Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, in the case of an abandoned motor vehicle on private property, the owner or person in control of the private property may send a notice, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of record of the motor vehicle and all persons having security interests therein of record in the office of the State Department of Motor Vehicles, describing the motor vehicle by year, make, model and serial number, and advising that unless the vehicle is reclaimed and removed within thirty days from the date of the notice, such owner and all persons having security interests in the vehicle shall be deemed under this section to have waived all right, title and interest in the vehicle. If the motor vehicle is not reclaimed by the owner of record or any person having a security interest therein of record within thirty days from the date of the notice, the owner of the private property upon which the motor vehicle was abandoned may apply to the State Department of Motor Vehicles for a title to such vehicle.
   The provisions of this section shall apply only to motor vehicles registered in the State.
(Ord. 93-03. Passed 3-17-93.)