   (a)   The County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to erect, or to have erected and installed an official parking regulation signs or markers restricting the use of County parking garages and surface lots, specifying, among other factors, the maximum allowable length of time during which a vehicle may be parked at various locations in said lots and designating restricted parking areas or spaces. Such official parking regulation signs or markers shall be erected at locations which will notify a reasonably observant person of the applicable parking garage or surface lot restrictions.
   (b)   The School Board or its designee is hereby authorized to erect, or to have erected and installed, official parking regulation signs or markers restricting the use of school parking lots, specifying the maximum allowable period of time during which a vehicle may be parked at various locations in said lots and designating restricted parking areas. Such official parking regulation signs or markers shall be erected at locations which will notify a reasonably observant person of the applicable parking lot restrictions. No person shall park a motor vehicle at any location on school property unless parking at that location is authorized by the School Board or its designee and unless such authorization is clearly designated by posted signs or markers.
   (c)   No person shall park any motor vehicle on County or school property in such a manner as to impede or restrict the parking, entrance or exit of other motor vehicles.
   (d)   No person shall park any motor vehicle in violation of the restrictions designated on the official parking regulation signs or markers erected on County or school property pursuant to this chapter.
   (e)   Commercial activity in County parking garages or surface lots is prohibited. Nothing shall be offered for sale or sold, rented or traded in or on said parking garages and surface lots, except as otherwise permitted by the County Administrator.
   (f)   No skateboarding, in-line skating or any other form of recreational activity is permitted in County and school parking garages or surface lots.
   (g)   Abandoned vehicles at the County parking garages or surface lots may be removed by the Sheriff or his or her designee at the direction of the County Administrator or his or her designee.
   (h)   Overnight parking in the County owned or leased parking garages and surface lots is prohibited, except by County employees and officials engaged in County business, and only upon display of a parking permit issued by the County Administrator or his or her designee.
   (i)   Vehicles shall not occupy more than one space.
(Ord. 96-06. Passed 9-4-96; Ord. 19-19. Passed 12-11-19.)
   (a)   Ashburn (South) Parking Garage.
      (1)   The Ashburn South parking garage site is located within the Moorefield Station Development, south of the Dulles Greenway and north west of the Ashburn South Metrorail Station kiss-n-ride and bus bay elements. The six-level parking garage provides pedestrian access to Silver Train Street (to the west, street level), and Croson Lane (to the east, street level).
      (2)   Parking is available to the public for a fee and any restrictions, to include hours of operation, form of payment, dedicated spaces and restricted parking areas or spaces, will be posted at the garage on official parking regulation signs or markers.
   (b)   County Government Center Parking Garage.
      (1)   The County Government Center Parking Garage is restricted to parking for County government business only during regular business hours. During those hours, parking for the public transacting County business is provided on Level One. Levels Two, Three and Four are reserved for parking by County employees and officials.
      (2)   At all other times, public parking is permitted until 12:00 midnight, at which time the Garage shall be considered closed. The Garage will reopen at 6:00 a.m. on the following day. At the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, and for a specific community purpose, the County Administrator or his or her designee shall be authorized to extend the time of closing of the Garage.
   (c)   Courthouse Surface Parking Lot.
      (1)   The County Parking Surface lot is located on the east side of Church Street in Leesburg, across from the Loudoun County Courts Complex, shall be referred to as the Courthouse Lot. The Courthouse Lot shall be reserved for handicapped parking for the Loudoun County Courts Complex and parking by personnel of the Loudoun County Courts Complex. One space in the Courthouse Lot shall be reserved for the Commonwealth's Attorney and one space shall be reserved for the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The Courthouse Surface Parking Lot also includes the lot at the southwest intersection of North Street N.E. and Slack Lane N.E. commonly referred to as the “Semones Lot”.
   (d)   Loudoun Gateway Parking Garage.
      (1)   The Loudoun Gateway Parking Garage is located on a portion of Dulles International Airport property, land leased by the County, and has vehicular access to Lockridge Road, Route 789 (to the east, to/from the second level) and the Station Access Road (to the north, at ground level).
      (2)   Parking is available to the public for a fee and any restrictions, to include hours of operation, form of payment, dedicated spaces and restricted parking areas or spaces, will be posted at the garage on official parking regulation signs or markers.
   (e)   Loudoun Gateway Surface Parking Lot.
      (1)   The Loudoun Gateway Surface Lot is located adjacent to the Loudoun Gateway Parking Garage.
      (2)   Parking is available to the public for a fee and any restrictions, to include hours of operation, form of payment, dedicated spaces and restricted parking areas or spaces, will be posted at the garage on official parking regulation signs or markers.
   (f)   Pennington Parking Garage. The Pennington Parking Garage is located at the terminus of the public access of Church Street, N.E. and one block north of the intersection of Church Street, N.E. and North Street, N.E., Leesburg, Virginia.
   (g)   Pennington Surface Parking Lot. The Pennington Surface Parking Lot is located adjacent to the Pennington Parking Garage.
   The County Administrator is authorized to post official parking regulation signs or markers designating reserved and restricted parking in the County owned or leased parking garages and surface lots. The official parking regulation signs or markers shall be erected at locations which will notify any reasonably observant person of the parking restrictions. In addition, the County Administrator is authorized to issue parking passes to be displayed by personnel authorized to park in designated County parking garages or surface parking lots that are subject to parking rates.
(Ord. 96-06. Passed 9-4-96; Ord. 11-04. Passed 4-11-11; Ord. 19-19. Passed 12-11-19.)