Where the public water supply is reasonably accessible and available to the proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall construct a complete water distribution system which shall adequately serve all lots and which shall include appropriately spaced fire hydrants, and this system shall be properly connected with the public water supply. Where a public water supply is not within a reasonable distance or otherwise available, the subdivider shall normally be required to construct a similar water distribution system and connect it with an alternative supply approved by the County or Ohio Department of Health or Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. If the County Board of Health approves the use of individual wells, lot sizes shall meet the approval of the County Board of Health.
   All water mains, when and if constructed, shall be at least six inches in diameter, unless the Fire Chief and the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs have certified that larger mains are required or that smaller mains are adequate for fire protection and future extensions. All provisions of Chapter 1032 (Water) of these Codified Ordinances shall be adhered to.
(Ord. 1433. Passed 2-2-76; Ord. 75-96. Passed 11-18-96.)