Beginning at the Goose Creek bridge crossing over State Route 7; thence east along State Route 7 to its intersection with Claiborne Parkway; thence south along Claiborne Parkway to its intersection with Gloucester Parkway; thence northwest along Gloucester Parkway to its junction with Belmont Ridge Road; thence south along Belmont Ridge Road to its intersection with the Washington & Old Dominion Trail; thence northwest along the Washington & Old Dominion Trail to its intersection with Goose Creek; thence north along Goose Creek to the point of beginning at the Goose Creek bridge crossing over State Route 7.
(Ord. 05-06. Passed 6-16-05; Ord. 05-08. Passed 7-19-05; Ord. 09-02. Passed 1-12-09; Ord. 11-05. Passed 4-26-11; Ord. 11-17. Passed 11-15-11.)