pursuant to Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
Res.2005-36   6-14-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter agreements with Cincinnati for associate membership in Cincinnati Area Geographical Information System (CAGIS).
Res.2005-39   7-12-05   Authorizes license agreement for P.A. and M.K. Hook of 807 Glendon Dr. for basketball hoops.
Res.2005-40   7-12-05   Approves contract for public health services for 2006.
Res.2005-42   7-12-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter an agreement with Emergency Communications Network, Inc. for provision of Code Red TM Emergency Notification System through Center for Local Government.
Res.2005-43   7-26-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter mutual aid agreement with Clermont County.
Res.2005-49   8-9-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter agreement with Wilson-Feist, Inc. for renovation of White Pillars Homestead.
Res.2005-52   8-9-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter agreement with Timber Electric for repair of White Pillars Homestead.
Res.2005-62   9-27-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter agreement with Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati for replacement of Maple Avenue sanitary sewer.
Res.2005-65   10-11-05   Authorizes City Manager to enter contract with North American Salt for 2005-2006.
Res.2005-70   11-22-05   Authorizes Interim City Manager to enter agreement with Trend Construction for improvements to Five Points Intersection.
Res.2006-16   2-14-06   Authorizes agreement for concessions operations at Phillips Park with M. Ayers and S. Saad.
Res.2006-18   3-14-06   Authorizes contract with Trebor Electrical Contractors to install emergency generator for Loveland Safety Center.
Res.2006-19   3-14-06   Authorizes contract with Buckeye Power Sales to purchase an emergency generator for Loveland Safety Center.
Res.2006-20   3-14-06   Authorizes contract with Neptune Equipment to purchase water meters and meter reading equipment.
Res.2006-24   3-28-06   Authorizes extending contract with Terry Construction, Inc. for 2006 Road Rehabilitation Program.
Res.2006-25   3-28-06   Authorizes agreement with Loveland Youth Football, Inc. for construction of permanent bleachers at Boike Park.
Res.2006-29   4-25-06   Authorizes agreement with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc. for consulting services in planning for a family aquatic and recreation center.
Res.2006-41   5-9-06   Authorizes preliminary planning agreement with Great Traditions Land and Development Co. for Historic Downtown Revitalization and Job Creation Project.
Res.2006-49   6-13-06   Authorizes amendment to contract with Terry Industries for City’s 2006 Street Improvement Program.
Res.2006-51   6-27-06   Approves contract for public health services for 2007.
Res.2006-53   7-11-06   Authorizes agreement with Seitz Builders to construct salt storage facility.
Res.2006-58   8-8-06   Authorizes contract with Loveland Building and Remodeling, Jody Martin Inc., Henderson Security and EC Link for renovation of City Hall Council chambers.
Res.2006-59   8-8-06   Authorizes extending agreement with Great Traditions Land and Development Co. for Historic Downtown Revitalization and Job Creation Project.
2006-61   8-22-06   Authorizes agreement with Rivers Bend Farm, LLC for City to purchase 8 acres as open space in perpetuity, with annexation agreement.
Res.2006-68   8-22-06   Authorizes contract with Rumpke of Ohio for unlimited solid waste collection, disposal service and recycling.
Res.2006-74   9-12-06   Authorizing a contract with Donald J. Schonhardt & Associates.
Res.2006-77   9-26-06   Authorizing an agreement with the Loveland initiative for the provision of services to support low income Loveland residents in consideration for the City’s financial support for overhead expenses through the Community Development Block Grant Program.
2006-81   9-26-06   Authorizing a contract with North American Salt for road salt for the 2006-2007 winter season.
Res.2006-86   9-26-06   Authorizing a service agreement with the Clermont County Senior Services, Inc. for the provision of a Senior Center to serve the senior residents of the community.
Res.2006-88   10-10-06   Authorizing a wholesale water agreement with Western Water Company to ensure adequate fire flow protection in The Glens of Butterworth Subdivision.
Res.2006-94   11-14-06   Authorizing an agreement with Trend Construction for improvements to North State Route 48.
Res.2006-95   11-14-06   Authorizing an agreement with Trend Construction for the replacement of waterlines in Historic Downtown Loveland.
Res.2006-96   11-14-06   Authorizing an agreement with Sunesis Construction for the construction and installation of a skate park at Lever Park.
Res.2006-97   11-14-06   Authorizing an agreement with the American Ramp Company for the skateboard park equipment at Lever Park.
Res.2006-111   12-5-06   Authorizing an environmental covenant on behalf of the City.
Res.2006-114   12-12-06   Authorizing an agreement with Wilcox Architecture for design of a public works facility.
Res.2007-5   1-9-07   Authorizing an agreement with University of Cincinnati Institute of Policy Research for completion of City-wide citizen survey.
Res.2007-42   4-8-07   Authorizing a contract with Terry Industries for the City 2007 Street Improvement Program.
Res.2007-51   6-26-07   Approving a contract with the Hamilton County General Health District for public health services for 2008.
Res.2007-70   9-25-07   Authorizing a contract with North American Salt for road salt for the 2007-2008 winter season.
Res.2007-71   9-25-07   Authorizes an agreement with GBS Computer Solutions for the replacement of Mayor’s Court Software.
Res.2008-56   8-12-08   Approving the contract for Public Health Services for the year of 2009.
Res.2008-58   8-12-08   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Westerman Companies for the upgrade of the City of Loveland Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System.
Res.2008-59   8-26-08   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Comprehensive Facility Services for the renovation of the City Hall Finance and Tax Offices.
Res.2008-60   8-26-08   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with North American Salt Company for road salt for the 2008-2009 winter season.
Res.2008-68   10-14-08   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Evans Landscaping for road salt for the 2008-2009 winter season.
Res.2009-29   4-28-09   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Freeze Underground, LLC for construction of the City of Loveland/Clermont County Emergency Cross Connection Project.
Res.2009-53   8-11-09   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Fort Washington Investment Advisors Incorporated for Investment Advisor and Treasury Management Services.
Res.2009-54   9-8-09      Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Westside Paving & Excavating for the 2009 Lever Park Improvement Project.
Res.2009-55   9-8-09      Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Donald J. Schonhardt & Associates, Inc., to provide accounting and financial management consulting services for report years 2009, 2010, 2011.
Res.2009-58   9-22-09   Authorizing the City Manager to exercise the option of extending the Waste Collection Contract with Rumpke Waste for an additional year to expire October 31, 2010.
Res.2009-59   9-22-09   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Dataimage for printing and mailing of utility bills for the City.
Res.2012-8   2-14-12   Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with the State of Ohio for the resurfacing of State Route 48.
2012-12   2-14-12   Authorizing the City Manager to sign a corrected copy of the County Water Area Contract with Hamilton County.
Res.2012-21   3-13-12   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Innovative Concrete and Utility Construction, LLC for the 2012 Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
2012-60   6-26-12   Authorizing the City Manager to sign a corrected copy of the County Water Area Contract with Hamilton County.
Res.2012-61   6-26-12   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with G.M. Pipeline, Inc. for the waterline replacement on Fallis Road between Betty Ray Drive and Rich Road.
Res.2012-62   6-26-12   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with J K Excavating & Utilities, Inc. for the Park, Elm and Centre Waterline Replacement.
Res.2012-83   9-11-12   Approving the contract for public health services for the year of 2013.
Res.2012-88   10-23-12   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Carter Construction Co., Inc. for The Reserves of Loveland sanitary force main repair.
2013-6   1-22-13   Authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract with Independent Energy Consultants for the provision of energy brokerage consulting services.
Res.2013-11   2-12-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Choice One Engineering for City consulting services.
Res.2013-23   3-26-13   Authorizing the City Manger to enter into a contract with Necamp Construction Co. for the West Booster Pump Station.
Res.2013-24   3-26-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Strawser Construction, Inc., for the 2013 Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
Res.2013-37   4-23-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with CB and I Constructors, Inc., for the New Commerce Park 1M elevated water storage tank.
Res.2013-48   6-25-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cargill Deicing Technology for the purchase of road salt.
Res.2013-50   6-25-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with GM Pipeline, Inc., for the Twightwee Waterline Replacement.
Res.2013-51   6-25-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with JD Contracting Services, LLC for the Stoneybrook Storm Sewer Improvement Phase 1.
Res.2013-70   9-24-13   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Alt and Witzig Consulting Services to provide professional environmental consulting service.
2014-11   2-25-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Dixon Engineering, Inc. for the technical specifications, project administration, weld and painting inspections of the 0.5 MG east water storage tank.
2014-12   2-25-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Dixon Engineering, Inc. for the weld and painting inspections of the 0.5 MG west water storage tank.
2014-14   2-25-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Life Star Rescue, Inc. to purchase an ambulance through the State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services.
2014-23   3-11-14   Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a consulting contract with Slavin Management Consultants for recruitment of a City Manager for the City of Loveland.
2014-28   3-25-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. for the City of Loveland 2014 Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
2014-29   3-25-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Hendy, Inc. for the City of Loveland 2014 Sidewalk Replacement Project.
2014-33   4-8-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Auditor of the State of Ohio for professional auditing services.
2014-41   4-22-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rush Truck Centers to purchase an International Dump Truck through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Plan.
2014-42   4-22-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Fuller Ford, Inc. to purchase two Ford F250 trucks through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Plan.
2014-43   5-13-14   Approving the reduction of the bond amount for Butterworth Glen Subdivision Section 1 to $93,500.
2014-46   5-13-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract change order with Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. for the City of Loveland 2014 Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
2014-55   6-24-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cargill Deicing Technology for the purchase of road salt for the 2014-15 winter.
2014-58   7-8-14      Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Innovative Concrete & Utility Construction, LLC for the Fifth Street Reconstruction.
2014-59   7-8-14      Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Worldwide Industries, Corp, for the 2014 Ground Storage Tank Maintenance.
2014-60   7-22-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Sunesis Construction, LLC for the “Symmes Township, Hamilton County Union Cemetery Road, City of Loveland Waterline Replacement and Symmes Township Sidewalk improvements” project.
2014-69   8-12-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Donald J. Schonhardt & Associates, Inc.
2014-70   8-12-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract change order with Hendy, Inc. for the City of Loveland 2014 Sidewalk Maintenance Program.
2014-76   8-26-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rehrig Pacific Company for the purchase of wheeled recycling carts.
2014-78   8-26-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Old Dominion Brush Company to purchase a leaf vacuum machine through the National Joint Powers Alliance cooperating purchasing program.
2014-91   10-14-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Smeal Fire Apparatus Company for the purchase of fire apparatus through the Ohio Department of Administrative Services.
2014-99   11-11-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Diamond Quality Clean for janitorial services.
2014-100   11-11-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services with the Loveland Symmes Fire Department.
2014-101   11-11-14   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with G.M. Pipeline, Inc. for the Broadway Street Conduit Project.
2015-4   1-27-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with an electric supplier for publicly owned accounts.
2015-8   2-10-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Dixon Engineering, Inc., for the 0.5 MG Lever Park elevated water storage tank.
2015-15   3-10-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Barrett Paving Materials, Inc., for the Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
2015-19   3-24-15   Authorizing the City Manger to enter into a contract with Evans Landscaping for the demolition of the structure located at 897 Loveland Madeira Road.
2015-22   3-24-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Towne Construction Services, LLC for the Curb Repair and Road Rehabilitation Program.
2015-23   4-14-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Fuller Ford, Inc., to purchase one Ford F150 4x4 pickup truck.
2015-42   6-9-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lebanon Ford to purchase a police cruiser.
2015-43   6-9-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Compass Minerals for the purchase of road salt.
2015-52   7-14-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with J.K. Meurer Corp., for Heights Paving and Anniversary Park Improvements.
2015-60   8-11-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gametime c/o David Williams + Associates, Inc., for the purchase of playground equipment.
2015-65   8-25-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with L.C. United Painting Co., for the Lever Park Tank Maintenance.
2015-68   9-8-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with J.K. Meurer Corp., for the Historic Bike Trail Parking Spur.
2015-70   9-8-15   Awarding a contract for the demolition of 897 Loveland Maderia Road to Demolition Inc.
2015-78   10-13-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Sunesis Construction for the East Nature Preserve Pedestrian Bridge.
2015-93   12-8-15   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Diamond Quality Clean for janitorial services.
2016-2   1-12-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rumpke of Ohio for the provision of basic unlimited solid waste collection, disposal service and recycling for a five (5) year term.
2016-5   1-12-16   Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Capital Electric Line Builders for the installation of radar traffic detection on the downtown traffic signals.
2016-11   2-9-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Worthington Industries for the purchase of SCADA software and computers.
2016-13   2-9-16   Awarding the contract for the establishment of a Quiet Zone to Progress Rail Services.
2016-15   2-23-16   Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with WHP Training Towers for the design and construction of a fire training tower.
2016-20   3-8-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lebanon Ford to purchase a Public Works Department ½ ton Ford F150 pick-up truck through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Plan.
2016-24   3-22-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Statewide Ford to purchase a 2016 Ford Utility Interceptor Police Cruiser.
2016-25   3-22-16   Authorizing the City Manager to contract with J.K. Meurer, Corp. for the City of Loveland 2016 Street Repair Program.
2016-46   6-14-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Earth and Pipe Contracting for the East Loveland Sidewalk Project.
2016-47   6-14-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cargtill Deicing Technology for the purchase of road salt for the 2016-2017 winter.
2016-52   7-26-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with United-Maier Signs, Inc. for the City of Loveland Historic Downtown Signage and wayfinding, Phase 1 Programs.
2016-72   9-13-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Westside Paving & Excavating for the City of Loveland East Loveland Parking Lot Expansion and Resurfacing Project.
2016-99   12-6-16   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Diamond Quality Clean for janitorial services.
2016-108   12-13-16   Authorizing the City Manager to execute the second amendment to the Fire & EMS Services Contract between the City and the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department, Inc.
2017-3   1-10-17   Amending Resolution 2016-108 authorizing the City Manager to execute the Second Amendment to the Fire & EMS Services Contract between the City and the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department, Inc.
2017-4   1-10-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with The J.K. Meurer Corporation for the City of Loveland 2017 Street Repair Program.
2017-6   1-24-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lebanon Ford to purchase a Fire Service Vehicle through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Plan.
2017-16   2-14-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gametime c/o David Williams & Associates, Inc. for the purchase of park equipment and site work.
2017-36   4-11-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Worthington Industries for the supply and installation of Water Well Insertion Flow Meters.
2017-62   7-11-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lebanon Ford to purchase a 2017 Ford Utility Interceptor Police Cruiser.
2017-64   7-11-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Ford Development Corp. for Loveland Madeira Road Improvements.
2017-65   7-11-17   Awarding the contract for the State Route 48 Guardrail Project to J.K. Meurer.
2017-74   8-8-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Horton Emergency Vehicles for the purchase of a Horton Kenworth Ambulance through the Ohio Department of Administrative Services State of Ohio Contract.
2017-100   11-14-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Donald J. Schonhardt & Associates, Inc.
2017-106   11-28-17   Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with LANrm for the City’s Information Technology (IT) Managed Services.
2017-107   11-28-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with SmartBill for printing and mailing services for monthly utility bills.
2017-112   12-12-17   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Diamond Quality Clean for janitorial services.
2018-10   1-23-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Dixon Engineering, Inc., for the technical specifications, project administration, weld and painting inspections of the 1.0 MG White Pillars elevated water storage tank.
2018-23   2-13-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Southeastern Equipment Company, Inc., to purchase a 2018 Case backhoe through the Ohio State Purchasing Program.
2018-38   3-27-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with J.K. Meurer, Corp., for the City of Loveland 2018 Street Repair Program.
2018-56   5-9-18      Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Elex, Inc., for the W. Loveland Avenue/Loveland-Madeira Road Intersection Project.
2018-61   6-12-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gargill, Incorporated - Salt, Road Safety for the purchase of road salt for the 2018-2018 winter.
2018-64   6-26-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Sunesis Construction, Co. for the 2018 Heights Insert Valve Project.
2018-65   6-26-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Utility Service Co., for the 2018 Commerce Park and White Pillars Tank Maintenance.
2018-80   8-14-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mobilecomm for the removal of communication wiring from the Safety Center roof.
2018-102   9-11-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Enterprise Fleet Management for a lease of a new Police Cruiser.
2018-103   9-11-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Thomas J. Dyer for the supply and installation of new rooftop heating and air conditioning units at the Loveland Safety Center.
2018-105   9-25-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Fuller Ford to purchase a 2018 Ford F150 Pick-up Truck through the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Purchasing Plan.
2018-106   9-25-18   Authorizing the City to enter into a contract with William Kramer and Son, Incorporated for the Safety Center Roof Replacement Project.
2018-124   11-27-18   Amending McGill Smith Punshon (MSP) Contract for Safety Center Improvement Project and repealing Resolution 2018-73.
2018-129   12-11-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Corvus Janitorial Systems for janitorial services.
2018-133   12-18-18   Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gametime c/o DWA Recreation, Inc.
2019-7   1-22-19   Authorizing contract with the J.K. Meurer Corp. for the City of Loveland 2019 Street Repair Program.
2019-23   3-26-19   Authorizing contract with J.K. Meurer, Corp. for the East Kemper Road Storm Sewer Replacement.
2019-29   4-9-19      Authorizing contract with the Leo Brielmaier Company for Safety Center Improvements.
2019-34   4-24-19   Authorizing contract with Enterprise Fleet Management for the lease of a new Police vehicles.
2019-52   6-11-19   Authorizing contract with Cargill, Incorporated - Salt, Road Safety for the purchase of Road Salt for the 2019-2020 winter
2019-64   7-9-19      Authorizing contract with JNT Excavating, LLC for SR48 and Loveland-Miamiville Road Improvements.
2019-68   7-23-19   Authorizing contract with JW Brennan Excavating, LLC for Cedar Drive Water Main Replacement.
2020-20   2-11-20   Awarding a contract to Koch Construction Group for repairs to the Nisbet Park restrooms.
2020-24   2-11-20   Authorizing contract with Precision Cleaning Systems for janitorial services.
2020-27   2-25-20   Authorizing contract with Middletown Ford to purchase a 2020 Ford F-250 Truck through the Ohio State Purchasing Program.
2020-32   2-25-20   Authorizing contract with Fillmore Construction, LLC for the City of Loveland 2020 Street Repair Program.
2020-35   3-10-20   Authorizing contract with Middletown Ford to purchase a 2020 Ford Cargo Van through the Ohio State Purchasing Program.
2020-58   6-9-20      Authorizing contract with JW Brennan Excavating, LLC for the Phillips Park public sewer connection.
2020-67   7-14-20   Authorizing contract with the Henry P. Thompson Company for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system upgrades.
2020-88   9-8-20      Authorizing the City Manager to execute the amended and restated Warren County Drug Task Force Council of Governments Contract.
2021-14    1-26-21   Authorizing contract with Precision Cleaning Systems for janitorial services.
2021-17    2-9-21      Authorizing contract with JTM Smith Construction, Inc. for the Broadway Street Stabilization Project.
2021-22    2-23-21   Authorizing contract with J.K. Meurer Corp. for the City of Loveland 2021 Street Repair Program.
2021-23    2-23-21   Authorizing contract with Burgess & Niple for the engineering and design of the East Loveland Avenue roadway and drainage improvements project.
2021-37    4-13-21   Authorizing contract with JTM Smith Construction, Inc. for the Miamiview Drive Extension and Culvert Replacement Project
2021-38    4-13-21   Authorizing contract with Larry Smith, Inc. for the Butterworth Road Sewer Extension Project.
2021-39    4-13-21   Authorizing contract with DER Development Company, LLC for the Public Works Office/Garage Building.
2021-61    6-8-21      Authorizing contract with Burgess & Niple for the engineering and design of the East Loveland Avenue roadway and drainage improvements project, and repealing Resolution 2021-23.
2021-62    6-8-21      Authorizing contract with Compass Minerals America for the purchase of road salt for the 2021-2022 winter.
2021-67    7-14-21   Authorizing contract with Melink Solar and Geo for the installation of solar panels on the Public Works Building.
2021-68    7-14-21   Authorizing contract with Ford Development Corp. for the Main/Chestnut/Wall/Hill Water Main and Street Improvement Project.
2021-87    9-14-21   Authorizing contract with Enterprise Fleet Management for the lease of new police vehicles.
2021-90    9-29-21   Authorizing contract with Larry Smith, Inc. for the Heights Water Valve Replacement Project Phase II.
2021-94    10-12-21   Amending the contract of City Solicitor, Joseph Braun.
2022-5    1-11-22   Authorizing contract with J.K. Meurer, Corp. for the City of Loveland 2022 Street Repair Program.
2022-15    1-25-22   Authorizing contract with Playground Equipment Services, LLC for the purchase and installation of new playset at Phillips Park.
2022-18    2-8-22      Authorizing contract with the J.K. Meurer Corporation for the Loveland Safety Center Parking Improvement Project.
2022-20    2-8-22      Authorizing contract with Precision Cleaning Systems for janitorial services.
2022-38    4-25-22   Authorizing contract with Playground Equipment Services, LLC for the purchase and installation of a new gazebo at Nisbet Park.
2022-49   5-24-22   Authorizing contract with Cargill, Inc., - Salt, Road Safety for the purchase of road salt for the 2022-2023 winter.
2022-109   10-25-22   Authorizing contract with Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. for the completion of the Chestnut Street Groundwater Remediation Project.
2022-130   12-13-22   Authorizing contract with Playground Equipment Services, LLC for the purchase and installation of new playsets at the Navajo and Cherokee Tot-lots.
2022-131   12-13-22   Authorizing contract with Ohio CAT for the purchase of a mini hydraulic excavator and trailer.
2022-132   12-13-22   Authorizing contract with Precision Cleaning Systems for Janitorial Services.
2023-9   1-10-23   Authorizing contract with Prus Construction for completion of Railroad Avenue drainage improvements.
2023-12   1-10-23   Authorizing contract with Ohio CAT for the purchase of a mini hydraulic excavator and trailer and repealing Resolution 2022-131.
2023-23   2-28-23   Authorizing contract with J.K. Meurer, Corp. for the City of Loveland 2023 Street Repair Program.
2023-43   4-11-23   Awarding contract to complete the W. Loveland Avenue Bridge Congestion Mitigation Study to Burgess and Niple, Inc.