(a)   The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in the P-CD District shall be determined by the following formula:
   (TSA/MLA) X 80% = permitted units per acre, where:
      (1)   TSA = the Total Site Area (in acres). TSA is determined by deducting the following from the total project area:
         A.    Any public right-of-way within the project boundary existing at the time the development plan is submitted; and
         B.    The area of land which may not be developed because it is within a floodway, Category 3 wetlands, existing water body, slopes over eighteen (18) percent, or land subject to an existing conservation easement, but only the amount of land that exceeds the minimum acreage required for restricted open space as set forth in Section 1156.08(a). Where floodways, wetlands, water bodies, or land subject to an existing conservation easement overlap, they shall be counted only once.
         C.    Any area devoted to nonresidential purposes.
      (2)   MLA = Minimum Lot Area (in acres). For the purposes of calculating the maximum density permitted, the minimum lot area factor shall be the stated minimum lot area for a single-family dwelling in the zoning district which would be replaced by the P-CD District.
      (3)   80% = A factor to account for public right-of-ways or private road easements required in a development.
      (4)    When the above formula produces a fractional value, the number shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
   (b)   Density Bonus. At the sole option of the Planning Commission, a bonus of additional housing units (beyond the number allowed according to Section 1156.05(a) above) is allowed when required open space is made available for general public use. For every whole acre of land devoted to walking/biking trails, equestrian trails, park areas or other required open space that is also available for general public use, up to one additional housing unit may be added to the overall number of housing units, provided however, that overall density does not increase by more than fifteen (15) percent beyond the number of units otherwise allowed by this section.