A violation of this article shall subject the violator to the following:
1. An action in the Superior Court of the State of California to recover all actual damages resulting from a violation of this article.
2. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs awarded by a court to a plaintiff that prevails in an action against a Third-party Food Delivery Service. If plaintiff fails to prevail against a Third-party Food Delivery Service, a court may award reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs to the Third-party Food Delivery Service upon a determination by the court that the plaintiff’s action was frivolous.
3. A civil action alleging a violation of any provision of this article shall commence only after the following requirements have been met:
(a) Written notice is provided to the Third-party Food Delivery Service of the provisions of the article alleged to have been violated and the facts to support the alleged violation; and
(b) The Third-party Food Delivery Service is provided 15 days from the date of the written notice to cure any alleged violation.