Metro Government may contract with independent wreckers and award contracts for independent wreckers to furnish supplementary emergency wrecker services to Metro Government. These services shall be performed on a 24-hour basis in addition to Metro Government wreckers. Metro Government shall determine the necessary qualifications for any independent contract wrecker. The wreckers shall be equipped to perform the services with efficiency and to conform with the towing charges set forth in writing by Metro Government. The wrecker is to protect Metro Government by furnishing evidence of insurance fully covered as to public liability, property damage, cargo, workman’s compensation, and any other insurance necessary in the performance of its duties, in a form and with limits of liability satisfactory to the Director of Works.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 75.27) (Lou. Ord. No. 108-1968, approved 5-29-1968; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 207-1988, approved 7-29-1988; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 163-1998, approved 8-4-1998, effective 12-1-1998; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 0126-2001, approved 10-12-2001; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 197-2003, approved 10-28-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2005, approved 5-17-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 94-2023, approved 8-3-2023)
No motor vehicle shall be released by the Vehicle Impoundment Division except on written order from the Vehicle Impoundment Division or a named designee.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 75.30) (Lou. Ord. No. 108-1968, approved 5-29-1968; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 207-1988, approved 7-29-1988; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 232-1988, approved 8-17-1988; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 163-1998, approved 8-4-1998, effective 12-1-1998; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 0126-2001, approved 10-12-2001; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 197-2003, approved 10-28-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2005, approved 5-17-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 94-2023, approved 8-3-2023)
It is unlawful for any person to attempt or to remove, damage, destroy, or tamper with an immobilizing device affixed to a vehicle by Metro Government or an entity contracted by Metro Government for enforcement of parking regulations on behalf of Metro Government. Vehicles impounded by use of an immobilizing device shall be released in the same manner provided in § 72.064. To the extent that any conduct declared unlawful under this section also constitutes a violation of any valid and applicable state law, then such unlawful conduct shall be punishable as provided by state law.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 40-2012, approved 3-19-12 and effective 5-3-2012) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) Metro Government may declare an amnesty period as described in this section. An amnesty period shall not exceed 30 days and may not be declared to begin less than 365 days following the conclusion of a prior amnesty period. Metro Government may waive all towing and storage fees for vehicle owners who pick up their vehicle from the Metro Government Tow Lot during the amnesty period.
(B) The amnesty period shall not apply to a vehicle impounded through the use of an immobilizing device under § 72.065.
(D) The amnesty period shall not waive towing and storage fees imposed by court order.
(E) The amnesty period shall not waive fees from parking citations.
(F) The amnesty period shall not apply to any vehicles which are impounded at a lot pursuant to a contract with Metro Government for the purpose of providing supplemental towing services.
(G) At the expiration of an amnesty period, all fees payable under this chapter shall resume in full effect.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 198-2021, approved 1-4-2022; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 94-2023, approved 8-3-2023)