The following words and phrases, whenever used in this article, shall be construed as defined in this section. Words and phrases not defined herein shall be construed as defined in Section 12.03 of this Code, if defined therein.
A. Housing Accommodation. All dwelling units, efficiency dwelling units, guest rooms, and suites, as defined in Section 12.03
of this Code; all housing accommodations as defined in Government Code Section 12927; and duplexes, condominiums, and single family residences in the City of Los Angeles, rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, the land and buildings appurtenant thereto, and all housing services, utilities, privileges, furnishings and facilities supplied in connection with the use or occupancy thereof, including garage and parking facilities. This term shall also include mobile homes, whether rent is paid for the mobile home and the land upon which the mobile home is located or for the land alone.
B. Person. Any natural person, firm, association, partnership, limited partnership, organization, entity, business, trust, limited liability company, joint venture, corporation, estate, or trust and any agent or employee thereof.
C. City. The City of Los Angeles.
D. Source of Income. Any lawful source of income, rental assistance, subsidy, or financial aid from any person, including but not limited to a federal, state or local government, or non-profit or charitable agency, whether paid directly to the program participant, landlord or their representative, including but not limited to the Section 8 voucher program, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s Rapid Re- Housing program or any other housing subsidy program, homeless assistance or prevention program or security deposit assistance program.