A comprehensive set of construction plans and specifications shall be prepared and certified by a professional engineer licensed to practice in Virginia, which certifies that the minimum standards of this chapter are met. In addition, these plans and specifications must meet the requirements of 9 VAC 20-80 or 9 VAC 20-101. The following subsections emphasize details that must be included in the design:
(a) Site-Analvsis Information. The following information shall be submitted to support any application for a solid waste management facility, unless otherwise specifically noted in this chapter:
(1) An environmental inventory shall be provided which includes, but is not limited to, the following items:
A. A map, drawn to 1:2,400 scale (one inch equals 200 feet) on a sheet twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches, containing the following details located to National Map Accuracy:
1. Existing topography, with not greater than five-foot I intervals;
2. Planimetric detail, including swamps, marshes, ponds, wooded areas, buildings, roads, fence lines, utility structures, etc.;
3. The Virginia Coordinate Grid System, at 1,000-foot intervals, a location map and a north arrow.
B. A boundary survey and proposed operational limits;
C. A soils overlay map;
D. Delineation of critical environmental areas and other areas designated in Section 1080.16.
E. The location of all structures, pollution sources and wells (existing and proposed), known pollution sources and natural water sources on the site and within 2,000 feet outside the site boundary. An aerial photo is acceptable with proper labeling of structures.
F. Monthly prevailing wind direction as obtained from historical records for at least a twelve-month period.
(2) A report detailing investigations of hydrogeological and geotechnical conditions shall be submitted in accordance with 9 VAC 20-80, Part V, or as otherwise specifically required in this chapter.
(b) Construction Plans: Site Plans. A comprehensive plan detailing the design of the facility shall be submitted. Such plan shall meet all requirements of 9 VAC 20-80 or 9 VAC 20-101 and this chapter. Where a site plan for a proposed facility is required to be submitted under the Subdivision Regulations, such plan shall meet all of the requirements of such Regulations. In addition, plans shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The scale of this construction plan shall be as follows:
A. For facility sites up to ten acres in size, one inch equals fifty feet;
B. For facilities greater than ten to 200 acres, one inch equals 100 feet;
C. For facilities greater than 200 acres, one inch equals 200 feet. The Director may approve other scales or direct that additional scales be used for projects with special needs.
(2) Plans may be prepared and submitted for approval by phases, with a maximum of five years being incorporated in each phase.
(3) Survey monuments and benchmarks shall be constructed on-site and maintained unless the entire facility operation is housed within a structure.
(4) All fencing and barriers to be constructed at a facility shall be shown on the plans in full elevation and shall be fully dimensioned, and the type of construction materials shall be identified and specified. Fencing with controlled access may be required around the operational area, as determined by the Director.
(5) All utilities to be installed at a facility shall be shown in plan, section and profile, where applicable. The design shall initiate at a point of service connection, on-site or off-site, and be shown complete to the point of usage. Written assurances and easements from the provider that utility connections are available must be submitted. If community waste disposal and water facilities are not supplied, permits for all on-site waste disposal and water supplies are required.
(6) Roads and access shall be provided as follows:
A. Off-site access roads to the entrance of the solid waste management facility shall be a State maintained, paved road with a minimum pavement width of twenty feet.
B. An on-site, all-weather road negotiable by loaded solid waste transport vehicles shall be provided from the entrance gate to the unloading area on-site.
C. The unloading area shall be of adequate size and design to facilitate the rapid unloading of solid waste from collection vehicles, with minimum delay and confusion. A vehicle stacking area shall be provided on-site to prevent build-up on main roads.
D. Provision shall be made to minimize the tracking of debris or other material onto any public road and to ensure immediate clean-up of debris, mud, dirt or other material on roads in the vicinity of the site access.
(7) A firebreak of a minimum of fifty feet shall be maintained completely around the waste footprint, including stockpiled or decomposing material.
(c) Groundwater Monitoring Programs. Where required, a groundwater monitoring program consistent with the technical requirements of 9 VAC 20-80, Part V, shall be submitted.
(d) Surface Water Monitoring Programs.
(1) All solid waste management facilities, except those in which solid waste is stored, deposited, placed, processed or otherwise managed wholly within a closed building and no discharge is permitted other than to an approved sewage treatment system, require a surface water monitoring program as described in this subsection. Surface water sampling sites shall be located according to the following or as otherwise approved by the Director:
A. Upstream of the solid waste management facility on any stream, or catch out device;
B. Downstream of the solid waste management area on any stream;
C. From within any storm water management pond, or similar drainage device serving as a leachate control device for the facility; or
D. At the outfall of any storm water management, sediment control or other drainage device serving the site, or other locations as determined by the Director.
(2) Surface water samples shall be taken prior to acceptance of any waste and once every three months thereafter. The minimum parameters to be monitored shall be COD, BOD, TOC, TSS, pH, NH5N, NO3N, total phosphates and RCRA metals included as priority pollutants. Methods proposed for sampling and analysis shall be listed as acceptable methods for such parameters in the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations at the time of each monitoring event. This monitoring program may be conducted between the time of application for the zoning clearance and the beginning of waste storage and/or processing operations. The initial CTO will not be issued by the Director until background information is submitted and accepted. Subsequent CTO renewals will not be issued unless monitoring programs are current and quarterly reports have been received. Surface water monitoring shall be conducted within forty-five days of report submittal to the Director. Reports of quarterly surface water monitoring shall be provided to the Director by October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1 for the preceding quarter.
(3) Surface water sampling sites shall be accessible by utility vehicles for sampling and monitoring.
(Ord. 99-06. Passed 5-19-99.)
(e) Leachate Management Plans. A plan to manage leachate in accordance with 9 VAC 20-80 or 9 VAC 20-101 shall be included. Documentation, including prediction of qualities produced, proper treatment and disposal of all leachate and other effluents collected, will be provided to the Director by the applicant. Such documentation shall include a contractual agreement with the operators of an approved treatment facility and a contractual arrangement for the transporting of leachate to such site.
(f) Comprehensive Operational and Management Plans. A comprehensive operational and management plan in accordance with 9 VAC 20-80 or 9 VAC 20-101 shall be included.
(g) Comprehensive Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Plans. An erosion control and storm water management plan in accordance with these Codified Ordinances and this chapter shall be submitted and shall include provisions for the following:
(1) Erosion control. Temporary erosion control, including, but not limited to, diversion ditches, embankments, channels, vegetation growth, straw bales, grade stabilization, etc., as required by Chapter 1220 of these Codified Ordinances, shall be undertaken as needed to minimize erosion and deposition off-site. A grading permit from the Department of Building and Development is required before any land disturbing activity commences.
(2) Storm water management. Provisions shall be made to manage surface water at the solid waste management facility. Calculations indicating water quantities shall be calculated based on a twenty-four hour rainfall in inches to be expected once in twenty-five years. Design construction plans shall show the following:
A. All ditches and surface drainage facilities, fully dimensioned, indicating gradient and elevations.
B. Diversion ditches constructed, fully dimensioned, indicating length, gradient and cross-sectional configuration. Side slopes of diversion ditches shall not be greater than two horizontal to one vertical or fifty percent.
(Ord. 99-06. Passed 5-19-99.)