(a) Storage containers for municipal solid waste shall be made of durable, watertight, rust- resistant material having a closely-fitting lid and handles to facilitate collection.
(b) Storage containers for residences and businesses shall be of not less than ten gallon nor more than thirty-two gallon capacity, unless the containers are of the type that can be mechanically lifted and emptied by a collection vehicle, in which case they shall be of appropriate size and design. All storage containers shall be leak-proof.
(c) No person shall permit the accumulation of residue of liquids or solids or a combination of such materials on the bottom or sides of a container. The interior of a container shall be kept clean by thorough cleaning and sanitizing as often as necessary.
(d) Storage containers shall be kept in good repair. Containers with loosely fitting lids or doors or containing holes or cracks shall not be used.
(e) All storage containers designed for mechanical lifting shall be designed, constructed and placed to prevent accidental overturning. Such containers shall be constructed of fire retardant material. Standards of the Federal Consumer Product Safety Commission shall be used in determining compliance with this subsection.
(Ord. 92-08. Passed 8-5-92.)